创造良好的区块链公民 - #不仅仅是数字货币

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Lido Nation相信,未来是属于每个人的。我们的使命是创造优秀的区块链公民。 该网站以多种语言提供无障碍和对新人友好的教育和工具,希望每个人都能参与创造明天的世界。Lido Nation还在Cardano网络上运行一个赌注池,这为我们创造优秀区块链公民的使命提供了一个很好的行动平台。

我们支持这一使命的最新举措被称为Phuffy Coin。通过Phuffy Coin,我们正在使用Cardano区块链作为工具来创造新的东西。通过它,我们希望帮助人们参与,获得乐趣,并了解成为一个好的区块链公民意味着什么。在我解释Phuffy Coin如何工作之前,我想先回顾一下其他几个概念。


许多像我们这样的赌注池将部分收益捐给慈善机构。所谓的 “目的驱动池 “可能会吸引那些对特定事业感兴趣的委托人,或者他们只是喜欢知道他们的赌注可以帮助一个好的事业,同时获得被动的回报。

! [目的驱动](https://storage. googleapis.com/www.lidonation.com/123/Purpose_Driven_LIDO_Nation.png)

另一方面,有些人对 “目的驱动型资金 “的前提持怀疑态度。它似乎是一种营销策略,只不过是装点门面而已–特别是当捐款数额很小,或者缺乏透明度的时候。


区块链领域的另一个著名概念是为各种项目和目的铸造和分发网络 “代币 “的能力。代币可能支持组织内的治理,或在游戏世界中有用,或者它们可能只是具有货币价值。还有一些代币被创造出来,但根本就没有用处。


通过Phuffy Coin项目,我们希望利用这两个概念的力量和潜力,创造出优秀的区块链公民,他们有能力使用区块链技术,并被激励去做善事。

这个前提很简单。当我们的资金池收到网络奖励时,我们资金池的一半保证金被指定用于捐赠。 但决定这些钱花在哪里以及如何花的权力在我们的代表手中。他们使用Phuffy Coin来提名和投票给他们选择的事业。获胜的事业会得到与选民所投的Phuffy Coin相称的捐款。**参与并决定丽都国家如何使用其慈善资金,对我们的代表来说没有任何费用。


**以下是关于它如何运作的更多细节。**当我们的资金池收到奖励时,有一半被留作慈善捐赠。为了推动慈善机构的选择和投票过程,我们铸造了同等数量的Phuffy Coin,并将其分配给我们的注册代表。每个代表收到的Phuffy币的数量是基于一种评分算法,奖励那些拥有更多股份的代表,以及那些对我们的资金池忠诚的代表。代表们可以用Phuffy Coin提名他们关心的事业,或为已经提名的事业投票。 当一个获胜的事业被决定后,我们将兑现相当于投给该事业的Phuffy币的ADA数额。通过这种方式,代表们可以体验到他们的Phuffy币不仅仅是一个投票–它与真实的ADA货币数额相关联,他们的慈善命运由他们自己掌控。



现在说说Phuffy Coin的得分和分配。当我们想象这个为慈善事业提名和投票的系统时,我们需要决定如何分配Phuffy币。我们可以简单地将相等的金额分配到每个股东的钱包里–类似于一人一票。但是,除非我们能够建立真正的数字身份,否则这个计划是不公平的;想玩弄这个系统的人可以把他们的ADA转移到多个钱包里,并要求获得不公平的投票数。 但除此之外,我们实际上确实想给那些与我们有更多ADA关系的代表更多投票权。 人们可以选择将他们的钱投资在哪里。仅仅因为某人有一百万美元,并不意味着他们会把所有或任何钱投资于Cardano,或投资于我们的资金池。**选择在Cardano和我们的资金池中进行更多投资的人,有一些权利拥有更多的发言权。


![Loyalty-Meme](https://storage. googleapis.com/www.lidonation.com/120/PHUFFY_Coin_Loyalty_LIDO_Nation.png)


! 得分曲线

但是,即使有了这个公式,仍有可能出现巨大的不公平现象。虽然5K和5万之间的差异可能看起来很大,但与50万或500万相比,这不算什么。请考虑一下,100万比1千大1万倍。由于所涉及的赌注大得多,简单的公式不可能在我们想要的程度上减少不平等现象。 即使忠诚度很高,一个利益较小的人也必须投入一生的时间,才能接近昨天进入池子的Million-ADA代表的分数。换句话说–少数鲸鱼仍将控制所有的投票权

在我们自己的数学技能达到极限后,我们向聪明的朋友求助,他们向我们展示了 “对数函数 “如何帮助我们实现我们的愿望。通过使用更复杂的公式和几个对数函数,我们创建了一个评分公式,将分数的分布压缩到大约100分的范围内。一个拥有100万ADA的人拥有1000倍的投票权,而不是拥有1千ADA的人,用我们的公式,他们只能有10-15倍的投票权。加上忠诚度分数,我们看到的是,任何坚持在池子里5年的人都会有大致相同的投票权!在这一点上,一个更高的股份可能会有更多的影响力,但不再是以倍数来衡量的差异。

log-curve 对于你们这些数学高手和好奇心强的人来说,这里有一个公式。 ((LOG(DelegatedAmount)+1)/(LOG(HighestDelegatedAmount)+1) * 100) + #EpochsLoyal * .1




你认为现在--或将来--成为一个 "区块链好公民 "意味着什么?

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Hi, I really love the idea of implementing tokenized voting. It will give your delegators an awesome possibility to feel like their staked ADA really matters. I just have a couple of questions:

  • How will delegators be able to propose a chartiy, Discord Server, on-chain, google forms?
  • Does it have to be a charity?
  • Who decides if a chartiy is elgilble for funding?
  • How does the timeline for voting look like, I guess voting will take place every epoch for the previous one?
  • How will the voting work, on-chain, Discord Server, other poll tool?
  • Will there be new phuffy coins for every voting cycle or can they be re-used?

Sorry for all the questions I’m just really passionate when it comes to decentralized governance :D

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Cheers, L

Darlington Kofa avatar
Darlington Kofa

Great Questions! Please don’t be sorry and bring on the questions. We will respond here as well as parse some FAQs pairs for the phuffycoin dashboard/landing page.

How will delegators be able to propose a charity, Discord Server, on-chain, google forms?

This will happen directly on the dashboard. We will nominate a few causes for the first round, but in future rounds, if you have a certain amount of phuffy in your wallet you will be able to propose a new cause. This will happen on-chain and count as the first vote for that cause.

Does it have to be a charity?

Great questions. We are still working out how this will work, so the first round of causes was nominated by us. For the next round we will open up nominations to the community; we are excited to figure out exactly what that will look like and we welcome your ideas and feedback!
For now, we can describe the values that are guiding us:

  1. Freedom: in general, we put a high value on the users being able to have a true and meaningful say on what causes get nominated and voted for!
  2. An international lens: There may be some necessary limits on what causes can qualify, but whatever those limits may be, it’s important to us that we be able to consider good causes around the world. Every community is someone’s “local”!
  3. Accountability: This can mean a lot of things, and come from a lot of directions, and we are thinking about all of them. We are accountable to our community to show our work, so causes that can accept fund transfers in a transparent way will serve that need better than others! As a nonprofit legal entity in the US, there may be certain parameters that we have to consider for that.

We are taking a step-by-step approach to find the right way to define this - and one of those steps is definitely getting community feedback and participation in the defining! What are your thoughts?

Who decides if a chartiy is elgilble for funding?

The votes! We have picked the charity for the first round to fully test the code. A vote of a certain amount nominates. Every 3 months, whichever cause is at the top, get the ada equivalent of votes cast to them.

How does the timeline for voting look like, I guess voting will take place every epoch for the previous one?

Voting will always be open. Our delegators who register and opt-in will get new PHUFFIES in their wallets over time as we receive rewards. They can then use those PHUFFIES to vote immediately, or let them accumulate to nominate a cause or vote later. You will be able to vote any time with no cut out window. “Picking” the top cause is a transaction on the blockchain so until that transaction happens you can keep voting. If votes are sent to a cause after they are chosen, those funds will either be returned to sender, or put in escrow for redistribution (haven’t decided yet).

How will the voting work, on-chain, Discord Server, other poll tool?

Voting will work like the nomination - as an on-chain transaction. We’re hoping to develop the landing pageto be a dashboard with rich interaction. When you are logged into the site, it will be able to read your wallet and give you corresponding access and abilities directly on that page based on how much PHUFFYCOIN you’re holding and what nft exists in your wallet. So please bookmark PHUFFYCOIN. We want the barrier to participation to be as low as possible.

Will there be new PHUFFY coins for every voting cycle or can they be re-used?

You vote by sending your PHUFFYCOIN to a cause’s unique address. When causes are awarded ADA, all PHUFFYCOIN in their wallet will be burned. The burn record will hold “proof” of disbursement. Remember that PHUFFYCOIN are actually wrapped lovelaces. Every PHUFFYCOIN ties back to an actual lovelace held in escrow so once it is spent, (by donating to that cause) that PHUFFYCOIN is gone! One cool feature this will enable, is that the site will be able to aggregate all of your outgoing PHUFFY transactions and show you exact ADA value “you’ve sent” to this or that charity or cause over time.

Thanks again for all the questions. if you have any feedback we’re happy to hear them!

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What type of voting methods will you be using with Lido Nation and Phuffy Coin. Are you familiar with Star Voting, Approval voting and other forms of weighted voting?

Stephanie King avatar
Stephanie King

Great questions - we have built a tool where users actually vote WITH their Phuffycoin, on the blockchain. Phuffycoin is wrapped ADA - so it is tied to real value. When they “Vote” with Phuffycoin, they are really just pegging real money to the charity they want to support. And since it’s Lido Nation’s money – not their money or rewards – it’s like they get to support a cause they like, at no cost to themselves. We are kind of doing a weigted/scored thing, but that happens BEFORE they get their Phuffycoin - basically their score determines how much Phuffycoin they get. It’s a work in progress and we are open to feedback! I’m not familiar with Star voting and the other methods you mentioned - what do you want to tell me about it?

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  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    Darlington Kofa