not approved
MentalHealth = Wealth:
Current Project Status

BUIDLing an impact ecosystem: Incentivizing and Rewarding Mental Health via dApp:

  • Caring Community
  • Healthy-Fi Mental Health
  • Creators courses (our Coaches) & 1:1 sessions

& Health.Foundation DAO


Stressed? You are not alone - many people are facing Mental issues!

Any Prevention??

Long-lasting trend with crazy social impact costs: €600B in EU, $1000B globally in 2018.

Then a catalyst arrived…

Impact / Alignment
MentalHealth = Wealth:

Please describe your proposed solution.

At a time when (social media) attention is a very valuable currency, mental health and well-being are having a hard time making its mark. People facing mental issues has been a long-lasting trend causing severe issues and very high social impact costs (€ 600B in EU and $1 Trillion globally in 2018, WHO).

So even before this virus appeared, people suffered already mentally.

Then the Covid pandemic - which is hopefully finally officially over soonish - fully accelerated the long-lasting "mental pandemic" (psychologists fully booked - waiting time often more than ten weeks…and if you are suffering today, when do you need support??) - and acted as catalyst: Demand for well-being has been increasing tremendously. Don’t we all know people who are stressed out and need support? Friends, family - and maybe even yourself?

Guess how this whole careoline heal2earn idea was created? Yes… one of the careoline co-founders suffered from a burn-out - and analyzed the root cause… he gathered a couple of old friends and entrepreneurs around him, goal: It's time to do preventive action for mental health, creation of awareness and de-stigmatization around this topic, so others won't suffer!

What to do to support all these people towards a happier life and society? Targeting both the most amazing and critical people at the same time in the very beginning: YOU, the tech guys :) Succeeding here will proof the bigger impact vision - and attracting a much wider community which will benefit as well.

In order to do so, together with you we will build an Open Source dApp on Cardano, to Healthy-Fi mental health and bring it to the masses. For sure the developers will be incentivized - hence win-win-win, that's what the careoline social impact project aims for. This is the starting point for building a bridge to a happier society.

As a result, we will see and feel a happier society, people who are way more reflected and less stressed which ultimately leads to much better decision making and less social impact cost, also tackling one of the UN Sustainability Goals: SDG3!

So our proposal will benefit the greater Cardano Community - it could even provide double benefits:

a) The Cardano Community will be even happier in the future; and

b) The Cardano Community will grow - since not only the already existing community likes to be in a happy and joyful state of mind… :)

c) Do you know a not so hidden secret? Our careoline logo - it's a magic fairy :)

And as you know, part of the careoline team speaks Spanish as mother tongue - and now go ahead, if you translate ADA in Spanish to English…you will be surprised - BINGO, it's a: Fairy :))

On a personal note, all of us founders have suffered, hence educated themselves as coaches, been to retreats - and do practice self-reflection and practice open communication and provide critical feedbacks to and with each other. Being aware of your mental state - so beautiful, so helpful.

Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.

Powered by Cardano and Web3, people get incentivized in a unique way with careoline “heal2earn”: Incentivizing (gamifying) healthy behavior makes people to win double! By improving their well-being and earning rewards (health token) at the same time. Early on - as preventive action, before people even start suffering.

The rewards can be used in the careoline in-house store for various opportunities like access to special coaching sessions, retreats in the careoline well-being “careoverse house”; or even doing something good for people in need via donating to the " health DAO", supporting these people who have no access or cannot afford mental support.

In quite some countries mental health has not been integrated into primary care – hence we need to find another, innovative way to support!

Additional benefit: Users own their health data stored securely on Blockchain - and if they want to share and monetize their data for certain initiatives / research, they were even free and allowed to do so.

Based on all information above, build on Cardano the mental health dApp allows to be fully scalable - covering and educating the high demand of millions of people out there, seems like a Blockchain for Good impact use case.

What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?

Couple of topics could prevent the Cardano community from building such an important product:

  • Funding: Bootstrapped idea with own money, effort and time - to attract great people and talent, mostly you need to offer more than only an important impact project.
  • Development issues: Prepared Epics and many stories for sprints, hence plenty of things to be developed. The team is very experienced in managing development projects. Hence one issue could be the insufficient number of developers who are sought after, for sure. Though we believe creating this dApp hand in hand in a win-win-win way with the Cardano Community, we will create impact together - which is also great to see for every single person working on this important topic. Also we will incentivize all developers with ADA raised via mental health NFT launch to buidl
  • Reach: Looking at the Cardano Community alone and it's drive towards impact creation, this will be more than fine when we do our job. Furthermore, we do have already some partnerships supporting each other. So the community will even grow from other (external) areas - potentially a lot.
  • Lack of Creators (Coaches): We do have already 150 creators qualified (personal interviews), more than 1000 creators are in the pipeline.
  • Happiness Index Creation: For long-term science based studies around how self-reflection and other self-caring, regular "rituals" help as preventive action to avoid social impact cost and pain, we need to intensify dialogue with research institutes. We have been in conversations with University of Zurich only so far - happy to receive recommendations by the community.
  • Compliance (Health Regulations): Each country and each culture have its own perceptions at the regulatory level, even to the point of thinking that we want to compete with them. To mitigate this, we will use our partner program in which we will include the organizations, institutions, and authorities and comply with each necessary regulation.

Last but not least honestly topic: Maybe our own mental health state could prevent us from delivering - though for this, we know how to self-reflect and do count on our qualified coaches and the great community out there!

Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.

We are experienced entrepreneurs, however knowing the best plan is only a plan - which needs to be executed in all it's beauty, in an agile and kind of flexible way.

Though we put quite some effort into following roadmap and milestones:

  1. TIMELINE what has happened so far:

Q1 2022: #heal2earn Idea creation (based on B2B matchmaking platform, matching people in need with qualified health professionals), attending various conferences and Events in Dubai and Europe. Reflecting on lessons learned from previous project(s). Reflecting on what is required to bring mental health awareness to the masses (careoline ecosystem with four streams: .life, .crypto, .foundation, .partners).

Q2 2022: Setting baseline of careoline.crypto stream: Creation of, social media channels, joining various blockchain events and conferences, talking to various protocol leaders (Polkadot, Celo, Near, and Cardano for sure), informing coaches of .life platform. Roadmap, Whitepaper and page creation. Launch of clean the water, clear the mind impact NFTs.

Various talks and exchanges with the Cardano Foundation team (Frederik Gregaard on stage asked for proposals for impact creation projects, had long conversations with Sandro Knöpfel and Alexandre Maaza, plus finally Patrick Tobler resulted to the decision to Build on Cardano Blockchain and building a partnership with

  1. TIMELINE what will happen:

Q3 2022:

  • Cardano Community: Engaging and partnerships, introducing the team and spreading the word
  • Launch MentalHealth NFT: On Self Care Day, July 24 - together with - at ADA hotel Barcelona CardaHub
  • 6661 NFTs due to the passing away date (6.6.1961) of Swiss Psychologist Jung who changed the way we see mental health
  • NFTs will have various levels of advantages, incl. Legendary NFTs
  • To be very transparent: NFTs will have value for Hodlers in the mid-to long-term, in the short-term you can be a Cardano mental health OG - to support this very much required social impact project. After an open conversation with NFT-Maker it was clear for all of us this is the way to go with the Cardano community - way better than kickstarter.
  • ADA Distribution:
  • 80% of ADA will be dedicated to dApp development - incentivizing the Cardano community developers
  • 10% of ADA will be used to build DAO to provide mental health coaching sessions to people in need who cannot afford it
  • 10% of ADA will go to the team which has already spent 1000s of hours of spare time, effort and money on the project, just fair to receive back at least a little
  • Launch party at CardaHub Barcelona - part of our team is based there. You are happy to join! Jamon and Cava for minter and the wider community
  • Buidling Phase 1: Executing on Epics and Stories
  • Governance: Finalize the prepared work for governance
  • Start dApp Buidling: Architecture review, Buidl on Architecture, get first phase "Wheel of Life" to beta and starting with implementing of heal2earn mechanism
  • Incentivize Developers: Based on NFT launch, 80% of ADA are dedicated to the dApp
  • Extending the team: Get more driven and matching friends onboard
  • Testing and Auditing: Get buidl product tested and audited - incentivized via ADA - which is key for every development stage until Go Live - for all developments
  • Refinement of next Epics and Stories: Finalizing and approving next epics and stories, phase 2
  • Continuous Community Engagement

Q4 2022:

  • Continuous Community Engagement & Incentivization
  • Launch careoline heal2earn token: Next important step for the careoline social impact ecosystem
  • Tokenomics reviewed by Cardano community
  • Tokenomics finalized - similar distribution like NFTs
  • Special conditions for everyboContinuous dy who contributed (NFT Hodler, Developer, Team)
  • Buidling dApp Phase 2: Executing on Epics and Stories
  • Wheel of Life - second phase - Beta Live
  • heal2earn mechanism part 2 - integrate token
  • Community spaces - Beta Live
  • Incentivize Developers: Based on NFT launch, 80% of ADA are dedicated to the dApp
  • Health DAO creation: Foundation to support people in need who cannot afford 1:1 Coaching - voting by DAO who / which organization will be supported
  • Extend team with matching frens
  • Continuous Community Engagement

Q1 2023:

  • Continuous Community Engagement & Incentivization
  • Buidling dApp Phase 3: Executing on Epics and Stories
  • Creator spaces: First Creator courses live
  • Community spaces Go-Live
  • Wheel of Life - next level
  • Start API integration
  • heal2earn mechanism part 3 - token integration finalization
  • Health IDO Launchpad: Requirements and Epics creation
  • Extend team with matching frens
  • Continuous Community Engagement

Q2 2023:

  • Buidling dApp Phase 4: Executing on Epics and Stories
  • Creator spaces part 2: More complex creator courses live
  • API integration to other matching dApps
  • Integration towards 1:1 Live video Coaching sessions
  • Happiness Index: Phase 1
  • Health IDO Launchpad: Start Buidling
  • Extend team with matching frens
  • Continuous Community Engagement

Q3 2023:

  • Buidling dApp Phase 5: Executing on Epics and Stories
  • Integration towards 1:1 Immersive Coaching sessions
  • UX Phase 2
  • Happiness Index Phase 2
  • Health IDO Launchpad: Beta Live
  • Extend team with matching frens
  • Continuous Community Engagement

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.

Budgets below do include relevant elements for incentivizing developers, community engagement, audits, documentation, Marketing, Education, and further specialists.

We don't want to waste your time and mention all elements related to timeline again - hence mentioning only very brief bullet points from above.

Rates are considered to be fair market prices, considering different areas of the world - even the moon.

Q1/Q2 2022: #heal2earn Idea creation & Setting baseline of careoline.crypto stream.

Considering the comments received, we have discussed and decided:

Splitting our budget request now into two parts makes sense and is only fair regarding other projects as well.

However, to succeed in the long-term and to provide preventive mental health, there is need to attract a sufficient amount of ADA to attract best talents working together for making this happen.

Funding Round 9 (Total 340K)

Q3 2022: Creating awareness, start buidling, and educating: 69k

Q4 2022: BUIDLING, engagement and education: 117k

Q1 2023: BUIDLING, engagement and education: 154k

Funding Round 10 (Total 321K)

Q2 2023: BUIDLING, engagement and education: 166k

Q3 2023: BUIDLING, engagement and education: 155k

Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.

In a nutshell: Growth Hacker & Business Coach, Serial Founder, Managing Partner IT Consulting & User Adoption Expert, Social Impact & Mental well-being Ambassador, Business & Technology Consulting, Project Manager, Life Coach, Business Developer, etc…

Core Team: Diverse, Decentralized, Driven

Extended Team and Advisors

  • Mental Health
  • Dr. Natalia Lisenkova
  • Dr. Patrizia Dall'Acqua
  • Dr. Elisabeth Mukuna
  • Libero Bazzotti
  • 150 Health Professionals
  • Mental Health & (Blockchain) Technology
  • Fabiola Luna Huerta
  • Samuel Zürcher
  • Jussi Mori
  • Michele Federici
  • Ali Hababeh
  • Eric Biderbost
  • Blockchain, Development and Security (great people who also care about mental health)
  • Xavier Pivan
  • Daniel Ormos
  • Trym Lyngset
  • XYZ
  • Legal
  • Mireia Hernández García
  • SDG
  • Olga Krylova (and her special Yoda)
  • UX & NFT Design, Marketing and Video (great people who also care about mental health)
  • Alessandra Franceschini
  • Yessica Hurtado
  • Davide Rotondaro
  • Daniel Geiselmann


  • Innosuisse: The Swiss Innovation Agency. Its role is to promote science-based innovation in the interests of industry and society in Switzerland. All coaching are provided by experienced and well known starlets in all required fields (e.g. Daniel Diemers in Blockchain)
  • NFT Maker / Patrick: Pioneer marketplace for the Cardano Community
  • Liberty Specialty Markets (Sponsors): Insurance
  • HealthyCheck: Quick and easy lab testing delivered to your doorstep!
  • …and some more in the pipeline - visit on a regular basis

If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.

First the idea was to get the potentially required amount at once.

However, based on this section and considering the comments we have received, we have discussed and decided:

Splitting our budget request into two parts makes sense and is only fair regarding other projects as well.

However, to succeed in the long-term and to provide preventive mental health, there is need to attract a sufficient amount of ADA to attract best talents working together for making this happen, hence we will come back in Funding Round 10.

That's from our side a very transparent and honest status how we do see things right now - also thanks to the feedback received from the community.

Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?

Short-and mid-term KPIs:

  • Actual Cost vs Budget
  • Implementation status and progress
  • User story delivery %
  • Number of Defects
  • Number of Developers
  • Timeline tracking
  • Team growth and well-being status

Mid-and long-term KPIs:

  • Number of
  • active community members (DAU, WAU, MAU, YAU)
  • self-reflections per week
  • new community members
  • community interactions
  • developer engagements
  • coaching sessions per week
  • visitors
  • conversions
  • partner
  • Happiness Index: Level of self-reflection improvements per week / month / year
  • DAO: Amount of ADA token and people who were supported for free
  • Token activity
  • Team growth and well-being status

What does success for this project look like?

As we can see and feel daily, our society has been changing – often not for the better. People should be able to live a happier, holistic healthy life – health is the best wealth. The bigger well-being movement has just begun – and it’s about time! Time for the “health-gym”. We are happy driving and contributing to this important movement to see millions of people enabled to life a happy, fulfilling life – and all persons being close to them as well!

heal2earn shall drive the well-being awareness, combat stress, and inspire millions leading to a healthier lifestyle and happier life, plus connecting and educating them into Web3. With easy-to-use Technology the entrance barrier is very low to do so, so we can take the fear of people to ask for help. So far today’s society only accepts strong people and there is no space for weakness. Let us change the way mental health works - for good!

Building a bridge to a happier society will be achieved by incentivizing, rewarding, and improving well-being services, enabled by Web3 Technology. Destigmatizing mental health and building a bridge to the better aspects of life, fuelled by Web3 Technology is key. In doing so, careoline’s caring community builds the bridge to a free and happy, better world 😊

Everybody involved will be incentivized and rewarded: All People for allowing time to improve their well-being, Creators (coaches) to provide their valuable services, and everybody in the community who supports this journey. Also the Health DAO benefits from all activities - win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win!

To “Healthy-Fi” the well-being journey with a very low entrance barrier based on wheel of life self-reflection on a scale from 1-10, being completed in less than 60 seconds, will set a very nice and easy-to-use start. Going from there via “simple” questions could lead you further to certain well-being lessons created by our “Coach Creators”. You can also ask questions in the careoline caring community, or you could be able to go even further, matching with the right qualified coach for a 1:1 session, tackling your burning topic.

Providing the right match between people in need & qualified health professionals, no one must fight alone with their problems in life. Making qualified and certified professional health accessible, borderless, affordable, and convenient, so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can be supported, anytime and anywhere – also in particular in countries where you even don’t have mental health primary care!

Interesting for kids / teens as well, who often prefer using an easy-to-use online application (or are kind of addicted) – and like kids we want to go beyond ordinary rules, bringing Coaching to the “careoverse” in the long-term. Everyone deserves to be healthy and happy!

Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.

Entirely new proposal!



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa