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Jeffrey Downard own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total de reseñas
Addresses Challenge
2.73 Star
2.49 Star
2.4 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Jeffrey Downard Proposals (22)

Arbitration for Smart Contracts

$55,000 Requested

<p>There is currently no standard to include binding arbitration clauses in dapps for smart contracts.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: DApps & Integrations
over budget Requested 22% of the fund.
0 (1)

Network of policy advocates

$9,700 Requested

Solution: Desarrollar recursos educativos en línea para empoderar a una red de abogados y estudiantes de derecho comprometidos para promover una política de blockchain inteligente.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 12.933% of the fund.
0 (1)

Spaceship Earth DAO

$28,000 Requested

Solution: Crear un modelo de DAO como una organización sin ánimo de lucro que apoye proyectos para comprar créditos de carbono, conservar el hábitat de la selva tropical y promover la justicia social.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DAOs ❤ Cardano
not approved Requested 5.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Creating a Level Playing Field

$28,000 Requested

Solution: Estonia y Suiza tienen altas calificaciones de confianza por parte de los ciudadanos. Basándonos en estos modelos, proponemos desarrollar un modelo de dApp para la gobernanza.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Nation Building Dapps
not approved Requested 4.667% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports