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NuNet own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

4.5 Star
Value for money
4.4 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.43 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


NuNet Proposals (7)

NuNet: Enabling Elasticsearch Clusters on decentralized hardware // Elasticsearch is a fast and scalable search and analytics engine, providing powerful analytics and visualization tools. NuNet will enable running it on its decentralized network.

₳293,600 Requested

Solution: NuNet will enable anyone with eligible devices to host Elasticsearch nodes, configure them into clusters and be rewarded via Cardano SC. For these purposes new features will be added to the platform.

Image file

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Development & Infrastructure
not approved Requested 3.38% of the fund.
0 (1)

NuNet: Decentralized GPU Splitting on software level // Splitting large scale compute work into small containers optimized for deployment on decentralized hardware is a necessary component of any decentralized system.

₳369,400 Requested

Solution: NuNet is a decentralized, open source, peer-to-peer computing alternative to big cloud providers. Currently NuNet enables computing on one GPU on one machine for one task. Scaling up is the next step


Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
not approved Requested 5.848% of the fund.
0 (1)

NuNet: Decentralized GPU Clusters – Research & PoC // Massive GPU computing power is scattered across gamers, miners and individual computer users; Proposal includes research and building a PoC for combining these resources into virtual GPU clusters.

₳307,500 Requested

Solution: Currently NuNet enables GPU computing on a single GPU on one machine for a single task. Scaling up to multi-machine decentralized clusters for multiple parallel computing tasks is the next step.

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Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
not approved Requested 4.868% of the fund.
0 (1)

ML-Powered NFT Recommendation API, Trained on the NuNet Network

₳337,730 Requested

Solution: Personalize NFT search & drive NFT sales with a recommended NFTs API that leverages machine learning, user wallet data, NuNet’s decentralized computing network & the market expertise of Plutus.Art.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 3.719% of the fund.
0 (1)

NuNet: Running OSS ChatGPT alternatives on decentralized network // Enabling cheap and reliable Open Source chatbots alternatives on decentralized hardware supporting independence from big tech solutions.

₳387,700 Requested

Solution: NuNet will enable training, running and inference of various Open Source chatbots on decentralized hardware. NuNet's solution is all-inclusive for users and providers.

Image file

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 4.27% of the fund.
0 (1)

NuNet: Bioinformatics simulations with Decentralized Computing // Enabling cheap and reliable simulations on decentralized hardware for Bioinformatics via frameworks. Bioinformatics is essential for management of data in modern biology and medicine.

₳279,400 Requested

Solution: NuNet is a decentralized, open source, p2p computing network utilizing latent computing resources of the world and will enable bioinformatics/medical/physics simulations to run via its network.


Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 3.077% of the fund.
0 (1)

NuNet: DIDs for Components in NuNet Ecosystem // Nunet will provide a mechanism for providers, consumers, services and hardware devices to uniquely identify themselves using DID’s and securely attach them to KYC + KYB data and service providers.

₳359,300 Requested

Solution: Enable unique identification of each hardware, software and user-related component with industry standard DIDs and relate them to securely stored KYC/KYB data via integration with 3rd party providers


Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem
not approved Requested 11.376% of the fund.
0 (1)

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