not approved
MeetProposer-Bright Up Developer's Ideas
Current Project Status

Host a series of meetups for developers to present their ideas to the community and get critical questions and advisements from experts around the world before the next fund Finalize stage expires.


The’re many developers have high-impact ideas, but struggle to build their and present them to the community effectively, making them receive limited attention from the community, then not be funded.

Value for money
Impact / Alignment
MeetProposer-Bright Up Developer's Ideas

Please describe your proposed solution.


Meet Proposer is a series of meetups held by the TIGER View community on an arranged and fixed weekly schedule.

The purposes of this program is:

  • Strengthen the connection between Proposers's idea and the Cardano community.

By the Meetups, the Proposers will have a chance to present their ideas to the Community. Each project will have a total interaction time with the Community up to 60 minutes. In which, there are from 5 to 15 minutes for the project owner to present, followed by a question-and-answer session with the community.

Every Meetup will be recorded and uploaded to 2 YouTube channels, so that the project development teams and other participants who have missed the Meet can review it.



Those who have ideas that are valuable to the Cardano ecosystem are planning to submit a funding proposal to the next Catalyst Fund. They can be developers, entrepreneurs, or startups. They come from all over and from all walks of life.

Core CR

  • A team of CR (community reviewers). They have diverse backgrounds and are knowledgeable about Cardano, Catalyst. Their job is to prepare a list of potential projects for the community to vote on before setting up a Meet schedule. They are also the people who contact the Project Proposer to set up an appointment.
  • They will also prepare questions and provide valuable advice on proposed topics.
  • Core CR can communicate in English either verbally or in writing, while Native Core CR might not.

Host Meet

  • They are Core CRs responsible for coordinating the meeting. They will explain the project's confusing terms to the community and collect questions from Core CR and from the community, then paraphrase them back to the Proposer.
  • Host Meet can speak in English either verbally or in writing, while Native Host Meet cannot. One person can speak Vietnamese well

Media Team

  • In charge of internal communication, building the image of MeetProposer, promoting the project's communication channels.
  • Promoting the Meets to the target customer groups of the project, depending on the project and the requirements of the Proposers.


  • Be anyone, from anywhere in the world. They can be Proposers, CR/Mod, Challenge teams, Voters, dReps, etc., from the Cardano community or outside.
  • They come to MeetProposer to learn about the project or seek similar advice
  • They can ask the Proposer questions and/or vote on responses from Meet participants to select from different responses.
  • They can apply to be any of participants in the MeetProposer.

Native Meet

  • As Meets are held in a country-specific language for the Cardano community in that country, the MCs will run the Meet in bilingualism. The proposers can present in English, the MC will translate into that national language, Meet participants can give feedback in that language. Videos and documents will be presented in both English and the native language.
  • In order to organize a Native Meet, the following conditions must be met:
  1. Has the Core CR group of that country is available.
  2. MCs who speak that country are available.
  3. The proposers who want to present to the native community.

For example: Proposers around the world can choose to present their ideas at the Meet in the Cardano Vietnam community, in the Vietnamese time zone, we will reach out to the community. Cardano Vietnam to invite them to the Meet. If we receive the cooperation of all parties, we will set up a Meet for the Vietnamese community.

Global Meet

A Meet is held in English for the global Cardano community. The MC will run the Meet in English. Proposers and Cardano community members can come from anywhere in the world to join the Meet. Videos and related documents will be presented in English.


This is a typical process for starting a Meet, applicable to each project. Different projects may have different schedules and overlap with other projects.

Project selection

  • A registration form will be promoted on the media channels, and communities from around the world to reach developers with ideas who are going to submit proposals in Fund 11 and then, invite them to register for the Meet. The developers will provide some basic information related to the project.
  • The CR community will vote to choose which projects should be presented at the next Meet.

Set Meet schedule

  • The support team will send some documentation to help the project owner prepare to present in the Meet and set up an appointment.
  • Send appointment notifications to CR, dRep, and Voter communities around the world to invite them to the Meet.


  • Send appointment notifications to CR, dRep, and Voter communities around the world to invite them to the Meet.
  • The Media team will set up advertising campaigns to promote the events to attract more people to attend the Meet.

Host the Meet

  • The project owner presents ideas
  • Participants ask questions and for advice.

After the Meet

  1. <u>Edit video </u>
  2. Add subtitles.
  3. Translate sub to English (if any)
  4. <u>Impact Feedbacks</u> by the Proposer
  5. <u>Critical Feedbacks</u> by the community.
  6. Get feedback from the Proposer
  7. Get feedback from the Community


In over a year ago, we ran a pilot phase to meet 12 proposers. Please have a look at

Meet Proposer playlist

For reading in Vietnamese, please access the file.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

With this proposal, we meet the following requirements of the challenge:

  • We attract developers from outside of our current community to participate in Catalyst.

  • Catalyst is the best choice for developers. With guidance and support from experienced community members, new developers will clearly see the great benefits that the Cardano blockchain ecosystem offers them that other blockchain ecosystems do not. have been.

Participants at the Meets can obtain the following utilities:

  • For Proposers: have the chance to present and marketing their ideas in front of the community to receive some critical questions and advice from experts in the community before the finalized stage and CR stage.

  • For CRs: gather more information about the project before entering the time-limited Assess stage of each Fund. They will then have more time to improve the quality of their assessment.

  • With the meeting's support, developers can come as observers to learn how to become a proposer and what chances they have to onboard their proposal and help build the Cardano ecosystem, as well as collaborate with other potential proposers.

  • Improve the quality of Developers' proposals by giving them the opportunity to present their ideas in front of the community and receive advice from experts from all over the world.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

For every Meet, we will need to consider some indicators:

<u>Number of Proposers registered to present at MeetProposer</u>

  • Although the number of Proposers selected for presentation within the budget of this proposal is only 50, the number of applications could be more than 50.
  • This indicator will tell us if the MeetProposer is attractive to the Proposers or not.

<u>Number of new CRs participating in Meet sessions.</u>

  • Through the recoded video by Zoom in the cloud, we have can count on how many people was joined into each Meet session.
  • This indicator helps us gauge how attractive MeetProposer is to the Community.

<u>Number of valuable critical questions from CRs and Communities.</u>

  • These questions will be voted on by Core CR. Based on that we will reward these responses.
  • This indicator tells us whether the community has asked truly objective questions.

<u>Number of high value advisors voted by Proposer.</u>

  • These are responses from the CR and the Community, curated by Proposer based on how useful it was Proposer's project. This allows us to gauge whether the community has given the Proposer a sufficient amount of truly valuable feedback.
  • This indicator allows us to gauge whether the community has given the Proposer a sufficient amount of truly valuable feedback.
  • This is a qualitative indicator, it is difficult to give specific numbers, so we temporarily rely on the responses of the proposer and other members of the community.

<u>Number of new projects from new developers</u>

  • Statistics of new projects formed by new developers participating through the MeetProser program. These metrics allow us to gauge the effectiveness of our meetings.
  • With this index, we will distinguish between open source and non-open source projects.

Number of new developers' projects launched after funded

  • Among the new from new developers, we will track how many projects are funded, implemented and launched their products.

Number of users of the projects

  • As the projects are completed and operational, we will measure the users of their products. However, this is not the main indicator for this project.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

  • The meetup of the proposers will be run through the Zoom application, and will be recorded then public on the TIGER View and MeetProposer YouTube channels. Every one in the community are able to access and view at any time later.

  • Statistics and data will also be updated on the Telegram for Vietnamese community and MeetProposer for Global community.

  • The Archived milestones of this proposal will be reported following the Monthly Report form of Catalyst.

  • Vietnamese meet:

DCOne Crypto for Developers

<>Metaverse Builder with NFT Boosting


<>Cardano Forest -

<>- Global meet:

Metaverse Builder with NFT Boosting


What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

  • We consist of experienced individuals with a long history in Catalyst, enabling us to share experiences and provide up-to-date information to help new proposers and developers join the Catalyst ecosystem and build their projects.

  • We have experience in organizing many online meetings with the Vietnam Cardano community.

  • We have extensive experience working with business owners and startups in Vietnam and the Japanese business community.

  • Furthermore, we are the owners of reputable social media channels in Vietnam. This contributes to giving proposers' ideas the opportunity to reach the Cardano community and users of the products they will produce.


In the last year, we ran a pilot phase to meet 12 proposers. Please have a look at

Meet Proposer playlist

For reading in Vietnamese, please access the file.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

<u>The </u><u>Main </u><u>goal of this project is to organize 50 meetups within 8 months.</u>

which means

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

This project implementation timetable depends on Catalyst's per-fund timetable as MeetProposer's purpose in each Fund is to help Proposers bright up their ideas and finalize them before Submission stage deadline (Submit) every fund, to make their proposals transparent, increasing their chances of being approved for funding.

MeetProposer will kick-start from the Voting stage of the current fund (Fund 10) until the deadline of Submission stage next fund. This process will span over 8 months or approximately three fundss of Catalyst funding, starting within two weeks after the announcement of the voting results for Fund 10 and continuing through fund 11, and 12.

The announcement of the voting results for Fund 10 is expected to be on September 21, 2023, while the proposed timeline for Fund 11 will start on October 29, 2022, and last for four weeks. It is estimated to span around 12 weeks (3 months). Beyond this timeframe, there will be additional time for proposal evaluation by the Community Advisors and Moderators.

Milestone 1: After 1 month from Fund10 voting result declared

  • Setup Vietnam Core CR
  • Setup Vietnam Host Meet
  • Setup Vietnam Community
  • Schedule for Media team
  • Select Vietnam Proposers
  • Host to meet 6 Vietnam Proposers

Milestone 2: After 2 month from Fund10 voting result declared

  • Host to meet 8 Vietnam Proposers
  • Host to meet 8 Global Proposers

Milestone 3: After 3 month from Fund10 voting result declared

  • Host to meet 8 Vietnam Proposers
  • Host to meet 2 Global Proposers

Milestone 4: After 4 month from Fund10 voting result declared

  • Host to meet 8 Vietnam Proposers
  • Host to meet 4 Global Proposers

Milestone 5: After 5 month from Fund10 voting result declared

  • Host to meet 8 Vietnam Proposers
  • Host to meet 4 Global Proposers
  • Make an overall report to the Catalyst team.


Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

The output of this proposal are Meetups that developers with ideas to propose funded in Catalyst Funding will present to the community.


  1. Livestream Meetup sessions will be host live on the Zoom platform every week
  2. Recorded videos of the Meets will be edited and add subtitle from the native language (if any) into English, and will be published publicly.
  3. Important questions and advices from the CRs, dReps, advisors, processor who attended the Meet will be noted.
  4. Overall report to evaluates the change of ideas between before and after attending the Meet.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

<u>NOTE</u>: This detailed budget breakdown is pay for 50 meet during 6 months of implement.

For the explain, have look at the session: "[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?"

  • ₳20.000 - Host Meet (50 Meets*$100*$0,25)
  • ₳10.000 - English sub for recorded videos (50 Meets*$50*$0,25)
  • ₳6.000 - Editor for the recorded videos (50 Meets*$30*$0,25)
  • ₳1.176 - Zoom Monthly Payment (6 Months*$49*$0,25)
  • ₳12.000 - Project management (6 Months*$500*$0,25)
  • ₳12.000 - Digital marketing - target in Vietnam (6 Months*$500*$0,25)
  • ₳12.000 - Digital marketing - target in Global (6 Months*$500*$0,25)


Total requested: ₳73.176 (~$18.294)


Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Duc TIGER: Project manager

  • He has researched on Cardano blockchain technology and the Project Catalyst funding for the years; Participated on Catalyst to assess proposals as a CA (Community Advisor) since Fund4, and vCA (veteran Community Advisor) in Fund6; PA (Project Assessor) and vPA (veteran Project Assessor) in fund 7, fund 8, fund 9.
  • He also founded and co-founded some funded projects: 2MIN and BWORK
  • In the MeetProposer, he will oversee all the processes of the MeetProposer project, connecting the community members to work together to make the project highly valuable.
  • Social network:
  • LinkedIn: Duc TIGER
  • Telegram: Duc TIGER
  • Twitter: Duc TIGER

Mie Tran: Global Host

  • She has been active in the pilot phase of the MeetProposer project as Global Host Meet and Core PA.
  • Cardano Catalyst TV host,
  • Funded proposer,
  • Eastern Townhall Moderator,
  • Interpreter and Translator,
  • Challenge Team member,
  • Sub-circle team member,
  • Cardano Ambassador.
  • Social network:
  • LinkedIn**:** My Tran
  • Telegram: Mie Tran

Ha Nguyen: Japan Host

  • An experienced businesswoman in the major of e-commerce business, exchanging goods and services on Marketplaces.
  • Five years of experience in business management and project management.
  • Deputy head of the corporate planning department, a Japanese company's new business model development department.
  • Blockchain Researcher has a Blockchain Business Consultant certificate issued by Emurgo Academy.
  • Joined Catalyst as PA (Good: 91%, Excellent: 6%), vPA, Sponsored Proposer.
  • Connecting the Vietnamese and Japanese communities and the international community.
  • Be an active member of the Vietnamese and Japanese communities
  • Moderators of the following Facebook groups:
  • "Vietnam ADA Cardano Community": >5000 members
  • "Cardano ADA Vietnam": >47,000 members
  • Social network:
  • LinkedIn: Ha Nguyen
  • Telegram: Ha Nguyen

Buck Nguyen - Marketing Manager - English Translator

  • Founder of Cardano Asia TikTok channel (Funded Project Fund 9)
  • Model Manager of Grab Kitchen (cloud kitchen concept), with more than 5 years of experience with UFLP Unilever Vietnam.
  • Long-term experience in community building and online marketing.
  • Joined Catalyst as PA, vPA, Funded Proposer.
  • 5 years of research experience in Cardano blockchain.
  • Admin of 2 large Cardano groups in Vietnam.
  • Moderators of the following Facebook groups:
  • "Vietnam ADA Cardano Community": >5000 members
  • "Cardano ADA Vietnam": >47,000 members
  • Social network:
  • Telegram: Buck Nguyen

Do Viet Cuong

Is the Project manager: Will select the original videos that need to be translated, then assign them to the translators, and control the progress of completing the translations.

TIGER Media team: A group of people with skills in communication and marketing on social networks.

  • The team will promote the content of the Meet sessions with the right audience to increase the recognition of the project outside society with the Meet Proposer program, and the project

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The project MeetProposer-Bright Up Dev's Ideas brings significant and positive values to the Cardano ecosystem:

  1. <u>Boosting Development and Innovation</u>: By creating an interactive and supportive environment for developers, the MeetProposer project will foster development and innovation on the Cardano platform. By encouraging developers to present their ideas and receive feedback from the community, the project will help explore and promote potential projects, thereby enhancing the quality and diversity of applications on Cardano.
  2. <u>Expanding and Attracting the Community</u>: By rewarding those who introduce new idea proposers, MeetProposer leverages the power of social networks to attract potential new developers from outside the current Cardano community, including developers who may be new to blockchain or coming from other blockchain platforms. This expansion and diversification of the community contribute to the value and competitiveness of the Cardano ecosystem.
  3. <u>Making the Cardano Developer Ecosystem Greener</u>: MeetProposer helps build a professional and enthusiastic developer community on Cardano. By providing opportunities for networking, learning, knowledge exchange, experience, and mentoring, the project will foster the personal development of developers, creating a positive collaborative environment and strengthening solidarity within the community, paving the way for new ideas, teams, and projects in the future.
  4. <u>Enhancing Voting Accuracy</u>: Through these meets, the Cardano community, including ADA holders, Delegated Representation (dReps), and Community reviewers (CR), will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the proposed projects seeking funding in Project Catalyst. This will lead to more informed voting decisions, ensuring the allocation of resources to deserving projects.

Our output products will be published publicly, allowing individuals with similar ideas from around the world to reference them by reviewing the meet videos and related documentation through various media channels.

The cost calculations mentioned above is estimated base on the everage cost of freelancer in the world. Note that income of freelancer will be higher than fixed income because tax pay, human resource management, recruitment costs have not been deducted, etc. On the other hand, this cost is also much lower than the cost of paying for other employees project consultant.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 24 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4 min 3 s
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  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 48 s
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  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2 min 16 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 14 s
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  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 19 s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4 min 59 s
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