Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite! gravatar Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!

Global entertainment+media market = $2 trillion. A decentralized FAM network to produce quality Cardano community media is vital yet absent.

Campaign Brief

Creatives, writers, artists, filmmakers, photographers +more, collaborating equitably, can enrich the ecosystem with their cultural diversity.

Cardano has a strong YouTube community, but obviously YouTube is not everything and it's not received well in many perspectives.

We need a bridge between YouTube, the traditional media, TV and film.

We need to communicate a clear message towards media.

It's crucial to create educational and inspiring content which the national media and TV stations would gladly use in their daily programmes.

In this early stage, the cooperation between YouTubers and TV & Film professionals is not only welcomed, it's needed.

Creating a specific challenge for this should open the gates for both education and inspiration.

The Film and Media (FAM) Challenge aims to boost knowledge and adoption of Cardano for global audiences by enabling:
a challenge platform for the facilitation of professionals and creatives to connect, collaborate and coordinate
the launch of projects that spotlight the multitude of stories within the Cardano ecosystem multimedia projects that illustrate how Cardano's blockchain is the 'green blockchain' solution in a world that needs solutions to the climate emergency

A dedicated challenge category for this creative group to platform their catalysing ideas has been absent thus far.

This has led to potentially impactful projects struggling to find their place in Challenge categories that are not quite the 'right fit'.

The FAM challenge category can unlock a flow of submission of ideas and proposals that bring about high quality, educational and inspirational multi-lingual multi-media content.

Content that helps build bridges within the Cardano ecosystem and across multi sectoral ecosystems, globally.

So FAM creatives, in all corners of the world, step up.

You are the ones we have been waiting for.

Why is it important?

A challenge category for creatives has been absent so far. Diversity + human creativity in the arts can enrich the Cardano ecosystem + more

What does success look like?

Teams collaborating equitably to produce inclusive, high quality multimedia content + platforms = increase knowledge + adoption of Cardano

Key Metrics to measure

As a measure of the health of the ecosystem:

  • of multimedia projects
  • of multimedia platforms
  • of multilingual teams
  • of decentralised film crews
  • of decentralised news teams
  • of decentralised content creation teams
  • of decentralised multimedia projects sharing resources (eg RAW footage) to avoid unnecessary costs and CO2 emissions from travelling to shoot footage on site
Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 150K

Youth user generated content

$22,500 Requested

Solution: 通过体验式学习视频教育青年了解区块链的基础知识,并建立来自志同道合的青年的用户生成内容。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 15% of the fund.
4.63 (27)

Wada documentary

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: 关于瓦达旅程的纪录片将描述他们在非洲的项目和成就。所有这些都在一个单一的节目中。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 10% of the fund.
4.61 (33)

Tunisian Video Creation for N-A

$6,000 Requested

Solution: 与社区分享的教育内容(视频和文章),是为迎合不同文化限制障碍而定制的。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 4% of the fund.
3.47 (15)

The Creators Story NFTs

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 在这一轮融资中,我们有各种建议。我们将记录它们如何进展为现实,以及我们如何与内容创作者互动。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
1.96 (24)

Theatre For Change

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: 使用教育戏剧作为替代媒介,向第二周期学校推广和建立对卡达诺区块链技术的认识

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 10% of the fund.
4.4 (45)

Short educational series

$10,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将创建一个简短的教育系列,在地区(德国)电视台、Youtube、TikTok和其他社交媒体上播放,其中包括计算结果

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 6.667% of the fund.
2.81 (27)

Permaculture & Blockchain: YouTube

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 一系列视频探讨了生态文化和新兴区块链技术之间的共同点,以提出 "去中心化的国家"。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 23.333% of the fund.
3.67 (21)

NFT Devs Bridge to Project Catalyst

$8,000 Requested

Solution: 我将与正在通过 "项目催化剂 "寻求资金的NFT创作者/开发者在第9号基金举办20场半小时的直播。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 5.333% of the fund.
3.78 (18)

Monaco Streaming Film Festival 2022

$9,700 Requested

Solution: 我们将制作一部电影,展示Cardano对公众和企业的所有用途和好处,并在流媒体电影节上放映。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 6.467% of the fund.
2.56 (18)

MLabs - "The Universal Joint"

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个分散的多媒体工作室,专注于帮助团队分享他们的旅程建设和他们认为至关重要的问题。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 16.667% of the fund.
3.9 (30)


$5,200 Requested

Solution: 白板视频系列,通过类比、故事和例子帮助采用者更容易理解

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 3.467% of the fund.
4.41 (27)

Keeping Up with Cardano: 100 videos

$39,300 Requested

Solution: 我们将使用现场视频采访Cardano的项目创始人,以友好的方式解释该项目及其特点。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 26.2% of the fund.
4.19 (21)

Japanese Cardano Master Class

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 用日语制作一个大师班视频,介绍区块链和加密货币的基础知识,然后再展示Cardano所能提供的东西。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 6.667% of the fund.
2.62 (21)

Humble Records UBI Music Collective

$1,500 Requested

Solution: 发布优秀的音乐和艺术作品,同时通过区块链固有的自动化功能纳入UBI。通过媒体宣传上述努力。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 1% of the fund.
2.67 (12)

Give Maasai Pastoralists DiD

$7,000 Requested

Solution: 制作一部纪录片短片,突出肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的牧民边缘化的困境。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 4.667% of the fund.
3.72 (18)

DUB popular ADA Video for the World

$10,000 Requested

Solution: 我们将开发基础设施,将DUB开源的Cardano内容翻译成许多不同的语言,以便更多的人能够了解它。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 6.667% of the fund.
2.33 (18)

Documentary: South America

$60,000 Received
$60,000 Requested

Solution: 制作一部纪录片,展示 "催化剂计划 "在南美的积极影响,并描述其作为变革工具的潜在全球影响。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 40% of the fund.
4.56 (18)

DLT360: Industry Onboarding Videos

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的7号基金资助的行业入职培训和演示环境将由简短、令人兴奋和以目标群体为重点的视频来补充。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 6.667% of the fund.
4.92 (12)

Decentralized Cinema Festival

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 去中心化的电影节,人们购买一张NFT的门票,使他们有权为获奖者投票并参与该活动

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 23.333% of the fund.
3.78 (18)

Checkpoint Learning and Media

$12,000 Requested

Solution: 将一个已经存在的独立媒体和教育平台实施到Cardano区块链上。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 8% of the fund.
3.4 (15)

CaricatorADA (CaricatureADA)

$9,300 Received
$9,300 Requested

Solution: 代表查尔斯-霍斯金森的每周漫画视频

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 6.2% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

Cardano's Footprint in Ethiopia

$5,000 Requested

Solution: 有一部纪录片讲述一个埃塞俄比亚人的教育历程,将提供Cardano解决方案的重要性。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 3.333% of the fund.
3.06 (18)

Cardano on PBS, Project Development

$10,000 Requested

Solution: 以卡达诺为重点的电视项目的早期开发,非常适合公共广播系统(PBS)和其他。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
not approved Requested 6.667% of the fund.
2.83 (12)

Cardano Community Podcasts & YT

$6,000 Received
$6,000 Requested

Solution: 其目的是创建一个以Cardano为主题的系列播客,涵盖Cardano基础知识、访谈、项目评论和ADA-world的新闻。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
completed Awarded 4% of the fund.
4.67 (24)