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Minswap Labs own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Impact / Alignment
4.64 Star
4.48 Star
Value for money
4.14 Star
Addresses Challenge
4 Star
4.2 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Minswap Labs Proposals (7)

Open-source ISO Toolkit

$17,600 Received
$17,600 Requested

<p>ISO or ISPO (Initial Stake Pool Offering) is one of the best ways to raise funds, but there aren't any tools to do it efficiently yet.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Developer ecosystem
funded Awarded 1.751% of the fund.
0 (1)

Minswap TypeScript SDK

$39,600 Requested

<p>Minswap is one of the leading DEXs on Cardano. Other applications need an easy way to integrate Minswap for swapping tokens.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Developer ecosystem
over budget Requested 3.94% of the fund.
0 (1)

Minswap Liquidity Bootstrapping for DAOs

₳105,000 Received
₳206,000 Requested

Solution: Build and open source an Aiken Smart Contract (LBE V2) for any DAOs to launch a token on Cardano through a fair price discovery method while avoiding front-running and large congestion queues.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: DAOs <3 Cardano
funded Awarded 6.522% of the fund.
0 (1)

Minswap Aiken V2 Audit

₳175,000 Received
₳467,000 Requested

Solution: Minswap Labs is to release an open source V2 of the DEX AMM. Funding is required to contract two different firms to rigorously test and verify the security of the Smart Contracts before deployment.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
funded Awarded 5.143% of the fund.
0 (1)

Minswap Aiken Stableswap Audit + Bug Bounty

₳275,000 Received
₳332,000 Requested

Solution: Minswap Labs will build an open-source Aiken-based Stableswap to enable Cardano DeFi users to trade stable assets in the most efficient manner. This will strengthen stablecoin liquidity on Cardano.

Fund: Fund 10 Challenge: Products & Integrations
funded Awarded 3.656% of the fund.
0 (1)

Minswap SDK for Stableswap + AMM v2 + LBE v2

₳127,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a robust, open-source SDK with off-chain tools, price feeds, historical data storage, and integration methods for 1) StableSwap, 2) AMM V2, and 3) LBE V2, serving the greater Cardano DeFi.

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers
vote pending Requested 1.21% of the fund.
0 (0)

Minswap iOS app (open-source)

₳155,000 Requested

Solution: We propose to develop an open-source, audited iOS app for Minswap, Cardano's largest DEX, to provide a seamless &amp; regionally accessible mobile experience, driving greater adoption of Cardano DeFi

Fund: Fund 12 Challenge: Cardano Use Cases: Concept
vote pending Requested 2.067% of the fund.
0 (0)

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