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Trong Proposals (24)
cPAY - TrustOrder Anti SpamOrder
Solution: Building software of ADA payment plugin on COTI platform for online commerce payment using smart contract.
IRONSKY PlaytoEarn Milestone of ADA
Solution: We want to create a Highly Entertaining PlaytoEarn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers, Investors to Cardano.
BWORKs - Right Dev in Right Work
Solution: Create smart contract based job services that actively offer developers right jobs, commit payment and provide them valuable data to grow.
BWORKs - Smart contract HR platform
Solution: Create a smart contract based HR platform on Cardano that suggests right freelancers to a posted job then manage until the work is finished.
cBilling - Cardano Billing DApp
Solution: Build an invoice management application for crypto transactions on the Cardano blockchain platform. Invoice, send bill, export, QR code, PoS
IRONSKY NFT GAME Play2Earn |4Launch
Solution: We want to create a Highly Entertaining PlaytoEarn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers, Investors to Cardano.
Cardano SAY NO Plastic Straws | C4O
Solution: We produce straws from natural grass to replace plastic straws. The goal of reducing waste is plastic straws into the environment and ocean.
BWORKs - Pay As Done Works Platform
Solution: Building a platform that auto-matching hires and job seekers then caring their collaboration till to finished, pay as done by smartcontract.
CA Improvement Mechanism
Solution: Develop a reward/penalize mechanism for CA to attract people with expertise and desire to contribute to the development of Cardano.
IRONSKY NFT GAME | Build on Mobile
Solution: We will be creating a Highly Entertaining Play2Earn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers & Investors to Cardano. A space game genre is expressed through spacecraft warfare
ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp
Solution: We build the ADABET.iO platform applying Defi to ensure property rights and increase the benefits for bettors. With the WEB3, &Cardano's tech apply to ADABET to change the traditional betting platform
ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp Platform | Phase 2
Solution: We build the ADABET.iO platform applying Defi to ensure property rights and increase the benefits for bettors. With the WEB3, &Cardano's tech apply to ADABET to change the traditional betting platform
IRONSKY NFT GAME | Cardano's game to build on Mobile
Solution: We will be creating a Highly Entertaining Play2Earn Game focusing on NFT integration into Metaverse to attract Gamers & Investors to Cardano. A space game genre is expressed through spacecraft warfare
HelpBlocks - Borderless Prompt Help Network. Your ONE Ada to REFRESH the World
Solution: We propose a decentralized help network to immediately connect people in need with those who can help. The information is validated by consensus process and delivering funds through smart contract.
ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp Platform | Phase 2 Expand build to product.
Solution: We build the ADABET platform applying Defi to ensure property rights and increase the benefits for bettors. With the WEB3, Cardano's tech applied to ADABET to change the traditional betting platform
CARDANO MARATHON 2025 | Connecting Communities and Expanding Brand Awareness
Solution: Through strategic partnerships and innovative use of technology, the project aims to leave a lasting impact on all participants and the broader community.
Edu Workshops, Community-Building, NFT Rewards
CARDANO VIRTURAL RUN | Expanding the Brand and Global Community Outreach
Solution: Increase Cardano's brand awareness, the project aims to bridge the gap between innovative technology and a thriving, health-conscious community, helping both sectors benefit from each other's growth.
Solution: Build a nocode platform that:
・Allows users to register by using ADA
・Have a marketplace that users can buy/sell modules use ADA
・Allows users to build a WEB3systems that have a trading function use ADA
Monthly Reports
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We release “Material” and “Ticket” functions to develop in-game resource exchange.
- Launching the IRON coin is an in-game currency, it is earned while playing the game and can be traded in the marketplace. IRON is used to buy items, and restore the power of the plane and other features. It also serves as a transaction fee for buying and selling NFTs and game tickets.
- Update ranking gameplay
Functions completed this month:
- Payment with external wallet (Nami, Yoroi ..)
- Login with external wallet (Nami, Yoroi ..)
- Project detail: request_summary, request_history (chart)
- Testnet
- Build detailed APIs for each item including: GET /api/sports Get an available sports list.
GET /api/sport/{sport_id}/matches/live Get the live list of a given sport.
GET /api/sport/{sport_id}/matches/upcoming Get the upcoming list of a given sport.
- Continue to design detailed UI of prediction functions in ADABET.
- Set up the programming environment for the system.
- Define Adabet software functions.
- Create a prototype of the website.
- System architecture and preparation of Cardano nodes for project development.
- Design and draw website UI and basic graphics.
Functions completed this month:
- Forget password user/partner functions
- Send email warning login
- Demo create order to payment.
- Register user account by external wallet (to test).
- Connect external wallet to the cBilling system.
- Testnet
- We perform the function of Airdrop token $ISKY and NFTs for users. This function allows registering a wallet, claiming tokens, and getting NFT in the marketplace inventory tab.
- Create wallet connection in customer's account, allow registration with ADA wallet, allow connection with out-of-game wallets such as Yoroi, Nami…
- As for the character drawing, we draw 5 more NFTs commanders characters in the style of My'Veen in-game people.
- In task of gameplay, we have created APIs for points and tokens that connect to the game client while playing.
This month we focus our work on implementing the game's marketplace, we develop features for users to be able to buy and sell NFTs of the game or listing items on the marketplace. Complete the features of depositing ADA into the game account, and withdrawing ADA to the user's wallet. These are tested for player safety and convenience. All are represented on Cardanoscan where users can view more of their assets on-chain. Complete the minting NFTs(Buy) function and the token reward calculation function when the user authorizes ADA to the IronSky Game pool. Also, we continue to draw commanders’ characters and effects in the game.
Compared to last month, we completed 46 specific tasks as follows: Task done 46 Task open 5 Task closed 2 Task pending 3 Task coding 4 Big tasks like: designing and implementing UX/UI of web Design API call temple for Invoce Coding API partner projects Coding API-Key for search projects Coding API Upload bill pdf to S3 amazon clound Coding API Prevent many try login for user/partner Coding API Callback when the user paid/cancel order Coding API Add/Remove partner project
- We have built 1015 NFT game characters with 3 genres Aircraft, Wingman, and Commander with a total current value of 131,425.857 ADA.
- We have successfully developed a marketplace that allows for the purchase and sale of game items as well as the management of player assets.
- We also created an ADA stake pool to activate the ISPO program for the game and reward ISKY and ADA coins for players participating in staking into the game pool. ( We officially activated the ISPO campaign on October 1st.
- Especially we created a version of MVP gameplay that allows registering, login, recharging, buying NFT, loading NFT into the gameplay, and playing them.
This month we finished the UI designs of the gameplay and started coding them. Also improve the functions of buying and selling NFTs on the game's market-place. Develop the effects and flight path of the plane. Develop levels and open quest maps for players in the game. Specifically see the detailed tasks that we are doing in the link
The software functions of the project were completed within the month. #End-user function
- Finish the register/authentication user function with gmail/pass #Partner shop function
- Partner registration, login, profile
- Create and manage projects #Payment function
- Create order, cancel order
- Pay in ADA coin The functions are projected in the upcoming work plan. #Expected: in scheduled
- Check hmac security when creating an order from a partner according to the secret_key of each project
- Export order detail to PDF files
- Write docs to integrate payment cBilling system
We are in the process of finishing the first version on PC, it is the first milestone of the IRONSKY project to continue to the official and mobile versions later. This is the critical and successful version of a blockchain game on the Cardano. It may take 1, 2 months to complete.
We are completing these items this month.
- UI web pre-design.
- Build API coding.
- Setting DNS for staging and product environment.
- Login function programming.
- Build infrastructure
We completed these works with the previous month's project schedule. api-impl marketplace aircrafts api-impl marketplace wingmans api-impl marketplace commanders api-impl user nft aircrafts api-impl user nft wingmans api-impl user nft commanders api-impl inventory aircrafts api-impl inventory wingmans api-impl inventory commanders LINK to social networks (YT, FB,DISCOURT,…) CI/CD for auto release staging setup server for api-cardano embed game to web commanders & boss art drawing
We continue to build and design systems and functions for the project. Build in-system connection APIs and Cardano-db-sync.
We perform a wide range of tasks for game products and both marketplaces and game systems, a large amount of work in the attachment. integrate api register integrate api aircraft list (recent listed, recently sold) integrate wingman list (recent listed, recently sold) integrate commander list (recent listed, recently sold) Update footer nft understand backround Implement ntf detail Implement login with email/password Implement ui profile Implement ui inventory Integrate api buy nft Implement ui marketplace(aricraft) "api-impl aircraft list (recent listed, recently sold) /api/aircrafts/recent_listed /api/aircrafts/recent_sold" "/api/aircraft/{nft_id} /api/wingman/{nft_id} /api/commander/{nft_id}" "api-impl user's nft list /api/user/nfts" "api-impl user login /api/auth/login" api-impl NFT list of a player api-impl balance of a player api-impl wingman list (recent listed, recently sold) api-impl commander list (recent listed, recently sold) api-impl send ADA api-impl send ISKY api-impl send NFT
GD - Game Design Document GD - WF Game GD - WF MarketPlace GD - Attribution GD - Map scenario GD - Enemy Path GD - Animation Doc GD - SD GD - Improve Prototype Art - Aircraft NFT (4 Shape - 5 Variant - 8 Class) Art - Aircraft bullet Art - Wingman NFT (40 Shapes) Art - Wingman bullet Art - Commander NFT (8 classes - 5 Variant) Art - Commander skill Art - Token Art - Map gameplay Art - Enemy Art - Boss/ Warning Boss Art - Enemy (meteorite) Art - Result Screen - Win&Lose Art - Particle + Base Animation Dev - Tool Render Aircraft NFT + Bullet Dev - Tool Render Wingman NFT + Bullet Dev - Commander Dev - Skill Commander Dev - Prototype gameplay Dev - Result game Dev - Transition game Dev - Integration Config game
[Update] add 40 wingman and bullets
[Update] update statistic of wingman and aircraft parts (about hp, damage and critical)
[Update] update enemies path from p1 to p20
[Update] add commander selection UI
[Update] add commnader bomb skills (bomb, mirror, rockets)
[Update] change map background
[Update] change map decorator (clouds, rock, planet, …)
[Update] add start/end game vfx
[Update] hit vfx
[Update] enemy explose vfx
[Update] add script import data from design document
[Fix] player control
[Fix] bullet not appear in some case
[Fix] player hub inccorrect at start game
[Fix] scene transcation incorrect
We have prepared server infrastructure for project development. Cardano node installation and construction work is underway and running. In addition, the preparation of the coding as well as the construction of the APIs are being implemented.
During this phase we programmed the gameplay of IRON SKY, we added features to the character like a shield, critical, attack, and damage. Several role-playing parts in the game were developed and the player could choose NFT characters in the gameplay. See more in the attached video file.
We have drawn more than 40 WingMan supporting characters. In our scenario, the wingman is a secondary character accompanying the two sides of the main spacecraft, they are responsible for supporting and attacking the target that the spacecraft is aiming for.
The team of artists is drawing all the NFTs of the spaceships used in the game. The visual parts of the spacecraft are fully drawn and detailed, these graphics will be used by the game player, when they join the game the levels will need these NFTs for the player to complete the mission. their mission in the game. In addition, the IronSky development team is compositing images and programming game play for these NFTs.
We are analyzing and designing the system for cBilling, and building the environment for project development, and coding test for the APIs.
Over the past few weeks, the IronSky development team has built up community communication channels with the development and operations team. We offer 2 channels:
IronSky Telegram Chat Official IronSky Discord Channel
In addition, the project development team built and assembled the game's NFT spaceships, allowing for changes while playing the game. There are different modes of change such as wings, tails, heads, fuselage, and bullets of these spaceships. Crafted algorithms to change the trajectory of bullets when fired along with corresponding animations. You can check out the video that we recorded attached to this report.
Our team is working very hard and happy to be working on a project as exciting as this IronSky. The project satisfies our passion for technology in terms of imagination and game graphics. There's really a lot of work to be done and we're working hard. We have a difficulty in funding the project and the falling ADA coin price makes it very difficult to recruit additional staff outside the main member. Human resources are needed as more artists draw for the game.
We're challenging the artist with our specific ideas, some of the work we're reviewing into the project.
We are designing the system architecture of the game both backend and frontend. So we are hiring more people like artists.