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  1. A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
  2. For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.

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Together we are building an open source framework of decentralized applications for the Cardano community while providing practical experience to university students.
Project Catalyst has provided seed funding we’re leveraging to mentor and guide future generations of Cardano blockchain innovator

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
3.98 Star
3.76 Star
3.56 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.29 Star
Value for money
3.38 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Top of mind of NFT-DAO in Catalyst

most frequent words in proposal details


The Team (7)

Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with NFT-DAO. Individuals may not be employed at NFT-DAO. This is is is not representative of NFT-DAO's full team.

  • Sebastian Pereira Gutierrez

  • rich

  • Ícaro C. Capobianco

  • Giezi Ordonez

  • Zane Davidson

  • Hung Quy

NFT-DAO Challenges (3)

Challenge: Atala PRISM DID Mass-Scale Adoption

$500,000 Budget
Proposed in Fund: Fund 5
Approved Approved 62.5% of the fund.
4.5 (6)

Challenge: NFT Business models

$200,000 Budget
Proposed in Fund: Fund 5
Approved Approved 25% of the fund.
4.73 (11)

Challenge: The Newbie Challenge Setting

₳200,000 Budget

How can we create a space where projects that have never been funded before can compete without having to go against veteran projects with more experience?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 9
Budget 1.563% of the fund.
4.04 (27)

NFT-DAO Proposals (28)

NFT-DAO EZ-On Interop NFTs

$8,200 Received
$8,200 Requested

Solution: 空间旅行–使NFT的跨链标准化,包括是否要包装和烧毁,或者我们是否可以在不烧毁的情况下把它们带过来。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 1.367% of the fund.
4.11 (18)

DID for the Masses

$68,000 Requested

Solution: 开发DID,以部署到数以千万计的现成市场,这些人可以为Cardano带来540亿美元/年的交易量,并可以使用DID所能提供的好处。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Accelerate Decentralized Identity
over budget Requested 16% of the fund.
4.08 (12)

Near Field Query tap authentication

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 一个无懈可击的定制NFQ标签,为进入:区块链、NFT、智能合约和支付解决方案提供一个安全和可验证的触摸媒介。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Miscellaneous Challenge
not approved Requested 17.5% of the fund.
3.67 (12)

Portal: NFQ's digital asset mgmt.

$35,000 Requested

Solution: 一个直观的dApp,为消费者和品牌提供一个数字资产管理平台,用于嵌入NFQ标签的实体产品。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DApps & Integrations
over budget Requested 14% of the fund.
4.58 (12)

Cardano Subnet/VM Avalanche Bridge

$9,600 Received
$9,600 Requested

Solution: 在Avalanche上架构和建立一个Cardano子网/虚拟机,在Cardano网络和Avalanche上的Cardano子网之间实现DeFi桥梁。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Boosting Cardano's DeFi
completed Awarded 1.92% of the fund.
4.22 (9)

Social Media For Blockchains

$1,000 Requested

Solution: 该解决方案将采用网络应用的形式,类似于LinkedIn,但用于加密货币/区块链特定的招聘和技能分享。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
not approved Requested 0.5% of the fund.
2.42 (33)

College Student Recruitment

$9,600 Requested

Solution: NFT-DAO将举办研讨会,让学生了解Cardano链带来的新机遇,并将他们与项目联系起来。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Community Events
over budget Requested 4.8% of the fund.
3.97 (30)

DAO Decentralized Communication

$29,440 Received
$29,440 Requested

Solution: 构建一个强大的、易于部署的分散式通信/协作平台,以组成关于治理、财务和参与的关键决策。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DAOs ❤ Cardano
completed Awarded 5.888% of the fund.
4.63 (24)

Decentralized Newsletter Service

$85,000 Requested

Solution: Create a decentralized newsletter service that decouples payment, publishing, and subscription from centralized services. That way journalists are able to do their job without fear of censorship.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.083% of the fund.
4.11 (18)

Let's Woo Techstars

$405,000 Requested

Solution: 像他们与各种实体一样,根据事业和商业化发展Techstars的伙伴关系。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors
over budget Requested 81% of the fund.
1.93 (15)

Decentralized Content Distribution

$28,000 Requested

Solution: NFTs是将优质内容代币化的理想方式,同时通过区块链发布是抗审查的。创造一个新的内容经济

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: NFT Business models
not approved Requested 14% of the fund.
3.5 (12)

Coffee DAO

₳123,000 Requested

Solution: Coffee DAO proposes the Origin Certificate, an information aggregator that uses NFT technology to gather all the previously scattered data under a single source of truth hosted on-chain.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 1.355% of the fund.
3.92 (24)