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Mesh JS SDK own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact Alignment
4.2 Star
4.21 Star
Value for money
3.99 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.48 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Mesh JS SDK Proposals (8)

Mesh: Support Teams Building Cardano dApps with MESH JS SDK (A comprehensive open-source SDK for building dApps on Cardano)

₳150,000 Requested

Solution: MeshJS will pro-actively facilitate integration of our open source code into other Cardano Projects by directly providing financial and human resources to support and facilitate these integrations

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
not approved Requested 2.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

MeshJS SDK Operations: Supporting Open-Source Library Development, Developer Resources & Builder Community

₳67,764 Received
₳169,413 Requested

Solution: To guarantee and ensure sustainability of a team dedicated to maintaining and developing one of the best open-source libraries on Cardano, providing devs with something easy-to-use, fun and productive

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem
funded Awarded 5.364% of the fund.
0 (1)

Sustain & Maintain MeshJS

₳24,000 Received
₳150,000 Requested

Solution: This proposal enables implementations not limited to Voltaire features, Hydra & Aiken integration, and data providers integrations. Including bounties for issues, features, and learning materials.

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Open: Developers - technical
funded Awarded 1.429% of the fund.
0 (1)

SIDAN | MeshJS - Advance Cardano SDK in Rust

₳200,000 Requested

Solution: On top of the backbone of previous funded pilot research and implementation, we build a developer-ready SDK which makes efficient Cardano backend in Rust possible and easily accessible.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.905% of the fund.
0 (1)

Mesh New Features to Improve Developer experience and Cardano Adoption

₳200,000 Requested

Solution: We will upgrade Mesh by implementing CIP 45, WebRTC wallet connect, handle multiple serialization libs, revamp to support backend transactions building, and improve error messages to improve DevXP

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.905% of the fund.
0 (0)

SIDAN | MeshJS - Cardano Service Layer Framework for DApps

₳200,000 Requested

Solution: R&D a framework to quickly spin up a Cardano Service Layer (CSL) for DApps, allowing DApps to re-use all infrastructure such as contracts and MeshJS, while possible for custom protocol parameters.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.905% of the fund.
0 (0)

Mesh Software as a Service

₳100,000 Requested

Solution: We provide hosted server instances for wallet and transactions builder by restful APIs, this allow integration and interaction to Cardano blockchain from any technology stacks and systems.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Use Cases: Concept
vote pending Requested 1.333% of the fund.
0 (0)

Sustain and Maintain Mesh SDK

₳200,000 Requested

Solution: Maintenance and operations of Mesh SDK, community support and content creation, in order to onboard developers and users to the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.905% of the fund.
0 (0)

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