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Keith Hedges own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact / Alignment
4.1 Star
3.53 Star
3.39 Star
Addresses Challenge
3.83 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Keith Hedges Proposals (5)

Music NFT Launchpad

$20,500 Requested

Solution: Musicians will be able to release their single or album as an NFT along with the release to streaming platforms.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DApps & Integrations
over budget Requested 8.2% of the fund.
3.5 (18)

Smart Contract Job Facilitation

$23,000 Requested

Solution: This implementation will help align project creators with team members. Incentives, working and time requirements can all be managed through the direction of the smart contract.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
not approved Requested 2.3% of the fund.
3.67 (18)

Job & Event Center (Woolly Map) Quick Pitch

$32,000 Requested

Solution: Our solution is to create an event and job app for people to instantly act on the information they see. From a Twitter Space to a job opening.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Cross-Chain Collaboration
not approved Requested 3.556% of the fund.
3.62 (21)

Create Local/Online Job Fair System

$17,500 Requested

Solution: Solution

On our job center platform we will create a section dedicated to students. This will be a spot for young, determined people to find incredible opportunities within the Cardano ecosystem.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Challenge & Scouted for Students🎓
not approved impact proposal Requested 17.5% of the fund.
3.73 (51)

AdaLink: Affiliate Network for SPO Growth Quick Pitch

₳240,000 Requested

Solution: AdaLink: An affiliate network platform designed to facilitate partnerships, connecting SPOs with influencers, NFT leaders, marketers, and “whales” to boost pool delegation and share rewards.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: SPO Tools & Community Projects
not approved Requested 5.066% of the fund.
4 (15)

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