F7: Nation Building Dapps gravatar F7: Nation Building Dapps

What core Dapp solutions can be provided for widespread governments adoption in the developing world?

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 600K

Voted Targets 2222

$120,000 Requested

Solution: 公民通过Dapp对积极分子的目标进行投票,目标实现日期可以从2022年起延长1到200年。用代币进行激励

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
1.5 (12)

Vaccine Management Platform + APIs

$32,000 Received
$32,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的健康解决方案将提供。(a)为医生提供的疫苗信息系统,(b)疫苗验证平台,(c)为开发者提供的API。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 5.333% of the fund.
4.44 (9)

Universal Tourism Payment System

$78,000 Received
$78,000 Requested

Solution: 基于ADA的支付Dapp–将游客的消费带到国内–保持–追踪。颁发访问签证,要求使用政府的无现金增值税支付计划。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 13% of the fund.
4.5 (12)

The UltraLife Metaverse Quick Pitch

$1 Requested

Solution: 可组合的NFTs创造了一个元宇宙,土地、财产和人可以在区块链技术的原则下互动。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 0% of the fund.
1.72 (18)

SOIL: New frontiers

$42 Requested

Solution: 允许文化边界的发现,让人们认领他们觉得依恋的土地。允许重合!

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 0.007% of the fund.
1.61 (18)

Smart Contracts and the Law

$32,000 Requested

Solution: 制定具有约束力的仲裁方案,以解决争端。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
over budget Requested 5.333% of the fund.
2.87 (15)

Sign documents with smart contracts

$119,000 Requested

Solution: 我们想在Cardano上上传常规文件,并围绕它们建立一个基本的智能合约。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
over budget Requested 19.833% of the fund.
3.96 (24)

SHIELD Dapp for African Nation

$54,000 Requested

Solution: 针对关键部门的虚拟解决方案使SHiELD Dapp很容易适应并融入人民和政府的日常互动中。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 9% of the fund.
2.41 (27)

Regulation/legislation as code repo

$90,000 Requested

Solution: 一个社区管理的法律/法规的开源平台,任何人都可以在此基础上做出贡献,并建立一个法律资格工具来帮助人们。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
over budget Requested 15% of the fund.
4.33 (9)

Public Task and Job Management

$24,000 Requested

Solution: 建立感性的协议和透明的资金机制,让公民创造、完善和执行任务/工作。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 4% of the fund.
3.67 (12)

Personal Identity Management

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 一个基于高清钱包的身份解决方案,管理你的在线存在和认证。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
over budget Requested 4.167% of the fund.
4.11 (9)

Paperless Cross-Border Trade

$146,960 Received
$146,960 Requested

Solution: 将TradeTrust互操作性框架转移到Cardano,以促进电子贸易文件的低成本可信互操作性。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 24.493% of the fund.
4.83 (18)

Open Data Public Notary

$15,600 Received
$20,800 Requested

Solution: Denotarious.io是一个存储存在时间戳证明的解决方案,可供公民和政府在Cardano上使用。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
funded Awarded 3.467% of the fund.
4.56 (9)

NFT for food value chain resilience

$5,000 Received
$5,000 Requested

Solution: 我们用小农户持有的NFT建立了一个经过验证的食品信息和认证系统,利用ADA奖励可持续的做法。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 0.833% of the fund.
4.17 (12)

Nation-ready scalability research

$37,500 Received
$75,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将对一种称为 "天真滚动 "或有时称为 "懒惰滚动 "的可扩展性解决方案进行新的研究。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
funded Awarded 12.5% of the fund.
3.17 (18)

Municipalism via Cardano

$92,160 Requested

Solution: 利用Cardano区块链,通过一个为全球范围内的集体所有权而设计的可扩展的平台,赋予当地社区权力。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 15.36% of the fund.
2.67 (12)

Lost |&| Found

$24,000 Received
$24,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个去中心化的系统,将丢失的物品与所有者联系起来,将DID和数字钱包作为支持子系统的一部分。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 4% of the fund.
4.33 (12)

Landano: Cardano land registry Dapp Quick Pitch

$74,044 Received
$98,725 Requested

Solution: Landano通过Dapp和代币化地籍图登记土地所有权。交易由当地法律专业人士进行,具有法律约束力。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
funded Awarded 16.454% of the fund.
4.33 (15)

Infrastructure/Fund tracking system

$60,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个分散的平台,政府可以跟踪和监督基础设施项目和资金的使用,以避免腐败。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 10% of the fund.
2.14 (21)

Infrastructure & Blockchain

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 使用区块链创建一个协议,可用于在地方一级规划、开发和关闭项目–智能合约。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 4.167% of the fund.
2.72 (18)

Infrastructure & Blockchain

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 使用区块链创建一个协议,可用于在地方一级规划、开发和关闭项目。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 4.167% of the fund.
2.67 (9)

Informal sector asset tracker

$85,000 Requested

Solution: 一个使用带有相关价值的物品照片的电话Dapp。 电话到电话的资产转移,可选择在区块链上进行PoAO。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 14.167% of the fund.
2.83 (12)

Global Project Crowd-Sourcing

$112,358 Requested

Solution: 使个人的社会投资民主化。通过自愿的、匿名的投资者在全球范围内改善基础设施。最终取代税收。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 18.726% of the fund.
2.5 (12)

Global Change Mgmt Operating System

$280,000 Requested

Solution: 一个信息收集系统,旨在支持国际合作发展、解决方案的实施和资源交付。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 46.667% of the fund.
2.27 (15)