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Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
4.49 Star
4.31 Star
4.28 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.5 Star
Value for money
4.02 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Top of mind of MLabs in Catalyst

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The Team (3)

Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with MLabs. Individuals may not be employed at MLabs. This is is is not representative of MLabs's full team.

MLabs Proposals (30)

MLabs DTF (Dao-Traded-Fund)

$70,400 Received
$70,400 Requested

Solution: MLabs DTF - ETF创建了资产池,有助于减轻与加密货币投资相关的一些风险。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Boosting Cardano's DeFi
completed Awarded 14.08% of the fund.
4.49 (39)


$72,000 Received
$72,000 Requested

Solution: MLabs将实施一个可配置和模块化的治理协议。我们的协议可以被部署为社区创建一个DAO。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DAOs ❤ Cardano
completed Awarded 14.4% of the fund.
4.47 (15)

MLabs - Spec DSL for dApp Security

$72,000 Received
$72,000 Requested

Solution: 我们正在建立一种规格语言,用于正式描述dApp的行为,并生成测试,以根据其设计验证实现。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
4.43 (42)

MLabs - "The Universal Joint"

$25,000 Requested

Solution: 创建一个分散的多媒体工作室,专注于帮助团队分享他们的旅程建设和他们认为至关重要的问题。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
over budget Requested 16.667% of the fund.
3.9 (30)

MLabs - Cardano-Tx-Lib for web3

$71,000 Received
$71,000 Requested

Solution: 我们正在建立一个SDK,用于为基于浏览器的钱包(Nami)和javascript环境(服务器、移动)进行交易和平衡。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 7.1% of the fund.
4.3 (27)

EternalSwap: Perpetual contract DEX

$70,000 Requested

Solution: EternalSwap允许交易者通过vAMMs进行保证金交易,而不需要交易对手。vAMMs保证流动性并限制资本损失。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 2.8% of the fund.
4.42 (12)

CDA DeFi Education

$50,000 Requested

Solution: Cardano DeFi联盟(CDA)由DeFi领导人和杰出的建设者组成,他们有能力解释Cardano的独特功能,如何利用这些功能,以及它们对采用意味着什么。

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: F9: The Great Migration (from Ethereum)
over budget impact proposal Requested 10% of the fund.
4.3 (90)

MLabs - Embedano (Embedded Devices) Quick Pitch

$96,000 Received
$96,000 Requested

Solution: We are developing a secure and open-source software platform for embedded devices on Cardano blockchain. This applies to hardware wallets and other devices buildable using our primitives.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
completed Awarded 1.223% of the fund.
4.42 (33)

MLabs - Apropos for Property Tests

$62,400 Received
$62,400 Requested

Solution: While QuickCheck is effective, we propose Apropos which generates thousands of property tests based on a logical dApp construct greatly increasing confidence in code and reducing the developer burden.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 6.24% of the fund.
4.76 (21)
$73,040 Requested

MLabs - Plutarch v2 Quick Pitch

$73,040 Received
$73,040 Requested

Solution: We will greatly expand the Plutarch feature set to improve efficiency and capability. There will be more powerful abstractions than before and a multi-backend solution for off-chain and on-chain use.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 7.304% of the fund.
4.7 (30)

MLabs - CTL Blockfrost Backend Quick Pitch

$50,000 Received
$50,000 Requested

Solution: MLabs has been working with IOG to build the Cardano Transaction Library (CTL), a framework for building Cardano transactions. We propose adding Blockfrost as an available query layer within CTL.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Building (on) Blockfrost
completed impact proposal Awarded 100% of the fund.
4.5 (18)

MLabs - Dev Documentation Drive

$60,000 Received
$60,000 Requested

Solution: MLabs has worked with Cardano smart contracts for 15 months across multiple projects. We’re well-positioned to make direct contributions and work with maintainers to improve docs for everyone.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
4.48 (27)

MLabs - Cardano DApp Schemas Quick Pitch

$115,200 Received
$115,200 Requested

Solution: Configuration-based mechanism for specifying DApp data types and associated tooling for producing type libraries with common operations for popular language/PAB environments.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
completed Awarded 1.468% of the fund.
4.8 (15)

MLabs - Cardano Throughput Solution

$81,200 Received
$81,200 Requested

Solution: Our solution to Cardano concurrency leverages VRFs, off-chain communication, and on-chain infrastructure to heavily increase throughput. It ensures competing state transitions are not posted on-chain.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 8.12% of the fund.
4.67 (18)

EternalSwap - Perpetual Swaps dApp Quick Pitch

$66,800 Requested

Solution: EternalSwap allows traders to trade on margin without the need for counterparties via vAMMs. vAMMs guarantee liquidity & limit capital loss.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
not approved impact proposal Requested 0.851% of the fund.
4.38 (39)

MLabs – CardaNow – Rapid Infrastructure Caching

₳269,166 Received
₳633,330 Requested

Solution: We propose CardaNow, a hosting service for efficient access to Cardano infrastructure: Lucid, CTL, Carp, etc. As a first step towards a full service, we will establish a rapidly cached environment.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
funded Awarded 6.975% of the fund.
4.07 (15)