Let's Take a Moment to Lido:

Blocks, Tokens, & Other News

Welcome back to this little series of recent highlights from Lido Nation. A few months ago, the Cardano Foundation contributed their 14.5M ada delegation to our LIDO stake pool. Before that influx of capital, LIDO only saw around 200,000 ada staked. This amount wasn’t sufficient to consistently mint blocks for our delegators––who were contributing to our work for sporadic rewards out of the kindness of their hearts. We want to express our gratitude for your belief in our work. Your delegations were a foundation from which we could grow. And boy, oh boy, did we ever!

Today we are happy to announce that even after the Cardano Foundation’s delegation has moved on to help another small pool, we are now at over 2.3M ada in delegations. This, over 10x in capital delegated to our pool, allows us to now mint blocks every single epoch! We have all of you (and someone a bit furrier) to thank for this. All that and some exciting new ways LIDO delegators can get their hands on some other free tokens in the Stake Pool section below!

Before we move on, we want you to know that our own Darlington Kofa is in the middle of a run for Catalyst Circle. You can log onto DripDropz.io/vote right now and follow the instructions to vote for the members of the upcoming Circle. If you’d like to learn more about the Catalyst Circle and see the candidate statements delivered at a recent meeting hosted by Bullish Dumpling, go to this video. You can also go to this link and find the relevant slides from the last Catalyst Townhall that covered the topic quite well. To follow the live results, use this link. Voting ends on Friday, Nov 16, 21:43 UTC (end of the epoch). Look to our Stake Pool section below to find out how Lido Nation is incentivizing voting from any staked wallet!

Now, let’s get on with today’s updates!

Catalyst Explorer

As fund ten soon arrives in the second half of Q1 in 2023, Lido Nation has had plenty of time to test and refine recent upgrades mentioned in our last Moment to Lido. Our Catalyst Explorer, and all the other functions now contained within it, have become the start of LidoNation’s response to the current lack of documentation in these early days of building and development on Cardano and for the benefit of Project Catalyst and all who participate in it.

We are confident that the best uses for the Catalyst Explorer have yet to be discovered. This is why we encourage you and your teams to take a look for yourselves, test things out, and get used to navigating through various projects in myriad ways. As always, feel free to comment below, send us a message on our connect page, or DM Lido Nation on Twitter to share what you’ve learned about new ways we can all utilize the data from the proposal stage into assessments and even into the monthly reports.


During our last update, we shared some of the advancements to our site that aid our readers. Recently added to that list is new category functionality on our backend. This feature paves the way for making our library (approaching 100 articles!) quickly searchable and a more powerful tool overall.

Among our most recent publications, here are a few we feel deserve a little extra push. If you haven’t read them yet, we encourage you to take a look; all are beneficial and make great shares with friends and colleagues.

The first article, Cardano Open for RealFi Businesses: Incredibly easy Web 2.0 company onboarding to enhance offerings! was published on Nov 21st by Darlington Kofa. The internet first brought email and webpages to business. Later iterations brought social media to the table with the implementation of Web2. In this helpful piece, Darlington shares with readers a few fundamental business offerings of Web3. He explains the ease of onboarding your business into this new financial model in stages, helping to get your company ahead of the curve.

The second piece, Project Catalyst: Auditability Gets an Audit, published on Oct 17th, was written by Stephanie E. King. With all her recent worldwide travels (both as a Cardano Ambassador and in other professional roles), we can’t imagine where she’s had time to get this and other valuable articles written. Nonetheless, she fills this informative update with thought-provoking context on communication in business, leading readers into the news about Project Catalyst’s new “Milestone Based Reporting.” We’d be remiss if we didn’t include this one of two articles (photos of the trip included!) inspired by Stephanie’s visit to our Lido co-dreamers at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab in Nairobi, Kenya, mentioned in our last edition. If you’re still catching up on them, grab a cup of tea, maybe a cozy blanket, and enjoy.

Our final article that bears mention is Project Catalyst Mentorship: A Grassroots Approach, published on Nov 14th by this writer. The piece explores the role of the Proposal Assessor (PA) through one passionate community member’s mind, discusses what value mentorship brings to the process, and offers some insights into how you might also get started trying it for yourself. As this is only one person’s journey, we are happy to report that the piece has already begun some good conversations and look forward to others joining in.

Stake Pool (a FREE token bonanza!)

Amidst the excitement of the Cardano Foundations 14.5M ada temporary delegation we shared in our last update, we also mentioned the invitation we received from Hosky to become one of their Rug Pools. This is an alliance Hosky offers to certain smaller pools that could benefit from joining forces. What that means for you, our dear delegator, is that you can plug your LIDO-staked wallet address into the Rug Pool Bowl over at Hosky.io once every epoch for some nearly free Hosky tokens!

Beyond this, we’ve also just launched our Every Epoch Giveaway right on the Delegator page of LidoNation.com! Towards the bottom of the page, most epochs, you can answer one quiz question per epoch related to a recent article (don’t worry, each question has a hint just below). For that, you’ll receive some amount of a Cardano Native token. Though any staked wallet works, if you stake to LIDO with your wallet, you’ll have the opportunity to receive far more for your answer. Best of all, you can stack those tokens for as long as you like so you can save on transfer fees and don’t have to remember to claim them every five days (look, we want you to win!). Did you catch when we said “most epochs”? Well, that’s because, for this current epoch (or five-day period), we are setting the quiz aside and incentivizing voting in the Circle V4 Election that is underway! See an ad next to the Giveaway? That’s an NFT holder perk you’ll learn more about in the Lido Minute section below.

Our last update also mentioned that we are now distributing $PHUFFY coin through the same Delegator page. Good news on that front comes as we announce that a forthcoming update will have your $PHUFFY allotment (rewarded once per epoch) also able to be stacked and transferred at any time! It will soon be possible to get those in your wallet along with your tokens from the quiz.

You thought we were done talking about free tokens? Okay, then we won’t mention the almost 50 ada (at current price) worth of free INDY tokens available now for any LIDO-delegated wallet when you plug in your wallet address to the TosiDrop website (while supplies last). A snapshot taken Nov 6th proves which wallets deserve the loot. So, anyone staked to LIDO during that time is eligible. If you have a wallet(s) staked to any of the other 356 stake pools also part of the Cardano Single Pool Alliance (CSPA), those wallets are also eligible for the rewards! A special shout-out to Indigo for supporting all of the CSPA pools––we appreciate you!

We are happy to have all those updates about so many tokens you are eligible for simply for delegating your ada. While we’re at it, there is one more item on the list to mention. This last stake pool update comes from a block production issue we had for a few epochs. An explanation about halfway down our Delegator page begins with “Sorry we missed a block.” Go there to read the details and we’ll make sure all who were staked at that time get their rewards. It may be a small amount for some of you, but we want you to know we take your trust very seriously and will always do what we can to honor that confidence.

Outreach & Education

Recently the good people at the Cardano Foundation sent our Stephanie E. King off to the Cardano Summit 2022 in Lausanne, Switzerland, in her role as a Cardano Ambassador! She wasted no time posting some great pics on her Twitter account and writing up this piece published last Monday that spoke about one meeting where the values of Project Catalyst were discussed and re-imagined. She also brought our new Lido Newspaper (a tip of the hat to Clay Nation for the inspiration!), filled with highlights of some of our greatest hits and some games for our readers and delegators to enjoy! Did you get your hands on one? Post a pic on Twitter and tag her if you like; we’d love to see where they all ended up in the world!

Our last O&E update comes as Stephanie has broken ground on the newly funded Lido project, Swahili Learn to Earn. The final product will allow Kiswahili speakers to participate in Coinbase-style quizzes on LidoNation.com and receive ada for their participation! We want to thank all of you Fund 9 Proposal Assessors and Voters alike for seeing this proposal through––we clearly couldn’t have done it without your belief in our mission and the votes cast to support our work.

Lido Minute: A podcast and Utility Driven NFTs

Since our last update, we’ve launched three of our Lido Minute podcast episodes, sold several of the associated NFTs, and have already started advertising for some of our NFT holders! Our work now is mainly behind the scenes in keeping up with scripting, recording, and publishing future episodes, keeping up with the artwork, and bringing new listeners to the platform. All that to say, the launch was a success, and all is working according to plan!

Are you interested in advertising with the Lido Minute Podcast and holding one of our beautiful NFTs? Go to our Bazaar and look at the NFTs we still have left! Depending on rarity, your advertisement will appear more or less frequently (details on our Bazaar tab).

One last thing: You may have noticed that ads are now next to the Every Epoch Quiz on our Delegator page, as mentioned above. Those are the same ads submitted by our NFT holders. Never a promised perk, it’s one Darlington recently cooked up as a nod to all you holders for making what we do possible; thank you.

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  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa