




价格和市值的增长是一个重要的衡量标准,但它不是标志进展的唯一方法。 这一年,霍斯金森形式数学中心在卡内基梅隆大学成立。查尔斯出现在莱克斯-弗里德曼的播客中,对卡达诺的认识也成倍增长。9月的Cardano峰会将全球超过10万名参与者聚集在一起,参加现场和虚拟活动。




  • **资产:**超过200万的资产已经在Cardano上发行!不是几千,而是几百万。不是成千上万,而是数百万。其中大部分是NFTs。
  • **应用:**因为推出智能合约的时间比预期的长,Cardano上的DApps时代现在才刚刚起步。然而,事情已经开始起飞了。现在有127个项目积极编写代码,打算在Cardano上部署DApp;其中一些项目有望在2022年第一季度发布。



*“我们开始这个项目时,将正确性作为我们的最高优先事项,现在正确性已经实现,我们正在转向性能调整、优化、可用性……而这是一个快速迭代的游戏–你做一点点,你就会得到巨大的优势。” *



**催化剂项目:**财政部资助和众筹,催化剂项目每一轮都有飞跃性的增长。 第一至第六轮共包括约700个提案。仅在第7轮,这个数字就翻了一番,有700多个新提案。每个提案都是根据社区设定的目标发展Cardano的投标,而倾注在该项目上的能量是鼓舞人心的。你可以使用我们的社区工具lidonation.com/catalyst-proposals看到这些提案的互动目录,包括显示哪些提案获得资助的过滤器。

**托管:**有三个托管公司从一开始就参与其中。Cardano基金会,Emurgo,和Input/Output。也有很多公司参与了特殊项目。在2022年,一个正式的开源项目结构将被建立。届时,所有的创始机构和参与公司将被整合到一个新的、更加开放和分散的结构中。这是使Cardano成为[去中心化自治组织]的重要一步(https://www。 lidonation.com/en/posts/decentralized-autonomous-organization-organization-that-put-people first)。

**优化:**三个Cardano改进建议(CIP)已准备好在新的一年实施。Cardano Node 1.3.3版本预计将使Daedalus的同步时间减少50%,以及减少内存利用率。这些和其他计划中的增强功能都将在2022年实现。







查尔斯回顾了他在2014年的TED演讲中所主张的梦想。在那次演讲中,他说我们将为世界建立一个金融运作系统。他说,这必须用同行评审和正式方法来完成。 他承认这将是一次漫长、艰巨和系统的行军。

*“这并不性感。它不是由突如其来的公告来定义的。它不是由突如其来的伙伴关系和燃烧以及……其他的噱头来定义的,这个空间已经被定义了。只是好的老式的努力工作。” *。

在一个经常被极端主义者和 “我们对他们 “的心态分化的行业中,听到一个非常不同的观点是令人耳目一新的。


**请继续关注这里,了解这些预测的发展是否以及何时实现。在此,我们期待着另一个繁忙的新闻年–成功、挫折,以及只是做得更好–一起! **



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Really love this write-up on things to look forward to in 2022! We are still in the middle of Q1, and there is always so. much. happening all of the time, and in so many amazing and inspiring ways! One of the sleeper topics mentioned here is Mithril. It seems to be something working towards making Cardano faster and lighter for the entire world to enjoy, and am feeling super stoked to see how it evolves. BIG shoutout to LidoNation and the entire crew working to maintain this library. You are our heroes, and your contributions to Cardano will last for generations! Cheers everyone and hope you have a good rest of the month for February! With love, The Alexandria Project.

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Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

We really appreciate the kind words, Alexandria Project. (Also, this is the second mention of the Alexandria Project – what is it??)

One thing I personally like about this article is all the little topics/ideas of things I need to do more research on so we can write more articles – like Mithril!

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This is it, the second renascence!

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Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Let’s make history!

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So excited for all that’s coming to us this year, couldn’t pick a better group of people to be here with, shout-out to The Alexandria project! Gonna be huge 😍

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Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Glad you are on the journey with us Kezze - but tell me what the Alexandria project is?

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I am excited for the algorithm based stable coin on Cardano. I think that will be a big bust to the price. I think it will be bigger than Dex’s. I’ve enjoyed how Cardano has staged it’s growth. We are early!

Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Thanks SuamoxNFT – is that the Djed coin? I don’t know a lot about it yet, but I look forward to learning more!

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Plutus is the Greek God of wealth and bundance! Plutus is often seen with his eyes bound shut. Zeus blinded Plutus so that he would distribute the funds evenly and without judgment! This to me is the vision that Charles has in my opinion. To give people the ability to use their brain to help themselves and other create a new world in Web3. There has been so much growth, and advancement in the Cardano Network and there has been some short comings. All networks are going to have growing problems, but the architecture, structure, and future capabilities is unmatched in my opinion. What I can tell you as a fact! The people of Cardano are different, they are very smart, ready to help, and willing to stand together United to see the success of this network! Cardano will be standing when a lot of others aren’t!

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Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Right on TurboMadeit - I didn’t know that about Plutus, and I love it! All the clever naming in Cardano is a hoot - maybe you already know about them all, but I wrote about the “naming” of the network itself, and the currency, and all the eras in this article: https://www.lidonation.com/fr/posts/cardano-roadmap-history-future-and-you

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Ada has changed my lifestyle. The community of people inside the Cardano ecosystem are the best if you want to change your prospective change your currency and start voting for projects that can change the trajectory of the future for the better. CARDANO ECOSYSTEM HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE A POWERFULLY POSITIVE IMPACT!!! Delegate with lido

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Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Thanks Migsthemutt! The great people and positive community really are the best. Thanks for being part of it with us!

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  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa