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4+ years in marketing for crypto projects

Andrii Voloshyn own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
3.41 Star
3.02 Star
2.22 Star
Value for money
3.39 Star
Impact / Alignment
3.62 Star
Impact Alignment
3.59 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Andrii Voloshyn Proposals (25)

Translation - Ukrainian - Russian

$4,500 Requested

Solution: ウクライナ語、ロシア語への翻訳

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Multilingual resources
over budget Requested 6% of the fund.
2.58 (12)

Cardano Catalyst Jobs & Services

$7,000 Requested

Solution: カルダノジョブ&サービスサイトを作ることで、ADAコミュニティだけでなく、より有意義なProject Catalystへの参加を促します。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Catalyst Value Onboarding
not approved Requested 7% of the fund.
2.67 (21)

Carbonland Trust Carbon Credits DEX

$9,000 Requested

Solution: カーボンランドトラストのDEXは、実際に保全されている森林に基づき炭素クレジットNFTを取引するもので、世界中の保全活動を刺激し資金を提供します。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Scale-UP Cardano's DeFi Ecosystem
not approved Requested 3.6% of the fund.
2.53 (17)

Stiff Money | Crowdlending PaaS

$9,000 Requested

Solution: Stiff Moneyは、ADAやその他の暗号の預金者に10%のAPYを提供します。また、住宅購入者には、頭金不要のスマート・コントラクト・ローンを提供する。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Scale-UP Cardano's DeFi Ecosystem
not approved Requested 3.6% of the fund.
2.24 (21)

dRep interviews - Cryptotexty youtube channel

₳59,970 Requested

Solution: My solution is to increase awareness about dReps and Cardano governance by making interviews with dReps, dRep candidates and prominent members of Cardano ecosystem

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: dRep improvement and onboarding
not approved Requested 15.19% of the fund.
3.41 (29)

Catalyst in comparison to other DAOs

₳23,999 Requested

Solution: My solution is to analyze other DAOs, other blockchains, their aspects of governance and compare them to Catalyst. Some ideas, notions and solutions might be used in Catalyst.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: DAOs <3 Cardano
not approved Requested 0.76% of the fund.
3.38 (24)

Cardano Events in Ukraine 20 cities - with the goal to invite more devs to the ecosystem

₳111,100 Requested

Solution: My idea - to do events about Cardano with a focus on inviting devs and communicating with them.

20 community events all around Ukraine will cover whole country and will engage more people into Cardano

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
not approved Requested 1.759% of the fund.
3.27 (33)

Monthly Reports

Work complete, report submitted

Disbursed to Date
Completion Target
1. In the next month
Comments 0

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