F3: Developer Ecosystem gravatar F3: Developer Ecosystem

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 250K

Write Dapps as continuous workflows

$7,000 Received
$7,000 Requested

Solution: 在Haskell单体中表达整个程序流程,该单体为微服务设置HTTP端点并使用Plutus端点

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 2.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

West Africa Decentralized Alliance

$31,885 Requested

Solution: 为解决方案设计创建一个Cardano资源中心网络,以便在整个西非地区发挥当地的影响力并让开发者入职。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 12.754% of the fund.
0 (1)

Welcome to Cardano, developer!

$25,200 Requested

Solution: 我们将创建一个最新的路标,一种开发者门户网站,所有的信息都可以在这里找到。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 10.08% of the fund.
0 (1)

Wallet Name System (WNS)

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个去中心化的网络,将名字和其他信息映射到钱包地址上,很像互联网的DNS,但却是针对钱包的。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 12% of the fund.
0 (1)

Visual Studio Smart Contract Plugin

$16,450 Received
$16,450 Requested

Solution: 该插件将通过创建一个模板项目和如何开始的说明,简化你在Cardano上创建智能合约的方式。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 6.58% of the fund.
0 (1)

Tatum.io - Cardano integration

$15,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将在我们的平台上实现对Cardano的全面支持–钱包、代币、赌注。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 6% of the fund.
0 (1)

StakeSync - DB Sync & Smash Add-on

$9,000 Requested

Solution: StakeSync gathers & computes various live data (e.g. balances, delegations, pool metadata) from DB Sync and Smash into an extra database.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 3.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Python module

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个Python模块,实现钱包、地址、密钥、交易等的基类,并提供结构良好的异常树。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
funded Awarded 4% of the fund.
0 (1)

Ouroboros Networking Rust Crate

$7,000 Requested

Solution: Develop server-side Ouroboros Networking Protocol as part of our already existing client-side Rust crate / library.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 2.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

Orphic CLI Connector to BigCommerce

$55,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的CLI连接了各种API,如BigCommerce Checkout-JS和Ruby on Rails等网络工具。这些CLI是用Ruby、Golang、JS构建的。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
not approved Requested 22% of the fund.
0 (1)

Metadata oracles explorer

$6,000 Received
$6,000 Requested

Solution: 我们希望建立一个公共的元数据神谕探索器,作为开发者了解神谕的一个去处。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
funded Awarded 2.4% of the fund.
0 (1)

Metadata oracle node

$23,000 Received
$23,000 Requested

Solution: We want to build an operator-friendly node software and would lower the barrier of entry for new oracle operators.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
funded Awarded 9.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Metadata oracle endpoint in Yoroi

$1,200 Requested

Solution: 我们想实现一个新的Yoroi后端端点,它将提供元数据神谕数据点。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 0.48% of the fund.
0 (1)

Marlowe and Plutus Mobile

$19,000 Requested

Solution: To build a mobile interface for making ASTs that focuses mainly on Cardano languages. Also a server to manage compilation and collaboration.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 7.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Localize Yoroi for Slovak market

$2,300 Requested

Solution: Provide Yoroi with a localized Slovak interface. This needs to be up to date with each new Yoroi update and coordinated with translators.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 0.92% of the fund.
0 (1)

Localize Yoroi for Czech market

$2,300 Requested

Solution: 为Yoroi提供一个本地化的捷克界面。这需要随着Yoroi的每次新的更新而更新,并与翻译人员协调。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 0.92% of the fund.
0 (1)

Liqwid Developer Portal:Cardano SDK

$53,000 Received
$53,000 Requested

Solution: 1.用于Cardano和Liqwid协议的JavaScript SDK。该SDK围绕Adrestia JS SDK。 2.甲骨文公开价格饲料SDK 3.安卓SDK

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
funded Awarded 21.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Lightweight KEVM Emulator

$20,000 Requested

Solution: We build a fully open source cross platform and multi arch lightweight framework since 2019. EVM and WASM module is in closed beta now.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 8% of the fund.
0 (1)

Legitimatize blockchain solutions

$1,200 Requested

Solution: 我们将为巴西的区块链交易带来司法效力,确保Cardano的DApps和开发者生态系统的责任。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 0.48% of the fund.
0 (1)

Infura-like Cardano API IaaS

$9,000 Requested

Solution: Provide fast, rich and reliable API access to Cardano for developers and applications through HTTPS and websockets on mainnet and testnets.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 3.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Implement CIP12 to Yoroi backends

$930 Received
$930 Requested

Solution: 我们将实施CIP12通信到Yoroi后端软件。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
funded Awarded 0.372% of the fund.
0 (1)

Goguen Launch Global Hackathon

$80,000 Requested

Solution: 与Hackethon.com合作,该公司是黑客马拉松服务的最大供应商之一,可举办世界级的黑客马拉松活动。

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 32% of the fund.
0 (1)

Free-Commerce: sell online with ADA

$35,000 Requested

Solution: To build opensource, intermediary & commission-free payment integrations with ADA & native tokens which flows directly from buyer to seller.

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 14% of the fund.
0 (1)

Educational materials about Cardano

$15,000 Requested

Solution: Everstake is ready to create many educational materials about Cardano and distribute them among our customer base

Fund: Fund 3 Challenge: F3: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 6% of the fund.
0 (1)