F4: Local Community Centers gravatar F4: Local Community Centers

How can we mobilize the community to solve local problems using Cardano, through a Local Community Center model supported by the CF?

Total Proposals
Completed Proposals
$ 50K

University Cardano Research Program

$15,000 Requested

Solution: 既存の大学の研究室や設備、ネットワークを利用することで、カルダノの学習と普及を加速させることができます。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 30% of the fund.
0 (1)

Training program NOA-NEA Argentina.

$45,800 Requested

Solution: カルダノの使用に関するトレーニングプログラムを実施し、スペイン語で使用例を紹介し、参照者を増員する。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 91.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Strengthen local communities

$1,337 Requested

Solution: Give away for a couple of Ada. People come, setup wallet, receive Ada and "pay" for product. strengthens local business & wins participants.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 2.674% of the fund.
0 (1)

Save Farmers in India Initiative!

$15,000 Requested

Solution: Cardanoの認知度を高め、ファーマーが抱える資金調達の問題をマーク付きトークンで解決し、悪徳な仲介業者を排除する機能性をアピールする。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 30% of the fund.
0 (1)

Poor energy supply/infrastructures

$50,000 Requested

Solution: Providing means of reaching out to local communities and establishing companies to promote job opportunities. Providing job training centers

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
0 (1)

Local Venture Activation Centres

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 国連SDGsとマルチキャピタルアカウンティングにおけるコミュニティ主導のイノベーションを「見て・試して・教える」ことに焦点を当てた活性化プログラム。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
over budget Requested 60% of the fund.
0 (1)

Local Centers in West Africa

$4,000 Received
$4,000 Requested

Solution: Obtain Cardano Foundation funding to register Hubs, and to enable access to the Foundation's oversight and resources.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
completed Awarded 8% of the fund.
0 (1)

LCC in Brazil for Growth and Adopt.

$14,400 Requested

Solution: コンテンツ翻訳者、デザイナー、そしてビデオ編集者をもっと雇いたい。ブラジルとルシアンでの存在感を高める必要があります。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
over budget Requested 28.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

L10N - localisation

$10,000 Requested

Solution: ビデオ(caaast.liveのL10Nプログラム)を活用し、高度なコミュニケーション、コラボレーション、報酬を解決します。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
0 (1)

Help University/hacker association

$10,000 Requested

Solution: Provide useful real case examples and hints to use Cardano. Those hints can be used for hackathons and university groups/projects.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
0 (1)

Fund Matching from C-Foundation

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 私は、LCCが生成/調達/獲得する資金に、カルダノ財団がマッチングすることを提案します。場所、地理が第一、デジタルコミュニティは第二です。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 60% of the fund.
0 (1)

Education/Developer center - Sweden

$2,000 Received
$2,000 Requested

Solution: Educate on a local level and build a local community. Office (Stockholm) at co-working center to build an incubation culture.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
funded Awarded 4% of the fund.
0 (1)

Charity Casino

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 5日に1回、当選者が選ばれます。 当選者は以下のものを受け取ります。

エポックステーキングの報酬の1 選択したハブ/チャリティーへの4%の報酬

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
0 (1)

Catalyst Legal Fund

$15,000 Requested

Solution: CFは提案金額を受け取り、提案者と共同出資者のための法的資金を設定する。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 30% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano spanish training programs

$16,900 Received
$16,900 Requested

Solution: Create an introductory Cardano spanish training program to understand its basics, and also a website to incentivize community engagement

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
funded Awarded 33.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano LCC - Community Outreach DK

$10,000 Requested

Solution: A LCC would alleviate the rampant increase in demand for an educational institution, and be first movers in an untapped region

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 20% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano China Info Hub

$16,700 Received
$16,700 Requested

Solution: Raise awareness and eliminate misconception of Cardano in China by creating accurate, easy-to-digest video and text content in Chinese.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
completed Awarded 33.4% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Center in Europe

$31,800 Requested

Solution: コワーキングスペースとアクティビティ(ミートアップ、デモ、ブレインストーム、ワークショップ、トレーニング)を備えたカルダノセンターをアムステルダムで開発したいと考えています。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 63.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Adoption in D.R. of Congo

$3,000 Received
$3,000 Requested

Solution: 開発者と政策立案者のオンボーディングのために、ソリューションデザインのためのローカルブロックチェーンハブを作成する。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
0 (1)

ALDEA, the Latin America DAO

$23,040 Requested

Solution: ALDEAは、人々が分散型かつ自律的なコミュニティとして、コミュニケーション、自治、生産、取引を行うことを可能にするDAOである。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
over budget Requested 46.08% of the fund.
0 (1)

Al-Baari. The Creator.

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 大学の学際的な授業を「貸し出し」することで、カルダノがR&D細胞に資金を提供するモデルを構築する。特別な方法論を使って

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 100% of the fund.
0 (1)

Adriatic EU Community Center

$12,000 Requested

Solution: Providing Cardano education-promotional service center (CEPS), in business complex center in central Istria-Croatia.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
over budget Requested 24% of the fund.
0 (1)

ADA in CIS exchangers/online stores

$5,000 Requested

Solution: 私たちは、各交換所やオンラインショップにADAを使うよう説得する必要があります。1000ドルごとに15ドルから30ドルの節約になります。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Local Community Centers
not approved Requested 10% of the fund.
0 (1)