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Green Yoma - SSI SDG Marketplace
Current Project Status

Integrate current Hyperledger Aries/Indy stack with Atala Prism to expose youth to the Cardano ecosystem and related projects (MoE).


To measure, verify and incentivise SDG impact claims, we require scalable credential issuance and smart contract capabilities.

Addresses Challenge


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Yoma is an ecosystem that connects youth, potential future employers and social impact organisations such as NGOs, local and national governments via an online platform. Based on integration with digital learning platforms and using ethical and privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms, yoma provides youth with opportunities for social & environmental engagement, skills acquisition and employment. The individual growth journey of on and off-platform achievements is reflected in a digital CV built up from verifiable credentials that are linked to a blockchain. This information combined with a psychometric analysis will be the basis for individual learning pathways. Youth participants are incentivised to complete tasks through a positive reinforcement system based on digital tokens, which can be redeemed in a digital & physical marketplace. The first iterations of the platform were launched in June 2020 when youth started earning and redeeming their tokens. Since then, more than 300,000 young people have been engaged in various youth opportunities. Currently, yoma is being incubated by RLabs in South Africa and is expected to expand globally as a separate non-profit entity in 2022. By the end of 2022, yoma aims to reach 3 million young people and have evidence for improving youth’s relational wellbeing. Thus, the yoma team plans to build out three main pathways; 1) digital livelihoods, 2) yoma together and 3) impact yoma and validate parts of them with both developmental evaluation and operational research.

By integrating our open-source Hyperledger Aries and Indy SSI technology stack with Atala Prism we will be able to link our platform to Cardano projects such as the Ethiopia MoE and further leverage layer 2 tokens, smart contracts, Refi, Defi and Realfi to the Yoma marketplace.

Solution components:

  • did:prism Integration with current Aries/Indy SSI stack
  • Smart Contract for Yoma Universal Token
  • Expose youth to Defi/Refi opportunities
  • Issue, revoke and verify batch credentials
  • Light wallet integration with Yoma and Green Yoma marketplace
  • Integrate Prism into current Yoma governance as code implementation

Integrating Atala Prism into our SSI technology stack will address various challenge KPIs such as Governance frameworks, Interoperability, Participation and adoption growth, NFT and Smart Contracts integration, Trust registries, Usability and accessibility and most importantly Equity and inclusion. Yoma is open-source, open access, open data and open marketplace platform to enable all youth, education providers, employment providers and sustainable development project providers to connect seamlessly to each other via SSI protocols. Yoma and Cardano combined can truly scale real-world SSI solutions and collaborate on a governmental level across various countries in Africa.

Integrating the Atala Prism stack into the Yoma SSI stack might be fairly complex due to the different protocols, standards and maturity of each project. However, we believe that the value unlocked through integration can help both projects achieve success at scale. Furthermore, the primary risk can be an opportunity as Yoma have active users with a live platform and can directly influence requirements to the Atala Prism team such as governance as code, low-tech SSI, trust registries (which we already developed and implemented in our solution) and other unique challenges faced when scaling out SSI technology to youth in Africa.


  • Time to integrate and complexity to integrate did:prism with current Aries/Indy SSI stack
  • Lack of knowledge of Smart Contract on Cardano


  • Close interaction with the Atala Prism team

  • Partner with IOHK to co-design and develop the Yoma Universal Token requirements and implementation for testing


Planned Milestones delivered over 6 months:

  • Enable youth to create did:prism identifiers so that youth can interact with the Cardano ecosystem
  • Provide youth with a light wallet integration into the Yoma and Green Yoma platforms
  • Enable Yoma to batch issue and revoke credentials related to sustainable development goals (SDG) impact claims, impact verification and proof of impact
  • Develop and test Yoma Universal Token smart contract with the youth
  • Work with existing projects such as Roots Wallet, Mentor-mentee Bounties & eLearning and others

Planned Milestones delivered over 6 months:

  • Enable youth to create did:prism identifiers so that youth can interact with the Cardano ecosystem - $55,000
  • Provide youth with a Cardano light wallet integration with the Yoma and Green Yoma platforms - $25,000
  • Enable Yoma to batch issue and revoke credentials related to sustainable development goals (SDG) projects impact claims, verification and proof - enabled by bullet point 1
  • Develop and test Yoma Universal Token smart contract with the youth - $30,000

Yoma Team:

Johannes Wedenig - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johannes-wedenig-84a45b10/

Wesley Furrow - https://www.linkedin.com/in/wesley-furrow-69178158/

Camila Haux - https://www.linkedin.com/in/camila-justine-jacinta-haux-675b00145/

Micheal Scheibenreif - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-scheibenreif-phd-6a41a079/

Clayton Bond - https://www.linkedin.com/in/clayton-bond-5235ab21/

Marlon Parker - https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlonparker/

Franziska Seiffarth - https://www.linkedin.com/in/franziska-seiffarth-b543731a3/

Lohan Spies - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lohanspies/

Timo Glastra - https://www.linkedin.com/in/timoglastra/


Progress will be measured by setting sub-targets for each milestone and tracking associated GitHub commits.

Weekly/Daily meetings are held to define sprint objectives and report back on progress.

  • Successful implementation of did: prism into Yoma SSI stack
  • Batch issuance/revocation of credentials through Prism
  • Deployment of the token through Cardano smart contracts
  • Yoma Universal Token tested with Youth through project interactions

New proposal

SDG Rating

Yoma focuses on exposing youth to all 17 SDGs as part of the Green Yoma marketplace. Progress can be tracked against Green Yoma projects launched on the platform according to each project’s SDG objectives.

Reseñas de CAs (1)




  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa