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Michael Yagi own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
4.43 Star
4.38 Star
3.93 Star
Impact / Alignment
3.86 Star
Value for money
3.57 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Michael Yagi Proposals (15)

Logosphere - dApp Hackathons

$75,000 Received
$100,000 Requested

<p>Lots of dev time is spent on boilerplate code for off-chain data persistence. Even if a project ships, developing in their ecosystem is hard</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 9.95% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

Ikigai - UE4/Unity Plugins & Tools

$60,000 Requested

<p>Game Developers lack the tooling to integrate decentralized systems like Cardano/Fluree/NFTs into their game or infrastructure</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Developer ecosystem
over budget Requested 5.97% of the fund.
4.67 (15)

Upper/Cut! Unity Card Game dApp

$20,000 Requested

<p>Low-scope dApps - especially indie games - that  integrate NFTs are often ineffective at drawing new users into the ecosystem.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 8% of the fund.
4.33 (18)

Logosphere - Cell Level Security

$33,000 Received
$33,000 Requested

<p>Some fields in documents need to stay hidden or restricted due to privacy concerns. Implementing this at the field-level is a difficult task</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Metadata challenge
funded Awarded 33% of the fund.
4.83 (12)

Ikigai - Disrupting Games via NFTs

$20,000 Requested

<p>The video game industry market is bigger than the music and film industry combined; however, NFT's have only begun to scratch the surface.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: NFT Business models
not approved Requested 10% of the fund.
3.56 (9)


$40,000 Received
$59,842 Requested

Solution: 通过将 "alice.ada "等人类可读的名字映射到机器可读的标识符(如Cardano地址)来改善用户体验。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 9.974% of the fund.

NFT-DAO EZ-On Interop NFTs

$8,200 Received
$8,200 Requested

Solution: 空间旅行–使NFT的跨链标准化,包括是否要包装和烧毁,或者我们是否可以在不烧毁的情况下把它们带过来。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 1.367% of the fund.
4.11 (18)

NFT-DAO EZ-Pay API wallet connector

$40,000 Received
$69,945 Requested

Solution: 建立扩展的钱包桥梁,与传统系统如VISA、Venmo和MetaMask、Yoroi、Daedalus及交易所等的枢纽。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Developer ecosystem
completed Awarded 11.658% of the fund.
4.33 (9)

NFT-DAO EZ-Ticket dispenser

$29,842 Requested

Solution: 有了NFT,智能门票是可验证的,可互操作的,并有明确的所有权。在活动中兑换的门票在数字钱包中继续存在。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: DApps & Integrations
over budget Requested 11.937% of the fund.
4.15 (20)

Graph DB Sidechain with Fluree

$12,500 Received
$12,500 Requested

Solution: 利用Fluree不可变的图形分类帐/DB为DApps建立一个可证明的、以数据为中心的侧链,利用W3C语义链接数据标准。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Metadata challenge
funded Awarded 25% of the fund.
4.88 (17)

NFTDAO: Industry Standards 1 (dues)

$5,000 Requested

Solution: 行业标准组织制定了多个供应商实施的标准,这些标准已经开始为NFTs形成。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Metadata challenge
over budget Requested 10% of the fund.
3.86 (14)

Open-Source Blockfrost Deployment Images

₳36,900 Received
₳123,000 Requested

Solution: We've created streamlined deployment configs for quick deployment with minimal setup granting access to the deployed infrastructure. Production is focused on scaling, customizing, and best practices.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
funded Awarded 1.947% of the fund.
4.25 (24)

Ikigai + MLabs – Hydra app SDK and auction service

₳469,029 Received
₳1,302,857 Requested

Solution: Upgrade the hydra auction reference implementation into a production-ready app deployable on mainnet and add UX improvements for commercial viability. Develop a general SDK for similar applications.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
funded Awarded 14.348% of the fund.
4.21 (24)

Cardano NFT Integration in Death-Race Game, Project: Hermes

₳348,000 Requested

Solution: GENUN solves the AAA quality Cardano adoption in gaming with Project: Hermes integration, accelerating adoption and expanding the boundaries of gaming into WEB3 and bringing AAA experience.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
over budget Requested 3.832% of the fund.
3.86 (21)

Cardano NFT Integration in Fighting Card Game, Uppercut

₳348,000 Requested

Solution: GENUN solves the limited Cardano adoption in gaming with Uppercut integration, accelerating adoption and expanding the boundaries of gaming into WEB3 and bringing AAA experience.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
over budget Requested 3.832% of the fund.
3.28 (18)

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