Hands on experiences
building on Cardano in Nairobi.
Ngong Road Blockchain Lab
- Developer Mentorship
- Swahili + English technical translation
- Project Catalyst Proposal Assessor Training
- Cardano Community Building
Swahili + English Translation
Translators engage in study and weekly mentoring meetings to gain broad understanding of blockchain and Cardano. Specialized translations require specialized knowledge!
Written, video and voiceover available
Project Catalyst Proposal Assessor Training
Using training curriculum designed by Lido Nation and hosted at blockchainlearning.center, new recruits learn how to participate in Project Catalyst and Proposal Assessors.
Translator , PA Trainer, Voiceover talent
Translator , PA Trainer
Lido Nation Developer Apprenticeship
Qualified and motivated apprentices work through a rigorous course and get hands-on experience with developing in the Cardano ecosystem.
The Ngong Road Blockchain Lab was founded on April 1, 2022, thanks to the votes of the Cardano Community in Project Catalyst Fund 7. The Lab proposal built on work that had begun in Nairobi, Kenya, to translate educational content about Cardano and Blockchain into Swahili, and to train promising young techies as web developer mentees. In 9 months, this funding accomplished so much!
- Built a physical lab space for translators and mentees to work and collaborate, including furnishings
- Purchased high-powered computers for developer trainees, and laptops for translators.
- Provided internet and electricity for the lab's first 9 months.
- Paid trainees a salary so that they could commit to learning.
- Onboarded 8 new translators and developer mentees into the Cardano ecosystem.
- Provided in-person Proposal Assessor training to an additional 7 new recruits
- Started to network with other Cardano projects in Nairobi and in the Swahili-speaking world - seeing the Lab start to blossom into a community is a key success metric!