F4: Developer ecosystem gravatar F4: Developer ecosystem

How can we create a positive developer experience that helps the developer focus on building successful apps?

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 400K

Yoroi ⇄ Blockfrost bridge

$6,500 Received
$6,500 Requested

Solution: Build a bridge between Yoroi and Blockfrost.io, so that developers can use extended endpoint set to develop advanced features more easily.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 1.625% of the fund.
0 (1)

West Africa: Dev Tools & Events

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: Educating developers on Cardano by developing Haskell & Plutus educational material and high-impact virtual workshops, events and hackathons

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 3.75% of the fund.
0 (1)

Vy.Finance DeFi Protocol

$25,000 Requested

Solution: Cardano, with bridging and wrapping to as many other chains as possible. The second issue is solved by allowing users to stake into our PTF.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 6.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Visual Studio Code Market Plugin

$15,000 Received
$23,450 Requested

Solution: 無料プラグインは、より多くのOCEAN開発者を惹きつけるために、プロジェクトのテンプレートと説明書によってCardanoスマートコントラクトの作成を簡素化します。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 5.863% of the fund.
0 (1)

Updev Community et Cardano Catalyst

$4,000 Requested

Solution: WADAのネットワークからブロックチェーン開発者との定期的なミートアップを開催し、コミュニティを巻き込み、ブロックチェーン技術に関する障壁をなくす。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 1% of the fund.
0 (1)


$10,000 Requested

Solution: I would produce a coin, that automatically displays everything in your preferred language, whether it be quotes, facts, metrics.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 2.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

Tool to setup and run local testnet

$1,000 Requested

Solution: Write the tool in python (current prototype is in bash).

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 0.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

These Walled Gardens - DevThemePark

$50,000 Requested

Solution: Create a contextual microcosmic space to onboard devs and show the way to the playground. The Garden the self-identification center to zoo.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 12.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

Swift SDK for Blockfrost API

$9,500 Received
$9,500 Requested

Solution: We want to build an open-source SDK (Software Development Kit - a set of tools, libraries and documentation) for Swift developers.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 2.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

Stake Pool Operations Dashboard

$8,000 Requested

Solution: We can provide operators a data exporter to be consumed by their dashboarding tool of choice.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Smart Contracts Tutorials

$5,003 Requested

Solution: Explain from the ground up the various mental models and tools required to understand, create and execute smart contracts

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 1.251% of the fund.
0 (1)

Smart Contract Development Campaign

$400,000 Requested

Solution: まず、スマートコントラクト、ユースケース、その開発に関するフレンドリーな教育プロセスを構築する。第二に、SDKやトランスパイラを開発することです。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
0 (1)

Scala SDK for Blockfrost API

$9,500 Received
$9,500 Requested

Solution: We want to build an open-source SDK (Software Development Kit - a set of tools, libraries and documentation) for Scala developers.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 2.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

Rust version of cardano

$100,000 Requested

Solution: Rust have enough type level capabilities for the abstractions used in current Cardano implementation.

  • bigger dev community
  • runtime
Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Rust SDK for Blockfrost API

$7,000 Received
$7,000 Requested

Solution: 私たちは、Rust開発者のためのオープンソースのSDK(Software Development Kit - ツール、ライブラリ、ドキュメントのセット)を作りたいと考えています。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 1.75% of the fund.
0 (1)

Ruggedized DeFi

$49,000 Requested

Solution: DeFiの設計検証を支援するツールや、DeFiプロトタイプのエージェントベースシミュレーションにより、提案されたアプリのストレステストを実施します。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 12.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Ruby SDK for Blockfrost API

$7,000 Received
$7,000 Requested

Solution: 私たちは、Ruby開発者のためのオープンソースのSDK(Software Development Kit - ツール、ライブラリ、ドキュメントのセット)を作りたいと考えています。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 1.75% of the fund.
0 (1)

Python SDK for Blockfrost API

$9,500 Received
$9,500 Requested

Solution: We want to build an open-source SDK (Software Development Kit - a set of tools, libraries and documentation) for Python developers.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 2.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

pruf.io: Media-rich NFTs on Cardano

$51,840 Received
$51,840 Requested

Solution: PRüFプロトコルをEthereumからCardanoに移植し、新規および既存のプロジェクトに機能豊富でローコード・ノーコードのNFTオンランプを提供します。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 12.96% of the fund.
0 (1)

PoolTool-Testnet Support

$1,500 Received
$1,500 Requested

Solution: pooltoolのメインプラットフォームで、限られた機能でテストネットを立ち上げたので、基本的な経費をファンドで賄いたいと考えています。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 0.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

PoolPeek.com Upgrades

$20,000 Requested

Solution: offer additional views where delegators can see small pools in interesting ways, add a chatbot, create a new cardano token viewer website.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 5% of the fund.
0 (1)

Plutus Certification Program

$400,000 Requested

Solution: スマートコンタクト/プルータスのシステム全体に関する認証プログラムを作成する。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
0 (1)

PHP SDK for Blockfrost API

$7,000 Requested

Solution: 私たちは、PHP開発者のためのオープンソースのSDK(Software Development Kit - ツール、ライブラリ、ドキュメントのセット)を作りたいと考えています。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
over budget Requested 1.75% of the fund.
0 (1)


$50,000 Requested

Solution: PeterCoin would help to deliver this missing whimsicality, creating utilities such as PeterSwap and decentralized games to introduce users.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 12.5% of the fund.
0 (1)