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silvia ecclesia own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Impact / Alignment
4.53 Star
4.22 Star
4.41 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


silvia ecclesia Proposals (4)

Cardano for Asia - impact ventures

$25,000 Requested

Solution: Connect with impact entrepreneurs in Asia to understand their knowledge and needs, and offer them intro workshops on blockchain and Cardano, and the potential of participation in Project Catalyst.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano
over budget impact proposal Requested 10% of the fund.
0 (1)

Impact monetization 4 entrepreneurs

$20,000 Requested

Solution: Needs assessment of 450+ entrepreneurs on impact valuation and monetization, desktop research, and focus groups with experts.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Catalyst Natives X Cardashift: Demonstrating and monetizing impact
funded impact proposal Awarded 10% of the fund.
0 (1)

Climathon: Blockchain4Climate

$13,500 Requested

Solution: Proposing a blockchain challenge on the theme of transparency at Climathon Geneva: annual open-innovation event to co-create for and commit to climate action, hosted at Impact Hubs globally.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Cross-Chain Collaboration
not approved impact proposal Requested 1.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

United Nations Blockchain4Impact

$70,000 Requested

Solution: A knowledge sharing series within the UN ecosystem on using blockchain to solve the Grand Challenges and creating tangible cross-sector partnerships

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Cross-Chain Collaboration
not approved impact proposal Requested 7.778% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports

We have circulated a survey about entrepreneurs' interest in blockchain among our alumni network of Asia (integarting a previous survey in Africa, LatAm and Eastern Europe) and conducted 7 interviews with entrepreneurs and experts in impact management and monetization

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
Comments 0

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We kicked-off the project meeting with Cardashift and planning the project's timeline and milestones. We sent out the survey to our Alumni cohort and will close it on November 28th. We sent out emails to plan interviews and are waiting for answers.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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