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chrisaiks own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total de reseñas
Impact / Alignment
4.27 Star
4.23 Star
4.5 Star
Value for money
4 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


chrisaiks Proposals (5)

dRep Awareness Creation

$11,000 Requested

Solution: Create dRep and increase awareness for delegated voting among voters in Africa as well as increasing voter participation and reward.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: dRep improvement and onboarding
over budget Requested 7.333% of the fund.
4.43 (30)

Blockchain Educational dApp

$48,652 Requested

Solution: Develop an educational dApp with concise and interactive lessons on blockchain for beginners to easily understand. These topics are chosen by the user and consumed in bite-sizes to avert confusion.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 0.62% of the fund.
4.22 (18)

Raising Awareness & Facilitating dRep Onboarding In Over 10 Countries.

₳29,500 Requested

Solution: We will organize three (3) webinars, provide educational support, and engage the community over the course of six months to increase D-Rep awareness and facilitate onboarding across 10+ countries.

Image file

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: dRep improvement and onboarding
not approved Requested 7.472% of the fund.
4.09 (35)

Localized Resource Directory - Improved adoption in the West African/ African sub region

₳84,400 Requested

Solution: Create a localized resource directory website, with structured content blocks. Each informational content follows inter-related topics, designed for beginners and Cardano enthusiasts, pre-adoption

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Catalyst Systems improvements
not approved Requested 2.364% of the fund.
4.1 (21)

Cardano Localized Resource Directory for the Ecosystem Architecture

₳84,400 Requested

Solution: Create a localized resource directory website, with structured content blocks. Each informational content follows inter-related topics, designed for beginners and Cardano enthusiasts, post-adoption

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Use Cases: Concept
not approved Requested 1.125% of the fund.
0 (0)

Monthly Reports