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Doing great things with people smarter than me

Felix Weber [SWARM] own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Addresses Challenge
4.57 Star
4.21 Star
4.41 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.53 Star
Value for money
5 Star
Impact Alignment
3.7 Star
Value for Money
2.9 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Felix Weber [SWARM] Proposals (78)

IDEA FEST for Fund 6 + 7

$35,000 Received
$35,000 Requested

<p>There is a lack of interaction between proposers and voters in Project Catalyst</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
completed Awarded 0.875% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge Fest by Catalyst Swarm

$5,000 Received
$5,000 Requested

Solution: The Challenge Fest offers Challenge Teams and proposers a place to build relations and connections to increase Proposal Qualities and Impact

Challenge: Fund 7
completed Awarded 0.063% of the fund.
0 (1)

Eastern Town Hall

$12,000 Received
$12,000 Requested

Solution: The Eastern Town Hall offers a place to local communities, to meet and connect, we provide a fast and safe onboarding experience to them

Challenge: Fund 7
completed Awarded 0.15% of the fund.
0 (1)

Ryuki Funding

$35,000 Requested

Solution: Create a Socio-Financial Community Treasury defined as holocratic, united network of coordinated project based Stake Pools & Treasuries

Challenge: Fund 7
over budget Requested 0.438% of the fund.
0 (1)


$35,000 Requested

Solution: A powerful decentralized alliance of organizations, projects, people and governments to drive Cardano adoption and its real impact.

Challenge: Fund 7
over budget Requested 0.438% of the fund.
0 (1)

Eastern Town Hall Language Support

$15,000 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: The Eastern Town Hall provides "tailor made" onboarding guidance and mentorship in multiple languages, those services need to be rewarded

Challenge: Fund 7
completed Awarded 0.188% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanism

$500,000 Budget

How can we distribute Cardano Treasury funds more rapidly in a transparent, accountable, and safe manner?

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 6.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Community Events

$250,000 Budget

How can we increase meaningful participation among the community in the next six months?

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 3.125% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Community Advisor Improvements

$100,000 Budget

Community Advisors are an evolving key role of Project Catalyst and need a place and budget to submit proposals to improve their performance

Proposed in Fund:
Approved Approved 1.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Boosting Diversity in Catalyst

$300,000 Budget

As a community, how can we increase diversity and bring new people and communities into Project Catalyst?

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 3.75% of the fund.
0 (1)

Open Data Lake Blueprint

$105,000 Requested

Solution: Work with Catalyst community to outline initial needs, training, whitepaper, and resources for constructing phase 1 of a Data Lake plan.

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.656% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Funded project - ongoing operations

$500,000 Budget

How can we create a positive Experience for already funded projects which need time and resources to achieve next levels.

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 3.125% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Governance Praxis

$500,000 Budget

What governance experiments can we try, what knowledge can we share, and what forms of organization will emerge from this collective effort?

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 3.125% of the fund.
0 (1)

Challenge: Cross-Chain Collaboration

$900,000 Budget

In the next 6-12 months, how might we create new connections between blockchain communities and how do we enhance existing collaboration?

Proposed in Fund:
Approved Approved 5.625% of the fund.
0 (1)

After Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm

$22,500 Received
$22,500 Requested

Solution: Continue funding Catalyst Swarm After Town Hall provides open spaces to meet and connect with the Community.

Challenge: Fund 8
completed Awarded 0.141% of the fund.

Challenge: Legal & Financial Implementations

₳500,000 Budget

How can we build effective solutions to explore and provide legal & financial services and support to funded Proposers?

Proposed in Fund:
Budget 3.125% of the fund.
0 (1)

Fundraising support. Workshops, one on one sessions and a final pitch event for investors.

₳65,450 Requested

Solution: Web 3 VCs to guide on how to approach investors, start up coach will conduct workshops to prepare pitch-decks and one on one sessions to improve them. A pitch event with investors.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.131% of the fund.
0 (1)

Action Research for Catalyst

₳70,600 Requested

Solution: Run a simple Action Research process in Catalyst as a demo, document it thoroughly, and use it to derive a replicable methodology to use when instigating future changes.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.141% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports

These tasks on the Ledger Live integration have been demoed to the IOG - Catalyst Team and Challenge Team in October 2023 and has been approved already, this report provides additional text report. ( Additional Audit is led by the Ledger Team )

Milestone 3 on the Ledger Live integration includes:

  • Mobile integration
  • functional testing
  • Speculos tests for delegation tx
  • Performance testing
  • Ambassadors Consulting & Advice

As the Ledger Live device is a fully open source project, any code can be review and evaluated via the Ledger Github repositories on:

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1. In the next month
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this was phase1. more functionality to come with a phase2 proposal in Fund9

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We will present the closure report next week.

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Not for now :)

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Yesss.. check we devloped a fully transparent accounting & treasury system to track & document all incoming & outgoing transaction from our proposals. The funding allocations for contributions to the catalyst swarm operations has been extremley well received and definitely create positiv individual impact for the receivers of swarm funds. We currently produce a short serie to highlight some of the swarm fund receivers and the

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Last steps for native token selection, integration tests, security reviews and dual step release date including media planning for the launch date in June 2022 are defined. Looks all good

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cheers :)

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Ready to go :)

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not yet

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Even though the proposal aimed at delivering just the TH, we are over exceeding that goal with many contributions, such as actively forming new alliances, articulations, fostering Cardano's presence in the LATAM world (Twitter spaces, interviews, publications, etc.) And all these efforts are not only reaching the LATAM region, but other regions in the world interested in LATAM, as well as many Spanish and Portuguese speakers all over the world. We have produced two IdeaFests (F8 and F9) and now we are Launching the LATAM FUNd Fest where we aim to reach out to external community and bring them to Catalyst and Cardano.

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the initially thought bi weekly meetings take place each week.

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NFT Guild
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nope, all fine :)

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The Japanese community is very active in term of joining Catalyst activities despite the language barriers, we help the Japanese with the documents translation which is the challenges translation and having a Japanese breakout room, we also use Otter and live transcription in Zoom to help support Japanese that cannot hear English well but they can read well.

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Even though the proposal aimed at delivering the TH, we are over exceeding that goal with many contributions, such as actively forming new alliances, articulations, fostering Cardano's presence in the LATAM world (Twitter spaces, interviews, publications, etc.) And all these efforts are not only reaching the LATAM region, but other regions in the world interested in LATAM, as well as many Spanish and Portuguese speakers all over the world.

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We complete token support and are doing automated testing (depends on Ledger activities)

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We are doing and trying new thing to attract more people to come and ask for our help, each communities are doing a very good job. ^^

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In this fund, we used Gitlocalize to help the community help with translating the Challenge Setting in their own languages in Japanese, Indonesian and Vietnamese with ADA rewards and also the NFT badges for their contribution, our beloved teammate - Yan - from Indonesian has build up the compensation framework base on T-shirt size and it is detailed listed out in the Word file attached. The translation has already been done in Japanese, Indonesian and Vietnamese by the community. ^^ We also help the community to receive up-to-date information by translating main Townhall meeting slide into local languages.

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NFT Guild
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Completed send and receive ADA, token support in progress

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finalizing the Challenge Team catalogue and finishing the Projekt for this funding round :)

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not for now :)

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like mentioned above.. we are a bit in delay for this project but on it to deliver timely :)

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We have hosted already 8 TownHalls since December 20th 2021. In February we have started our regular weekly meeting each Thursday at 21:30 UTC. We have also produced the first LATAM Ideafest for Fund7. Created our Discord Server that now has 259 members and growing, our Twitter account, Telegram account and Youtube channel where all TH videos are uploaded. We have also produced a gitbook to make all our activities public. We have also appeared in several events from other communities and spaces to create awareness of our Community and bring new members to Cardano.

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Its a big fun to operate the swarm and starting being rewarded for that

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yes, After Town Hall got successfuly multiplied with the community led Eastern, Latam, Pacific, Africa Town Halls… however, by providing these constant community services, it becomes difficult for us to rely on proposals and to sustain our formats and services

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Idea Fest is happening on March 26 and April 2

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Eastern Townhall is support the Japanese community by having a bi-weekly meeting for the Japanese under Eastern Townhall meeting. We create a lot of activities and the members as well as the proposals submited for Fund8 is increasing significantly despite the language barrier.

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The Eastern Townhall has built up a semi-automated translation pipeline and also receive the translation support from the community. We also have many internal session/workshop to teach the core team how to use Gitlocalize and then they will show back to the community. All of the translation will be public on our Eastern Townhall website We also continue to translate guideline, weekly updates to local languages to serve specific community.

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The Eastern Townhall is still held bi-weekly meeting and attract the audiences from Japan, Indonesian, East-Africa, New Zealand and Vietnam. The number of people join the meeting as well as the number of CA and proposals submitted for fund8 is increasing sharply almost by double this fund. The community also help us to do translation for the challenge setting to local languages. We will continue our work and improve the activities to the next level soon.

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Nope, all fine :)

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on track

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