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heikki.ruhanen own proposals

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Proposals Across Funding Rounds


heikki.ruhanen Proposals (9)

DID market study & deployment

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 在圣保罗和里约热内卢为银行、金融和保险领域的DID招聘进行市场研究

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 6% of the fund.
3.72 (18)

Recruitment utilising Atala PRISM

$60,000 Requested

Solution: 利用Fairway SaaS系统中的Atala PRISM DID来创建、记录和利用与就业和职业市场有关的合同和文件

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Accelerate Decentralized Identity
over budget Requested 14.118% of the fund.
3.58 (12)

Employment Credentials in Zanzibar

$17,500 Requested

Solution: 我们的目标是创建一项服务,在PRISM DID中向桑给巴尔的雇员发放就业证明-证书。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 7% of the fund.
3.75 (12)

Recruitment Utilizing Atala PRISM

$48,500 Received
$48,500 Requested

Solution: 通过实用和吸引人的Fairway软件,埃塞俄比亚的普通企业可以轻松获得基于PRISM的教育证书。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Accelerate Decentralized Identity
completed Awarded 9.7% of the fund.
4.42 (12)

Employment Credentials on PRISM

$60,900 Requested

Solution: 我们已经创建了一个用户友好的SaaS软件,可以应用PRISM,使就业证明-证书的发放变得高效和简单。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Business Solutions (B2B & B2C)
over budget Requested 6.09% of the fund.
3.78 (9)

Employment Credentials in Tanzania

$24,500 Requested

Solution: We test the feasibility of our solution to issue and verify credentials for a better recruitment market in Tanzania and Zanzibar and form a deployment plan. We'll also publish a report of our findings

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 4.9% of the fund.
4.46 (48)

Employment Credentials on PRISM

$67,432 Received
$67,432 Requested

Solution: Connecting our recruitment SaaS software to PRISM making the issuing and viewing of Proof of Employment-Credentials in recruitment easy

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
completed Awarded 0.859% of the fund.
4.44 (27)

Engaging Early Adopters: Incentivizing PRISM-based Educational Credentials for IT Professionals in Recruitment and Establishing a Governance Framework

₳290,000 Requested

Solution: Addressing adoption challenges by targeting early adopters. Incentivizing tech schools to utilize DID to issue certificates empowering graduated developers with VCs to global employment opportunities

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Atala PRISM: Launch Ecosystem
not approved Requested 9.182% of the fund.
4.38 (29)

Bootstrapping PRISM adoption with a tool to build Educational Credentials

₳228,000 Requested

Solution: Fairway's SSI solution aims to simplify the process of issuing edu-credentials for schools and offer a practical incentive for Ethiopian IT-students to bootstrap the process through European IT-hires

Fund: Fund 11 Challenge: F11: Cardano Use Cases: Product
over budget Requested 3.04% of the fund.
0 (0)

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