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Two Simple Steps:
  1. A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
  2. For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.

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We are an international organization with local footprints

We aim to equip local developers and entrepreneurs to build decentralized applications and businesses of the future.

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total des critiques
Addresses Challenge
4.47 Star
4.18 Star
4.25 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.26 Star
Value for money
3.9 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Top of mind of Wada in Catalyst

most frequent words in proposal details


The Team (8)

Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with Wada. Individuals may not be employed at Wada. This is is is not representative of Wada's full team.

  • Securities & Commerce Institute

  • Joget

  • Félicien Fotio Manfo

  • Josh F

  • ditcameroon

  • Nana Safo

  • Megan Hess

Wada Challenges (8)

Challenge: DeFi and Microlending for Africa

$0 Budget

<p>How can we enable the creation of micro-lending and Defi dApp solutions that fit the African setting?</p>

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
0 (1)

Challenge: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs

$1,500,000 Budget

How do we encourage Local Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano? How do we ensure they are optimizing and scaling efficiently?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 8
Budget 11.719% of the fund.
4.6 (15)

Challenge: Scale-UP Cardano Community Hubs

₳500,000 Budget

How do we encourage Local Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano? How do we ensure they are optimizing and scaling efficiently?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 9
Budget 3.906% of the fund.
4.74 (39)

Challenge: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs

$500,000 Budget

Comment encourager les centres communautaires locaux à favoriser l'adoption et la sensibilisation à Cardano en 2022 ?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Approved Approved 3.906% of the fund.
4.92 (12)

Challenge: Functional Paradigm Onboarding

$21,000 Budget
Proposed in Fund: Fund 4
Budget 5.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs

$350,000 Budget

How do we encourage Local Community Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano in the next 6 months?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Approved Approved 6.481% of the fund.
4.78 (9)

Challenge: DeFi and Microlending for Africa

$250,000 Budget

How can we enable the creation of micro-lending and Defi dApp solutions that fit the African setting?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 4
Budget 62.5% of the fund.
4 (6)

Challenge: DeFi and Microlending for Africa

$180,000 Budget

Comment pouvons-nous permettre la création de solutions de microcrédit, de paiement et de dApp DeFi adaptées au contexte africain ?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Budget 1.406% of the fund.
3.33 (12)

Wada Proposals (69)

Dev Journey into DID/SSI* Paradigm

$12,000 Received
$12,000 Requested

Solution: Concevoir et mettre en œuvre un programme de formation au développement basé sur des projets pour permettre aux développeurs d'apprendre en créant des solutions réelles qui intègrent DID.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Accelerate Decentralized Identity
completed Awarded 2.824% of the fund.
4.58 (12)

Clubs+hackathons = Cardano adoption

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: Créer une relation continue avec les écoles locales par le biais de clubs et de hackathons avec prix à la clé, afin de susciter un intérêt profond pour l'écosystème Cardano.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
completed Awarded 7.5% of the fund.
4.41 (39)

Djangui: Local Savings Account Mgmt

$24,000 Received
$24,000 Requested

Solution: Créer une plateforme décentralisée pour gérer les activités de collecte en mettant l'accent sur : la transparence et les droits de propriété des fonds collectés.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Boosting Cardano's DeFi
completed Awarded 4.8% of the fund.
4.78 (9)

Cardano Kiosk | Hub-in-a-box

$35,000 Requested

Solution: Create a stationary minimum-viable hub unit that can be set up at a relatively low cost. Flat-packed, portable and set up in under 24 hours.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs
over budget Requested 7% of the fund.
4.48 (42)

Cardano Hubs Directory

$28,000 Received
$28,000 Requested

Solution: An open platform that allows community hubs to list their location, resources and current objectives.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs
completed Awarded 5.6% of the fund.
4.61 (18)

CatalystCon 2022

$28,000 Received
$28,000 Requested

Solution: Host a Virtual Catalyst Convention in Q4 2022, including panel discussions, recognition for leading projects and onboarding workshops.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Miscellaneous Challenge
completed Awarded 5.6% of the fund.
4.8 (15)

Cardano Mobile Hubs

$25,714 Received
$30,000 Requested

Solution: Créer un prototype minimum viable pour un centre mobile, qui pourrait être stationné dans les régions où la demande est la plus forte mais où les infrastructures font défaut.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs
funded Awarded 8.571% of the fund.
4.75 (12)

Catalyst Treasury Management

$41,000 Received
$41,000 Requested

Solution: Un tableau de bord simple et facile à utiliser pour les propositions financées afin de suivre les décaissements mensuels de Catalyst, ainsi que les dépenses et les soldes des portefeuilles.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms
completed Awarded 16.4% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

Micropayments for Catalyst

$9,500 Requested

<p>A lack of incentives for contributing to Catalyst means that those without the leisure time may be forgoing paid work to participate</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Catalyst value onboarding
over budget Requested 12.667% of the fund.
3.83 (12)

Catalyst Virtual Start-up Bootcamp

$35,000 Received
$35,000 Requested

<p>Early-stage entrepreneurs lack the experience with Catalyst to effectively communicate their projects</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox
completed Awarded 23.333% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

Strengthening Stake Pools in Africa

$22,000 Received
$22,000 Requested

<p>Stakepools in Africa are subject to outages and infrastructure issues on top of the general risks faced by SPOs</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Disaster: When all is at stake
completed Awarded 14.667% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

Auditing African Proposals, by WADA

$23,000 Received
$23,000 Requested

Solution: WADA becomes a secondary support layer in the auditing of African proposals

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Improve and Grow Auditability
completed Awarded 23% of the fund.
3.67 (27)

DeFi for Cardano - Learning Portal

$18,000 Received
$18,000 Requested

<p>Devs and Entrepreneurs do not have a comprehensive understanding of the Cardano DeFi space and require the training and education to scale</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Scale-UP Cardano's DeFi Ecosystem
funded Awarded 7.2% of the fund.
4.22 (9)

Katiopa NFArt - NFCraft Marketplace

₳120,000 Requested

Solution: Build an NFArt marketplace where artwork can be monetized and a portion of the proceeds will go towards organisations fighting to return stolen artifacts, but ultimately towards building local museums

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.322% of the fund.
3.53 (36)

Mobile Money bridge and Decentralized Exchange

₳66,000 Requested

Solution: Leverage commonly used Mobile money exchanges such as Orange &amp; MTN to facilitate on-boarding of ADA users by a creating user-friendly platform facilitating the exchange between local currency and ADA.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 0.727% of the fund.
3.53 (30)

NFBooks: a Pan-African focus NFT library. Proposing a unique and fun reading experience.

₳156,000 Requested

Solution: Create an NFT book library focused on promoting a reading culture in Africa starting in CMR. The platform will greatly expand and facilitate access to books as well as provide incentives to readers.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.718% of the fund.
3.73 (15)