F8: Gamers On - Chained gravatar F8: Gamers On - Chained

What Blockchain gaming applications should be developed to achieve mass adoption of Cardano?

Campaign Brief

We need to increase brand awareness of Catalyst amongst the entrepreneur gaming community and propose a way for gamers to be onboarded into the Cardano ecosystem through the thing they love, gaming. These proposals can take the form of building out a Cardano based game, a dev tool or SDK for Cardano based game development, a blockchain layer that integrates with existing games, or anything else that prioritizes gamers or game developers as its end user.

There are 2.5 billion gamers out there. These gamers are looking for their route into crypto in a fun and rewarding way. Let's provide them a library of games and integrations to choose from, solidifying Cardano as the go to blockchain for gaming.

Lets on-chain these gamers.

Why is it important?

Gamers are ready to enter crypto. They just need a clear blockchain with enjoyable applications to engage on.

What does success look like?

Cardano becomes the go to blockchain to develop gaming applications due to its quality tooling and wide gamer centric user base.

Key Metrics to measure

  • Total users of gaming based applications built on Cardano
  • Number of gaming based applications building/built on Cardano
  • Amount of value made by gamers in play-to-earn applications
  • Number of CNFTs made specifically for gaming
  • Number of fungible tokens made specifically for gaming
  • Number of gaming based content creators that have come to Cardano
  • Number of gaming tournaments hosted for Cardano native assets
  • Number of proposals submitted to this challenge
  • Amount of comments and kudos given to submitted proposals
  • Amount of ADA voted on proposals in this challenge
  • Amount of Wallets voted on proposals in this challenge
  • Amount and evolution of gaming based tokens and wallets
Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 500K

ZiberBugs NFT Autobattler game

$46,315 Requested

Solution: 创建一个互动的沉浸式复杂游戏,吸引从儿童到成人的许多阶层的游戏者。使他们能够通过游戏来赚钱。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
not approved Requested 9.263% of the fund.
4.11 (27)

Ye₳stBrothers- SC based game

$6,500 Requested

Solution: 我们的目标是开发一个基于智能合约的CNFT游戏,它围绕着制作个人的CNFT。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 1.3% of the fund.
2.05 (21)

World of Pirates - POTM Campaign #3

$9,800 Requested

Solution: 通过我们的 "每月一卒 "活动,我们出售1个NFT(后来在我们的游戏中使用),让所有的人都知道野生动物的问题。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 1.96% of the fund.
4.63 (24)
$20,400 Requested

World of Pirates Quick Pitch

$20,400 Requested

Solution: 海盗世界把玩家放在第一位,提供一个有趣的在线免费游戏,任何玩家都可以在不支付一分钱的情况下玩这个游戏!

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 4.08% of the fund.
4.51 (39)

Trybbles:Blockchain-Enabled AR Pets

$239,900 Requested

Solution: 一个虚构的世界,有2个初始版本:一个传统的冒险游戏和一个基于区块链的NFT体验,连接了社区。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
not approved Requested 47.98% of the fund.
3.89 (9)

Three.js for 3D-Webaverse games

$9,500 Requested

Solution: 我们的目标是开发一个反应组件库工具,使游戏开发者能够轻松地建立钱包集成的3D环境(开放源代码)。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 1.9% of the fund.
2.1 (21)

The next generation Tower Defense G

$150,000 Requested

Solution: Alonia的目标是提供一个具有以下特点的游戏。 竞争的深度有趣和有吸引力的人物可持续的经济为游戏者提供额外的收入

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
not approved Requested 30% of the fund.
3.89 (18)

The Crypt Game

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 将个人数据汇总游戏化,便于数据收集、用户参与和坚持。游戏使健康追踪变得有趣和简单

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 10% of the fund.
3.3 (27)

Streaming Cardano based games

$880 Received
$880 Requested

Solution: 我想流传一些围绕Cardano建立的游戏。希望在吸引眼球的同时也能成为一个讨论的平台。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
completed Awarded 0.176% of the fund.
3.08 (24)

Shadowrealms play to earn card game

$65,000 Requested

Solution: 为全世界的人们开发一个玩得起的NFT游戏的未来 通过世界各地的NFT建立收入

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 13% of the fund.
3.42 (45)

Road To Royals Card game

$22,000 Requested

Solution: Road To Royals卡牌游戏是一种廉价且容易上手的卡牌,至少需要1张卡牌才能玩,更大的卡牌也可以玩。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
not approved Requested 4.4% of the fund.
3.75 (12)

Play To Earn Marketplace

$64,500 Requested

Solution: 我想为游戏玩家和开发者创造一个收入来源。就像Youtuber成为主流一样,我想让游戏成为一种职业。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 12.9% of the fund.
2.07 (15)

PlayerMint Play-to-Earn Marketplace

$33,333 Received
$50,000 Requested

Solution: 一个从玩到赚的协议,奖励现有游戏的表现,如Fortnite。赚取的代币可以在NFT市场上消费。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
funded Awarded 10% of the fund.
4.68 (63)

PlayCardano.com ADA Prediction Game

$55,000 Requested

Solution: 一个成功的世界杯预测游戏在一个新的游戏目的地。PlayCardano.com 在平台的所有游戏中消费并赢得ADA。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 11% of the fund.
3 (15)

On-Chain Tilemaps for Game Worlds

$9,500 Requested

Solution: 一个开源的标准,用于创建具有链式瓦片图的世界。第一个加入的瓦片图将是CC0,可用于所有的Cardano。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 1.9% of the fund.
3.96 (27)

OMIMIMO The Pure Water Game

$59,000 Requested

Solution: 通过保护纯净水和稀有物种来开发未来的价值储存。 建立游戏者的认知能力和自然知识。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 11.8% of the fund.
4.17 (36)

No more rug pull

$120,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个教育人们的平台,锁定NFT开发者的身份,在固定的日期内揭晓,并取代被拉动的NFT的地毯。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 24% of the fund.
2.24 (33)

No-code NFT minting - Revelar

$30,000 Received
$36,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个简单的网络应用,让任何艺术家上传他们的艺术层,选择稀有度算法,并导出所有最终资产,准备作为NFT的铸币。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
funded Awarded 7.2% of the fund.
4.74 (27)

NFT Battle Royale Game for Cardano

$100,000 Requested

Solution: Pangaea Kingdom的解决方案是创建一个互动的游戏–"社交游戏 "概念。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 20% of the fund.
3.57 (42)

NFC Play to earn cloths battle game

$10,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将用我们从套餐中获得的所有收入来筹集资金(后面会解释)。而我们用这些钱来改善工作条件。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 2% of the fund.
2.89 (27)

Mobile Cardano based crafting game

$3,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的目标是开发基于Cardano的react-native应用,适合大众使用。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 0.6% of the fund.
3 (12)

Milkomeda for Cardano unity assets

$13,200 Received
$13,200 Requested

Solution: 创建Unity(游戏引擎)GameObjects资产,使Unity开发人员能够轻松地与Milkomeda互动。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
completed Awarded 2.64% of the fund.
4.07 (15)

Migration of Mobile AR MMORPG

$94,000 Requested

Solution: 为了应对主流玩家对NFT的反感,游戏将不需要加密货币钱包来开始游戏。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
over budget Requested 18.8% of the fund.
4.17 (24)


$137,417 Received
$137,417 Requested

Solution: 吸引25亿游戏玩家的唯一方法是制作更高质量和有趣的游戏,以真正享受和娱乐,而不仅仅是为了赚钱。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Gamers On - Chained
completed Awarded 27.483% of the fund.
4.73 (15)