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sonia.marotta own proposals

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Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

sonia.marotta Proposals (8)

Phygital Hub for Local NFTs & DAOOH

$14,000 Received
$14,000 Requested

<p>F6 NFT projects face expensive local unawareness and adoption; just as the contents of nearby businesses, initiatives, creators and groups.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: NFT Business models
completed Awarded 7% of the fund.
4.5 (12)

DAO Displays for Public Spaces

$36,000 Requested

Solution: Local people, communities and businesses can showcase their contents and initiatives to Public Spaces through DAO-OOH Digital Displays.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DAOs ❤ Cardano
over budget Requested 7.2% of the fund.
3.67 (9)

Test DAO at Latam Public Spaces

$24,000 Requested

Solution: Local people, communities and businesses can showcase their contents and initiatives to Public Spaces through DAO-OOH Digital Displays.

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 4.8% of the fund.
4.08 (12)

ADA-DESO Templates to Test Projects

$19,850 Received
$19,850 Requested

Solution: Open-source web-templates built on CARDANO-DESO to offer its projects customizable Tools/UI to test solutions easy, cheap, fast and massive.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Cross-Chain Collaboration
completed Awarded 4.963% of the fund.
4.67 (12)

ADA-DESO Templates to Test dApps

$9,250 Received
$9,250 Requested

Solution: Open-source web-templates built on CARDANO-DESO to offer its projects customizable Tools/UI to test solutions easy, cheap, fast and massive.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
completed Awarded 0.37% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

DAO Displays for Public Spaces

$28,750 Received
$28,750 Requested

Solution: Local people, communities and businesses can showcase their contents and initiatives to Public Spaces through DAO Digital Displays.

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Nation Building Dapps
completed Awarded 3.594% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

Let’s onboard to Cardano through its first DAO Incubator, those cultural organizations that struggle lack of monetization opportunities, inefficient retribution structures and entry barriers to suitable DAO solutions!

₳300,000 Requested

Solution: DAO Incubator which helps cultural organizations to take their next big Web3 step. Education, training, community building tools, management apps, among others, are given through different phases.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: DAOs <3 Cardano
not approved Requested 9.498% of the fund.
4.33 (18)

Let's launch on Cardano our accesible market-fit services for event ticketing, trendy brand experiences and fair event-producing network able to onboard brands, artists, workers and audiences to our Cardano F8-backed multi-chain web3 platform!

₳400,000 Requested

Solution: Launch our widely accesible Cardano services for event ticketing, trendy brand experiences and a fair decentralized event-producing market. Priorly tested at our F8-backed multi-chain web3 social app.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 4.405% of the fund.
4.38 (21)

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