F8: DApps and Integrations gravatar F8: DApps and Integrations

What applications will provide the most value for end users in 2022?

Campaign Brief

Cardano is an ecosystem that sets itself apart through its rigorous research and strives to do things correctly. We expect all dApp projects applying for funding to aspire to the highest possible levels of certification. To understand what this refers to and practically means, please watch Charles Hoskinson's video on this topic: "DApp certification and Community Curation", https://youtu.be/Y7zcYSQarI0.

This challenge is suitable for incorporated technology or blockchain companies and larger projects with competent teams that already have deployed MVPs. Ideally, these are projects that have a proven user base. Projects that satisfy such criteria are welcome to apply for more than $100,000 if that can be justified and clearly budgeted for.

For smaller teams (4-5 people) with proven competence, relevant experience and technical skills with sketches/whitepaper detailing how they would go about to launch their proposal, the budgets would typically be in the range $40,000-$80,000.

For people with the relevant background but without a full team or completed whitepaper detailing the solution, the project ought to be considered as a research stage project and budgets should less than $10,000.

Guiding questions

  • What are the key applications that underpin the application ecosystem on other platforms?
  • What are the most profitable or most used applications on other ecosystems?
  • What needs do users of Cardano have that could be solved by new applications?
  • What applications deliver the highest amount of value with the least amount of technical sophistication?

Potential directions

  • Swaps, both simple and fancy variants (multi-party etc.)
  • Escrow, both simple and fancy variants
  • Integrations with existing products
  • NFT marketplace or facilitator
  • Solutions utilising the power of smart contracts

Why is it important?

Quality Dapps and integrations will increase utility & adoption of Cardano. A broad funding challenge like this encourages more proposals.

What does success look like?

Novel and viable applications get built of top of Cardano attracting users. Integrations manage to pull in more adoption.

Key Metrics to measure

To assess the challenge we will be asking ourselves: Did our efforts manage to attract users to the platform? Did our efforts result in new, viable applications built on top of Cardano?

Let an "application output" and an "application transaction" be an output and transactions that use the applications' script addresses, and an "application token" be a token that's issued by the application.

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 2.5M

Win-Win Platform Auditing

$80,000 Requested

Solution: 找一个专业的第三方来审计双赢平台的智能合约。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 3.2% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

Wildlife Conservation Pool DApp

$95,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个内部平台,与NFT整合,使用户能够通过DeFi协议支持野生动物和气候保护。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 3.8% of the fund.
3.5 (12)

Watts->Social network of Trust MVP

$165,487 Requested

Solution: 通过建立第二层解决方案,我们为SSI、钱包和Dapp解决方案实现了去中心化的信任知识(和语义数据)。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 6.619% of the fund.
4.42 (12)

Urban Farmer dApp

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: 开发一个dApp,帮助微型城市农场的运营和扩张,同时让社区成员很容易向他们订购农产品。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 0.6% of the fund.
4.33 (21)

Universal Basic Income DAO

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 建立一个DAO,与我们的传统非营利组织平行工作,系统地向链上的人发放生活工资。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
not approved Requested 2% of the fund.
3.2 (15)

Ubuntu - One Small Town Ecosystem

$100,000 Requested

Solution: 与 "一个小镇 "合作,就是向来自各大洲140多个国家的许多社区开放Cardano的网络。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 4% of the fund.
3.92 (12)

Uber of 3D Printing Manufacturing

$275,000 Received
$275,000 Requested

Solution: 通过部署开放的p2p市场(3D打印的Uber),创造新的经济机会,使3D设计和打印作业货币化。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 11% of the fund.
4.56 (18)

Token Staking Platform

$70,000 Requested

Solution: 它将。 显示适当的代币被押注可配置的押注回报规则计算资格最后用户可以索取他们的奖励

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
not approved Requested 2.8% of the fund.
3.05 (21)

Thrift Mobile

$40,340 Received
$40,340 Requested

Solution: 开发用户友好的金融智能移动钱包,通过储蓄和开放的去中心化金融推动Cardano的采用。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 1.614% of the fund.
4.47 (15)

TheGraph in Milkomeda

$20,000 Received
$20,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将在Milkomeda部署一个TheGraph的实例,它将作为一个索引协议,用于查询Milkomeda和IPFS等网络。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 0.8% of the fund.
4.07 (15)

Tangopay (Merchant Payments)

$71,111 Received
$80,000 Requested

Solution: Tangopay使在任何地方、任何时间以点对点的方式接受Ada的支付变得比以往更容易。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
funded Awarded 3.2% of the fund.
4.56 (9)

Sustainable Apparel Trace demo

$100,000 Received
$100,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将试着把服装(衣服的来源)的完整故事与compony联系起来。这可以成为可持续发展目标可追溯性的良好示范。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 4% of the fund.
2.47 (15)

StreamCardano: serverless infra

$203,143 Received
$237,000 Requested

Solution: 无服务器软件即服务,用于构建作为纯前端+智能合约的dApps。降低了进入和维护的成本。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
funded Awarded 9.48% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

STOR Token White Paper

$26,250 Requested

Solution: STOR Token是一个贷款defi平台,允许自助存储设施的买家和开发商借钱为这些项目提供资金。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
not approved Requested 1.05% of the fund.
2.61 (18)

StakingDAO: Supporting Small Pools

$46,667 Received
$60,000 Requested

Solution: 构建一个DAO,使用户能够自动委托给可持续的、裸机的或单一的池子,DAO在SP之间平衡委托。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
funded Awarded 2.4% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

smART Mint: DIY evolving NFTs

$68,800 Received
$68,800 Requested

Solution: 创建一个用户友好的可编程NFT矿机,不需要事先了解区块链或编程。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 2.752% of the fund.
4.67 (15)

Shimmy - Safe, Purposeful Social

$95,000 Requested

Solution: 去中心化,以事业为导向,更安全的社交媒体。让受众接触到更真实、有目的的使用案例,带来积极的社会变化。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
not approved Requested 3.8% of the fund.
2.6 (15)

shac.ai - Shared Housing & Cardano

$188,515 Requested

Solution: Shac.ai–一个规避无效中间商的共享住房应用。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 7.541% of the fund.
3.75 (12)

Self-Sovereign Health Records

$888,000 Requested

Solution: 在你的手机上安全地存储健康记录,使用二维码向新的医疗服务提供者报到。通过(批准的)数据使用,以ADA方式获得报酬。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 35.52% of the fund.
2.44 (9)

Self-hosted pricefeed for wallets

$45,000 Received
$45,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将部署一个Oura源+汇,解析链上的DApp数据,提供一个开源的自我托管的价格源,钱包可以使用。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 1.8% of the fund.
4 (18)

Rythmeet:P2P music network platform

$41,000 Requested

Solution: 为音乐家创建最完整的音乐平台,他们可以在这里建立网络,寻找乐器,获得奖学金,发现Cardano

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 1.64% of the fund.
3.5 (18)

Reward creators for feed activity

$18,000 Requested

Solution: 如果观众以创作者的饲料活动为参照物对其进行奖励,就会支持创作者的表达自由。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 0.72% of the fund.
3.33 (9)

Revelar Game Engine - Operations

$120,080 Requested

Solution: 该提案旨在使所需的预算能够奖励Revelar的核心贡献者,在6个月内扩大现有能力和服务。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
not approved Requested 4.803% of the fund.
4.2 (15)

Research Guild: DApp Snapshot

$34,200 Requested

Solution: 研究会将提供一份市场研究报告,调查Cardano上DApp开发的差距和机会。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 1.368% of the fund.
4.33 (9)