Lobbying for favorable legislation gravatar Lobbying for favorable legislation

How can we defend ourselves from attacks by governments and compromising legislation and unfair tax policies on an ongoing basis?

Campaign Brief

The idea behind this challenge is to fund specialists in regulation, lawyers, and politicians who can promote the creation of an environment of laws that are more favorable or less harmful to the crypto space, with a focus on PoS and on Cardano's particularities.

Through this challenge, we can fund proposals that seek the adoption of Cardano in certain jurisdictions, as happened recently with Bitcoin in El Salvador.


Lobby and educate rational politicians so that it becomes possible to plead for the creation of more favorable rules on taxation, use of cryptocurrencies, and greater privacy for cryptocurrency users.

In August 2021, the US Senate voted for unforgiving legislation on the crypto ecosystem. We have few voices to defend our community in the political class. Initiatives like the Coin Center are important to defend our community. How can we defend ourselves from attacks by authoritarian governments and compromising legislation?


Why is it important?

So that we have favorable legislation, privacy, tax reduction, and a positive environment for mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

What does success look like?

We managed to delay or reverse legislation that compromises crypto adoption and support local communities and organizations like Coincenter

Key Metrics to measure

  • Number of jurisdictions favored through lobbying
  • Number of laws that have been modified
  • Number of experts in regulation, lawyers, and other members involved
  • Number of partnerships and collaborations with organizations and non-profits that work in the same cause
  • Number of votes of politicians engaged
Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 300K


$60,000 Requested

Solution: 资助任期限制制宪会议的DAO

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 20% of the fund.
2.17 (12)

Regulation in Sri Lanka

$29,000 Requested

Solution: 向基层介绍区块链技术,并向立法者进行游说,为法规创造意识和最佳实践。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 9.667% of the fund.
3.33 (18)


$18,000 Received
$18,000 Requested

Solution: 提供我的法律服务,以便在哥伦比亚获得加密货币的监管。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
2.33 (15)

Purpose Entities AoA (Game~B!)

$1,056 Requested

Solution: 为目的公司和合作社创建一个公司章程模板,可用于建立法律实体/包装物。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
not approved Requested 0.352% of the fund.
3.67 (12)

Mobilize : Grass-root activism

$20,500 Received
$20,500 Requested

Solution: DApp,用户将使用一个钱包对候选人/提案进行投票,发送资金并加入志愿者。外国盟友可以直接协助

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 6.833% of the fund.
3.86 (21)

Lobby International & SA Bank Regs

$47,500 Requested

Solution: 直接影响BCBS的拟议法规,同时与南非的主要商业游说团体合作,倡导改进。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 15.833% of the fund.
3.39 (18)

Legislation in PA and Beyond

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 参与游说战略,教育领导人并通过立法,同时利用联盟结构来提供基层支持。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 11.667% of the fund.
4.27 (15)

IRI: Educating Crypto Regulators

$25,000 Received
$25,000 Requested

Solution: 我们已经成立了一个非营利实体,将举办活动并分享关于如何正确理解加密货币和区块链的资源。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 8.333% of the fund.
4 (15)

Impact Finance Regulatory Sandbox

$49,725 Received
$99,450 Requested

Solution: 研究并撰写一份蓝图,以创建一个监管沙盒,在社会和环境融资方面尝试创新的DeFi。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 33.15% of the fund.
4.39 (18)

Favorable legislation in Argentina

$12,293 Received
$13,830 Requested

Solution: 我们将在国会内为立法者创建一个教育中心,让他们参与区块链革命和Cardano的生态系统。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 4.61% of the fund.
4.87 (15)

Establish Center for Coin Liberty

$40,000 Received
$40,000 Requested

Solution: 使用Cardano的基于证据的方法和研究,创造持续不断的公众参与,以形成立法,以供采纳。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 13.333% of the fund.
4.5 (18)

Educational tool kit f/ legislators

$66,125 Requested

Solution: 创建一个智囊团,第一个产品是为政治决策者提供区块链 "工具包"。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 22.042% of the fund.
3.87 (15)

DLT360: Regulatory RADAR Team

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的监管专家团队和贡献网络采用一个明确的程序来保持内容的有效性,并提供季度报告。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 8.333% of the fund.
4.11 (9)

DLT360: EU-Regulation Lobbying

$20,000 Received
$20,000 Requested

Solution: DLT360风险和机遇雷达捕捉到一个整体的监管概况。在2022年第三季度,我们将此应用于欧洲的积极游说工作。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 6.667% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

Co-regulation, not Red-Flag laws

$150,000 Requested

Solution: 协调–考虑(仔细思考)–合作 成员网络,地方领导关于公开提交的黑客马拉松政策回放,以进行比较

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 50% of the fund.
2.33 (9)

Consenz: Legislation Co-Creation

$8,100 Received
$13,500 Requested

Solution: Consenz: 协议建设应用,可用于创建一个开放的立法起草过程,同时保持其专业性和针对性。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 4.5% of the fund.
4.71 (21)


$29,600 Requested

Solution: 通过在线培训和能力建设讲习班赋予不同地区的青年和妇女权力,解决数字鸿沟问题

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 9.867% of the fund.
4.33 (12)

Colombian Congress Cardano

$6,857 Received
$8,000 Requested

Solution: 现在有必要通过访谈的方式直接告知哥伦比亚国会议员,以解决疑虑并确定立场。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 2.667% of the fund.
3.67 (9)

Chamber of Digital Commerce for ...

$30,000 Received
$30,000 Requested

Solution: 参加数字商会将有助于我们与监管机构和该行业的其他主要参与者进行互动。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
completed Awarded 10% of the fund.
4.33 (9)

Cardano Lawyer / Advocacy (DLT360)

$37,966 Requested

Solution: 创建欧盟加密倡导智囊团(DLT 360的一部分),帮助Cardano利益相关者解决法律问题+成为知识的SPOC。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 12.655% of the fund.
3.92 (12)

Assembly of State Blockchain PAC's

$4,000 Received
$5,000 Requested

Solution: 对1对1的个人宣传,实际上是我穿上衣服,在活动中与熟悉的人一起出现,让我得到结果。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 1.667% of the fund.
1.83 (18)

Arizona for Cardano Lobby

$3,750 Received
$5,000 Requested

Solution: 一个非营利组织,致力于游说和教育各州的政治家,以推进对Cardano区块链有利的环境。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
funded Awarded 1.667% of the fund.
3.83 (12)

American USDC think tank

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 组成一个个人小组,共同思考,共同研究,共同发表关于设计社区发展中心时需要考虑的事情。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 10% of the fund.
1.95 (21)