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IAMX own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
4.07 Star
Value for money
3.89 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.25 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


IAMX Proposals (4)

Building a financial ecosystem through digital identity and stablecoin for maximal social impact

₳300,000 Requested

Solution: Leverage blockchain technology to provide digital identity and stablecoin, effectively "Identifying the unidentified" and "Banking the unbanked". Foster financial & social inclusion.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Development & Infrastructure
not approved Requested 3.454% of the fund.
0 (1)

KYC Standardization Framework: Modular-based solution for Identity Verification and Management on Atala PRISM

₳250,000 Requested

Solution: We will develop a modular framework for Identity Verification and Management on Atala PRISM that enables builders to create and use fully compliant digital identities and enable real world use cases.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Atala PRISM: Launch Ecosystem
over budget Requested 7.915% of the fund.
0 (1)

Docufi3d - A Decentralized Platform for Web3 SSI Credential-Based Digital Document Signing and Verification

₳250,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a decentralized and secure platform for reliable document authenticity verification and legally binding signatures that enhances trust and prevents fraud.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 2.753% of the fund.
0 (1)

NFT-protocol for fractionalized ownership and tokenization of real world assets.

₳275,000 Requested

Solution: Develop an NFT-protocol to fractionalize ownership and tokenize real world assets. These value preserving NFTs enhance accessibility, liquidity, tradability and bring new capital and users to Cardano.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 3.029% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports