F7: Community Events gravatar F7: Community Events

How can we increase meaningful participation among the community in the next 6 month?

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 200K

The Cardano Classroom

$50,000 Requested

Solution: Cardano教室是一种有趣的互动方式,让教室和个人通过工作计划获得分散式金融的职业。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 25% of the fund.
3.8 (45)

Sustainability & Food Provenance

$7,300 Requested

Solution: 组织一次全球会议,演讲者都是各自领域的思想领袖。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 3.65% of the fund.
2.21 (33)

Social Media For Blockchains

$1,000 Requested

Solution: 该解决方案将采用网络应用的形式,类似于LinkedIn,但用于加密货币/区块链特定的招聘和技能分享。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 0.5% of the fund.
2.42 (33)

Redeploy Catalyst

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 催化剂在发展开发者社区方面非常成功。重新部署催化剂的代码和社区建设模式。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 15% of the fund.
1.25 (51)

QA-DAO Transcription Service

$39,053 Received
$39,053 Requested

Solution: 对主要社区活动的Zoom视频进行转录、时间标记和总结,使其可访问、可搜索和可翻译。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 19.527% of the fund.
4.71 (21)

Project Catalyst HeartBeat

$16,000 Requested

Solution: 召集你的社区,种下HeartBeat Podcast的种子,然后用你的时间和注意力一起浇灌它。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 8% of the fund.
4.03 (36)

NFT Guild

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 提供社区活动,关注NFT创造者和Markeplaces,在那里,各种想法可以找到一个共同的地方,以满足并与催化剂联系。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 5% of the fund.
4.29 (21)

More activities with investors

$2,500 Requested

Solution: 作为投资者,我们需要更经常地通过youtube、telegram(AMA)了解情况。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 1.25% of the fund.
1.28 (39)

Mini Proposal Workshops

$3,456 Received
$3,456 Requested

Solution: 帮助企业家创建提案并与选民有效沟通的讲习班

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 1.728% of the fund.
4.57 (21)

MetaCenter: Cardano + Metaverse

$60,000 Requested

Solution: MetaCenter将是在Metaverse中为Cardano社区会议提供卓越和创新体验的合适空间。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 30% of the fund.
3.13 (24)

Mass Cardano Education for Students

$26,000 Requested

Solution: 组织社区活动,向加纳北部约2,000名大专和高中学生介绍卡诺及其好处。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 13% of the fund.
4.38 (42)

Local Cardano Meetups

$20,000 Requested

Solution: 建立圣地亚哥最大的聚会社区之一

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 10% of the fund.
3.39 (36)

KONMAHOOD - Defining Communities.

$30,000 Requested

Solution: Konmahood是我们计划建立由DAO管理的强大社区的地方。一个供用户组成部落、学习和自由的专属空间!

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 15% of the fund.
3.8 (15)

Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS

$4,000 Received
$4,000 Requested

Solution: 在洞察力分享阶段,与领域专家并与挑战团队合作,举办针对挑战的研讨会。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 2% of the fund.
4.83 (30)

Idea Fest by Catalyst Swarm

$22,700 Received
$22,700 Requested

Solution: 创意节为提议者提供了一个展示其创意的舞台,并允许选民和社区与他们互动和讨论。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 11.35% of the fund.
4.79 (48)

Haskell & Coffee ☕

$8,200 Received
$8,200 Requested

Solution: 每周一次的咖啡因聚会,在一个有趣和温馨的虚拟环境中用Haskell解决代码问题。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 4.1% of the fund.
4.42 (24)

Grow Afriteen, grow Cardano ERGhana

$8,000 Requested

Solution: 教育大约300名青年(包括加纳东部地区的高中和大学)了解Cardano和它的机会。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 4% of the fund.
4.17 (42)

#G4L Gaming Expo-Festival 2022 GSA

$15,000 Requested

Solution: 很多游戏展都在那里,但甚至没有一个是由Cardano推动的!因此,这将是一个良好的开端,至少在欧洲。因此,这将是一个好的开始,至少在欧洲是这样。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 7.5% of the fund.
2.94 (18)

Educating head porters in vocations

$40,000 Requested

Solution: 将从事头戴式服装的年轻女性聚集起来,学习职业技能,帮助她们改善生活方式。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
2.05 (60)

Eastern Town Hall

$12,000 Received
$12,000 Requested

Solution: 东方市政厅为当地社区提供了一个会面和联系的场所,我们为他们提供了一个快速和安全的入职体验。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
4.33 (33)

Dumpling Twitter Space

$9,941 Received
$9,941 Requested

Solution: 主持和加入划时代的推特空间,对中国社区的更新和一般社区的更新进行更新和分析。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 4.971% of the fund.
4.52 (33)

DAO-NET: Communication & Outreach

$27,400 Requested

Solution: 创建一个DAO,有持续的资金,以促进社区、DAO、项目和团队之间的沟通和参与。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 13.7% of the fund.
4.08 (12)

Conservation factory phase 1

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 开展教育项目,让当地人认识到消极做法对生态系统的影响以及平衡的必要性。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 25% of the fund.
1.33 (48)

Conference on No-Code & Blockchain

$4,300 Requested

Solution: 组织一次以无代码为主题的会议,邀请该领域的杰出演讲者和思想领袖。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 2.15% of the fund.
2.79 (24)