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Manuel Padilla own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

4.5 Star
Value for money
4.5 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.7 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Manuel Padilla Proposals (9)

Developer Studio

₳85,867 Requested

Solution: Streamline Cardano contract development kit with an all-in-one repository, automated multi-container workflow, and easy tool installation, empowering developers to focus on building.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
not approved Requested 1.359% of the fund.
0 (1)

Contract Explorer

₳140,267 Requested

Solution: We will create a website with AI analysis, user reviews, and source code retrieval for Cardano scripts, promoting transparency and understanding.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.545% of the fund.
0 (1)

SmartDB: UTXO Data Base Abstraction

₳114,400 Requested

Solution: We will create a bridge database that simplifies accessing and synchronizing data from Cardano smart contracts for effortless integration with frontends and backends.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem
not approved Requested 3.622% of the fund.
0 (1)

MAYZ Protocol Audit & Mainnet Launch

₳160,000 Requested

Solution: MAYZ Protocol is a decentralized, permissionless, and non-custodial protocol that allows the creation of Cardano Native Token Funds managed by its community members.

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Use Cases: Solution
not approved Requested 2.133% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano UTXO DB Abstraction

₳45,862 Received
₳169,860 Requested

Solution: Leveraging a traditional database, abstracting UTXO complexity, reduces the need for full-stack dev to work with the intricacies of UTXO management and datum deserialization.

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Open: Developers - technical
funded Awarded 1.618% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Developer Studio

₳30,912 Received
₳85,867 Requested

Solution: All-in-one repository to quickly start developing, compiling, testing, and deploying.

Devs can choose the desired version, begin writing their code, and experience a streamlined development process.

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Open: Developers - technical
funded Awarded 0.818% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Contract Explorer

₳194,086 Requested

Solution: A Web that will provide information about the scripts used. To allow users to input the hash or script address & get access to its code, explanations & comments that help them see what it does

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.848% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol Integration

₳185,570 Requested

Solution: The solution is to develop an on-chain & off-chain stack to integrate Cardano Smart Contracts & addresses with CCIP technology allowing them to talk to other networks.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.767% of the fund.
0 (1)

XSigner Cardano Multisig Wallet

₳244,000 Requested

Solution: XSigner Multi-sig wallet that aims to be used by businesses, organizations, and high-net-worth individuals who want to ensure funds are secure and protected.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Use Cases: MVP
vote pending Requested 3.253% of the fund.
0 (1)

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