F8: Cardano scaling solutions gravatar F8: Cardano scaling solutions

What research and scaling implementations can be introduced to help Cardano increase scalability?

Campaign Brief

For Cardano to become a global leader as a smart contract blockchain it will need to scale to meet the requirements of handling hundreds of millions of users.

Current scaling situation

Hydra is the leading project being executed by IOG to help Cardano scale the blockchain.

The first phase of Hydra will be available in 2022 however this initial implementation will not resolve all of the problems needed for Cardano to scale.

Sebastien from dcSpark recently discussed the importance of rollups and alternative solutions in an interview

Need for more scaling options

To reach true decentralization the Cardano community will need to not rely on the input from IOG as much as it does now as we move into the future.

Hydra will only have it's initial implementation released early next year. Cardano faces potential scaling problems in 2022 as high demand protocols in DeFi, NFTs and gaming begin and continue being released. With alternative scaling solutions not in place there is a risk of overloading demand on the main chain.

Types of proposals encouraged

Proposers should consider new novel ideas or research, extensions of Hydra functionality or porting over solutions used in other blockchains that would be suitable for Cardano.

Proposers are welcome to focus on market specific scalability solutions - for instance a solution could focus on DeFi specifically with decentralized exchanges (DEX's) as a focus area or other growing markets that could benefit from novel scaling solutions.

Scalability topic areas:

Rollups (e.g. zero knowledge rollups, optimistic rollups)
State channels

Size of proposals

Scaling solutions are inherently complex and require significant engineering effort. As a result proposers should not be discouraged from making proposals that request most of the challenge budget. A single proposal team is both welcome and encouraged to request the entire budget if they can demonstrate an articulated plan with the technical expertise to address the challenge of scaling solutions that are suitable for growing Cardano.

Budget rationale

High technical expertise is needed for scalability solutions. Projects will likely take many months of engineering effort to implement viable solutions.

Follow on funding rounds

If this this challenge setting gets voted in and the proposal(s) submitted show signs they can be impactful then a follow on challenge will be submitted for fund 9 with a larger requested budget to further help the team(s) be able to request further funding.

Why is it important?

Hydra will not solve every scaling problem in Cardano, more scaling solutions are needed as alternatives

What does success look like?

Scaling solutions that are introduced and implemented by the community that Cardano projects can start using

Key Metrics to measure

  • Number of scaling solutions available to the community to use within their projects
  • Number of projects launched on any of the new scaling solutions
  • Novel ideas generated from research on different scaling approaches
Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 1M

using games to scale audience

$90,000 Requested

Solution: 该计划是在区块链上建立一个有趣的高质量游戏,并提供gamefi的好处,以帮助扩大游戏者的受众。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
not approved Requested 9% of the fund.
1.85 (27)

Simplify SPO rollups in Vietnam

$34,140 Received
$34,140 Requested

Solution: 简化设置和SPO指南,使非技术人员也能进行卷标。向市场提供预先设置好的太阳能桩池设备。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 3.414% of the fund.
4.08 (24)

Research Guild: Scalability Report

$134,538 Received
$134,538 Requested

Solution: 研究会将提供一份可扩展性报告,该报告对整个区块链的扩展解决方案进行了界定,为未来的催化剂提案提供参考。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 13.454% of the fund.
4.33 (15)

Perun Channels for Cardano

$300,000 Received
$300,000 Requested

Solution: 我们为Cardano实现Perun Channels,从而使P2P交易具有无限的可扩展性和跨链的潜力。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 30% of the fund.
4.17 (36)

Orbis: Layer 2 ZK Rollup

$1,000,000 Requested

Solution: Orbis是Cardano的一个ZK(零知识)卷积层2协议。将计算转移到链外,可以大大扩展Cardano的吞吐量。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
over budget Requested 100% of the fund.
3.73 (51)

Layer 3 scalability using zkRollups

$26,786 Received
$75,000 Requested

Solution: 关于如何在Milkomeda之上实施ZK-rollups作为L3的研究和清晰的蓝图,以及钱包实施的路线图。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
funded Awarded 7.5% of the fund.
3.08 (12)

KONMA Chain : L2 ZK Roll up for ADA

$800,000 Requested

Solution: Konma提出了一个第二层的解决方案,它将作为Cardano和其他项目的支持层,它也将承载Konmas的web3项目。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
not approved Requested 80% of the fund.
1.67 (12)

Erdstall: instant TXs, L2 NFT mints

$450,000 Requested

Solution: 将我们的L2 Erdstall从Ethereum扩展到Cardano:低费用、高吞吐量、即时交易和NFT矿机、DEX内含物和SDK。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
over budget Requested 45% of the fund.
3.33 (15)


$39,375 Received
$47,250 Requested

Solution: Miverse将为DeFi和GameFi生态系统提供一个独特的模式,而不是像目前大多数DEX那样遵循枯燥的用户体验设计。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
funded Awarded 4.725% of the fund.
3 (18)

Decentralized REDIS state channels

$80,000 Received
$80,000 Requested

Solution: 应用REDIS,一个一流的内存数据库,为dApp开发者创建一个去中心化的状态通道服务。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 8% of the fund.
4.6 (15)

DAO-NET & A2T Sidechain Design

$20,800 Received
$26,000 Requested

Solution: 设计一个侧链解决方案,为处理DAO-NET和A2T套件预计的交易量进行优化,并以具有成本效益的方式。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
funded Awarded 2.6% of the fund.
4.5 (12)


$15,000 Requested

Solution: Cardano Ecossystem上的投资组合管理器和跟踪器 使用智能监测和分析系统安全,节省时间和便利

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
not approved Requested 1.5% of the fund.
1.75 (12)

A Scalable Service For NFT Utility

$40,000 Received
$40,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个状态机和API服务,将B2B电子商务解决方案整合到NFT项目网站中,而无需编码技能。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 4% of the fund.
3.93 (15)

A region-based sharded network

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 具有区域性AS的互联网被引入到区块链网络中,以区域为基础的分片,实现了 "平行写入"。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
not approved Requested 3% of the fund.
3.94 (18)

Ada's Place - A Medium Publication

$33,999 Received
$33,999 Requested

Solution: Ada's Place,一个在Medium.com上推广的Cardano出版物,揭示所有由社区提交的事件。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 3.4% of the fund.
2.74 (27)

ADA Scam Alert - Info & Protection

$45,600 Received
$45,600 Requested

Solution: 根据项目核查中的风险管理、欺诈、安全和可靠性,对项目进行分类、分析和排名的平台。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cardano scaling solutions
completed Awarded 4.56% of the fund.
2.8 (30)