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Manage and run various events in the hotel industry in Addis Ababa and helped promote events. Have experience as a digital marketer in Addis

nathansamson own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

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Addresses Challenge
4.14 Star
4 Star
4 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

nathansamson Proposals (9)

Hackathons for Startups in Ethiopia

$37,800 Requested

<p>The tech start-up community is growing constantly, but only a hand full of them heard about Cardano and Cardano Project catalyst.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Proposer outreach
over budget Requested 37.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

Supply-Chain for Agriculture

$57,356 Requested

<p>The local trade is almost driven by a series of middlemen resulting in price inflation in agriculture products. Traceability issues.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 22.942% of the fund.
0 (1)

NFT for Real estate and Land

$45,110 Requested

<p>There is a critical issue in the real estate business; tax evasion, fraud in share companies and corruption in investment land allotment</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: NFT Business models
over budget Requested 22.555% of the fund.
0 (1)

Hands-On Marketing in Addis Ababa

$4,570 Received
$4,570 Requested

Solution: Engage community via information sessions at local tech hubs Hang posters and hand out flyers with specifics on upcoming Catalyst rounds

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Proposer Outreach
completed Awarded 4.57% of the fund.

Networking events

$24,000 Received
$24,000 Requested

Solution: Start a networking event and invite a prominent speaker to each event. These would become the first blockchain meetups in Addis Ababa.

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
completed Awarded 9.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Student Clubs in Ethiopia

$19,350 Received
$19,350 Requested

Solution: A cardano students club and ambassadorship program will enable students to learn from each other and increase engagement in the community.

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
completed Awarded 7.74% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cashout and Buy ADA in Ethiopia

$9,000 Received
$9,000 Requested

Solution: A service where people can buy and cash out ADA in local currency to enjoy thier investment returns and pay with thier ADA.

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
completed Awarded 3.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

First Ethiopian Stake Pool

$19,000 Requested

Solution: We will start the first Cardano stake pool in Ethiopia and use the rewards to sustain the operation & seed additional local Cardano ventures

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
not approved Requested 7.6% of the fund.

East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub

$37,400 Requested

Solution: Un centre conçu pour la collaboration ; pour permettre aux gens de partager leurs expériences, d'apprendre les uns des autres et d'externaliser ou de rechercher des talents.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs
over budget Requested 10.686% of the fund.
0 (1)

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