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What applications will provide the most value for end users in 2021?

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 250K

BitBunny.io: Adopt animals w/ NFT

$4,500 Requested

Solution: Bitbuny.io将提供一种有趣的概念验证方式,以实验区块链资产的新代表,目的是增加价值。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.8% of the fund.
3.12 (17)

Banking The Unbanked

$70,000 Requested

Solution: 开发一个稳定的硬币汇款系统,提供流畅的用户体验,利用区块链让任何人都能获得资金。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 28% of the fund.
3.43 (14)


$10,000 Requested
Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 4% of the fund.
1.33 (15)

Back to Basis - Tax compliance tool

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 开发一个基于网络的税收解决方案,可以轻松管理Cardano的链上活动,以及赌注奖励活动。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 14% of the fund.
3.47 (15)

Artano - The NFT Art Marketplace

$20,000 Requested

Solution: 一个以用户为导向、对所有人开放和防欺诈的NFT市场。我们希望建立一个社区,而不仅仅是一个产品!

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
over budget Requested 8% of the fund.
3.33 (12)

Animal Conservation - NFT Rewards

$32,000 Requested

Solution: 通过智能合约开发一个押金奖励分配系统,以支持这些组织和支持者的NFTs。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 12.8% of the fund.
3.5 (16)

ALLIN Social Betting Platform

$55,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个去中心化的社交博彩平台,通过社交媒体将人们联系起来,让他们设定自己的赔率,消除了房子。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 22% of the fund.
3.2 (15)

A DEX aggregator built on Cardano

$250,000 Requested

Solution: DEX聚合器已经出现,将这些零散的流动性集中到一个单一的平台上,如Instamo来解决这个问题。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
2.45 (20)


$15,000 Requested

Solution: 使用Cardano区块链创建一个去中心化的自由职业者市场,提供实例支付、低费用和公平的争端解决。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 6% of the fund.
3.54 (13)