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We have been in the space of blockchain scaling for 3 years, and have successfully launched the DApp language Glow with IOHK as partner.

François-René Rideau own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
2.18 Star
2.36 Star
2 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


François-René Rideau Proposals (9)

Glow Formal verification

$60,000 Received
$60,000 Requested

Solution: MuKn's Glow language will overcome this problem by automatically proving the mathematical correctness of every interaction of a program.

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 10% of the fund.
4.44 (9)


$40,000 Received
$59,842 Requested

Solution: alice.ada」のような人間が読める名前を、カルダノのアドレスのような機械が読める識別子にマッピングすることで、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させる。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 9.974% of the fund.

NFT-DAO EZ-On Interop NFTs

$8,200 Received
$8,200 Requested

Solution: スペーストラベル-チェーン間でNFTを標準化し、包んで焼くか、焼かずに何とか持ち込めないかなどを検討。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 1.367% of the fund.
4.11 (18)

NFT-DAO EZ-Pay API wallet connector

$40,000 Received
$69,945 Requested

Solution: Build extended wallet bridges to traditional systems like VISA, Venmo and a hub for things like MetaMask, Yoroi, Daedalus & exchanges.

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 11.658% of the fund.
4.33 (9)

AVOUM: Account View on UTXO Model

$45,000 Requested

Solution: 私たちは、CardanoのUTXOモデルの上に「アカウント」ビューを提供し、マレブルなトランザクションとNode-Extractable Valueを使って、この問題を解決します。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Scale-UP Cardano's DeFi Ecosystem
not approved Requested 18% of the fund.
2.19 (32)

AVOUM on Cardano

$26,500 Received
$26,500 Requested

Solution: AVOUMは、eUTxOブロックチェーンのアカウントビューと、より高い並行性を可能にするmalleable transactionの概念を提示します。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Seeding Cardano's Grassroots DeFi
completed Awarded 13.25% of the fund.
4.27 (15)

Glow Formal Verification Stage 2

$76,000 Requested

Solution: プログラマーが提供するアサーションを自動的にチェックすることができるGlow言語用のフォーマル検証エンジンです。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 38% of the fund.
4.25 (12)

Glow on the PAB

$63,000 Requested

Solution: GlowはDAppの開発を簡素化しますが、現在はEVMを必要としています。私たちは、PABを使ってGlowを直接Plutusに移植することを提案します。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 31.5% of the fund.
4.13 (15)

Glow on the PAB

$300,000 Requested

Solution: Glow is a simple yet efficient language for DApps.

It already works on the EVM, and we propose porting Glow directly to Cardano by making it compatible with the PAB (Plutus Application Backend)

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
over budget Requested 30% of the fund.
4.56 (18)

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