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Adnan own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
4.33 Star
4.15 Star
4 Star
Value for money
4.29 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.48 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Adnan Proposals (12)


$5,000 Received
$5,000 Requested

<p>There is need of a college club focused on organizing hackathons, raising awareness and guiding university student talent towards Cardano.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Proposer outreach
completed Awarded 5% of the fund.
4.17 (12)

Deqree: Certificate Validation 🎓

$22,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a cost effective dApp platform to issue and validate certificate credentials using transaction metadata and a native token.

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Metadata challenge
over budget Requested 22% of the fund.
3.67 (6)

CardSec 🔒

$16,500 Received
$16,500 Requested

Solution: CardSec的目标是为Cardano股权池和运行Cardano节点的dApps建立专门的指南和开源测试工具。

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Disaster: When all is at stake
completed Awarded 11% of the fund.
3.67 (6)

Deqree: Certificate Validation 🎓

$22,000 Requested

Solution: 开发一个具有成本效益的dApp平台,使用交易元数据和本地令牌验证证书凭证。

Fund: Fund 5 Challenge: F5: Metadata challenge
not approved Requested 44% of the fund.
2.45 (11)

Cardsec 🔒: SPO Self-Audit Toolkit

$20,500 Requested

Solution: CardSec正在建立为运行Cardano节点的服务器定制的指南和用户友好的开源测试工具。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's
over budget Requested 20.5% of the fund.
4.22 (9)

Rarety - SC based NFT drop platform

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 我们正在开发一个基于智能合约的CNFT投放平台,该平台也支持与版税一起交易,以支持艺术家。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Mini/Low-Budget Dapps & Integrations
completed Awarded 5% of the fund.
3.93 (15) : Multi-Sig NFT Launchpad

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 我们正在为项目建立一个NFT Launchpad,该项目使用多签名造币,其效率远远高于任何现有的解决方案。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: DApps and Integrations
over budget Requested 1.2% of the fund.
4.33 (12)

Skrypt Labs - Innovation & Adoption

$30,000 Requested

Solution: 我们的目标是扩大我们在印度的开发者团队,让更多的开发者参与到Cardano中来,创造全球区块链产品。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Grow India, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 20% of the fund.
4.05 (21)

Native SDKs for iOS and Android

$100,000 Requested

Solution: Develop native SDKs for iOS and Android platforms, which will help to develop dapps for these platforms using Cardano blockchain.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Developer ecosystem
not approved Requested 25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Mobile Application for Cardano

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 开发一个iOS和Android应用程序,允许用户跟踪和移动ADA和本地代币,并与智能合约互动。

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: DApps & Integrations
not approved Requested 25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Predictify: A Unique, No-Loss Method For Participation In Predictions Markets

₳253,397 Requested

Solution: Predictify reinvents prediction markets with a unique no-loss model, powered by Cardano's POS. This unlocks potential and opens new methods to increase engagement and user benefits.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
not approved Requested 2.791% of the fund.
4.24 (29)

CardanoCodex'23: A Hackathon Aiming to Increase Exposure for Cardano Within a Massive Developer Base

₳35,666 Received
₳35,666 Requested

Solution: Introducing CardanoCodex'23: A digital hackathon powered by Cardano &amp; moderated by Nucast Labs to increase awareness, engage web3 developers, and promote Cardano in India.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Startups & Onboarding for Students
completed Awarded 9.034% of the fund.
4.45 (33)

Monthly Reports

We are releasing an introductory video series on educating young students about blockchain and Cardano in general under Cardonex:;list=PLbUtekyJtd1UD2hKf-Meb910kQJ4XVXwJ

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
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