
MLabs - Cardano-Tx-Lib for web3

$71,000.00 Received
$71,000.00 Requested
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Community Review Results (1 reviewers)
Addresses Challenge

We are building an SDK for making and balancing transactions for browser-based wallets (Nami) and javascript environments (server, mobile).


The web3.js libraries for Ethereum support transaction creation in the browser, but similar libraries have yet to come to Cardano.

Yes Votes:
₳ 125,773,037
No Votes:
₳ 5,940,951
Votes Cast:


This proposal was approved and funded by the Cardano Community via Project F8: Developer Ecosystem Catalyst funding round.



dApp developers building browser-based applications.

Problem Space

As is well-appreciated, Cardano relies on the local environment inherent in a EUTXO to construct transactions capable of interacting with smart contracts running on-chain. This is in contrast to Ethereum, which relies on the global state of the blockchain towards the same end. While the Ethereum implementation is seemingly straightforward, the complications inherent in dealing with global state result in several undesirable side-effects: failing transactions, wasted resources, and so on.

The Cardano model sidesteps these issues by limiting the scope of smart contract transactions to their immediate environment as represented in the associated EUTXO. This design allows for resource determinism and atomic transactions. These assurances, however, are not without costs. Most notably, building transactions is burdensome upfront and the process includes querying the state of the chain and constructing the transaction using the Contract Monad or custom solutions.

The web3.js library on Ethereum is largely applauded for providing an easy and intuitive way for developers and users to plugin into key infrastructure as they interact with the blockchain. A key feature of web3.js is its abstraction over light wallets. This high-level approach removes a significant amount of complexity for dApp developers who would otherwise have to design around the intricacies of individual light wallets to perform even basic application functions.

Yet, owing to the design challenges and maturity of Cardano, a comparable suite of tools has yet to be developed. As the Cardano ecosystem comes online, high-level light client support of this kind is necessary to realize the integrated experiences users expect and to lessen the burden on development teams.

How does browser-based support for transactions help Cardano?

On Ethereum, web browser applications form a common interface for users to transact against the blockchain. Typically, in-browser wallets facilitate this process by injecting a Web3 provider object into the browser. This Web3 object links the user's wallet to publicly accessible nodes, allowing wallets like Metamask to sign transactions and manage private keys within the browser for seamless interaction with the network.

Tooling on Cardano has aimed to match this user experience, but progress remains to be made. Formerly, suggestions arose in support of an integrated backend product that would handle this interfacing in a generic manner for the majority of applications.

We believe, however, a series of transaction-building libraries will provide a clearer path forward. Using our Cardano-Transaction-Library (CTL), developers will be able to mix and match tools that, when configured appropriately, will help streamline transaction creation and maintenance in browser-based or javascript environments (e.g., mobile, server). More concretely, the CTL will perform the heavy lifting of building transactions to meet the requirements of a smart contract – typically non-trivial – while automating more generic effects such as balancing transactions.

Cardano-Serialization-Library vs Cardano-Transaction-Library

The Cardano-Serialization-Library (CSL) is a popular tool among dApp developers. As described in the documentation, it "is a library, written in Rust, for serialization & deserialization of data structures used in Cardano's Haskell implementation of Alonzo along with useful utility functions." Essentially, the library supports the serialization and deserialization of data structures included in Cardano transactions so that they can be submitted against the blockchain efficiently. It also provides various wallet utilities for generating keys and addresses, managing the minutiae of transaction creation, handling metadata, and so on.

That said, the CSL has limitations and pain points remain. The CTL seeks to address these and utilizes the CSL in so doing. The CTL, however, is in general a higher-level solution that automates transaction creation by querying the blockchain, via Ogmios, to gather the necessary information. It also abstracts over the wallet, meaning developers need only rely on declarative API function calls without worrying about the specifics of individual light clients. Overall, CTL relies on these tools as it aims to provide an all-encompassing solution for building/submitting transactions and interacting with wallets.

-Working with type differences across Plutus and the CSL. For instance, unifying the data expressions across Plutus, Purescript, and Rust to be uniform.

-Accounting for Javascript 'quirks' to produce reliable constructions for transactions.

-A large part of this effort also deals with representing staking at a high level. This is challenging due to the intricacies of Addresses on the Cardano Ledger which, for instance, may or may not include staking credentials. However, this functionality will pave the way to incorporating Stake Validators into the functionality of dApps. This has implications for DAO treasuries, ADA-backed stablecoins, and more.

-Reconciling differences in UTXO management across different wallets, especially with respect to balancing transactions.

(Note: we have already begun addressing these issues and have made some early progress).


Our Proposal

We aim to deliver Cardano-Tx-Lib over an abbreviated period and iterate upon its functionality as we integrate browser-based wallets existing within the ecosystem. Largely, this involves building a PureScript SDK for processing queries through Ogmios, and we will establish a baseline of functionality first by working with Nami.

Developers will be able to use our library to:

-create responsive web3 applications

-query and process on-chain data through the browser

-efficiently build, balance, and sign transactions via browser wallets

-expedite their off-chain development

-easily convert PAB endpoint code to our SDK code

-support many major wallets

-build 'decentralized infrastructure' where SPOs are able to run a decentralized network of query and submit APIs


Engineering hours: 888

Total: $71,000


Feature Total Time

Initial Exploration and Building a Testing Framework …………………………………..40

PureScript bridge and Basic Query Types …………………………………………………80

Contract-style Interface and Effective Error Handling………………………………..100

Incorporating Full EUTXO (Datums, etc) into Transaction Builds………………….100

Integration with Other Browser-based Wallets……………………………………………160

Documentation and Training Materials………………………………………………………40

General Testing………………………………………………………………………………………..80

Audit Prep………………………………………………………………………………………………..80



Change Budget………………………………………………………………………………………..128

Total Time………………………………………………………………………………………………..888 hours

Total Cost $71,000

MLabs: MLabs has quickly become one of the premier development firms in the Cardano Ecosystem. We are an IOG Plutus Partner and work regularly with IOG to develop the Cardano blockchain and ecosystem. We employ over 80 developers and have helped build community projects such as:





-Many others

Through our work with early-stage projects, we have one of the largest groups of PureScript / Haskell / Plutus developers in the community. Developers working on our Cardano-Tx-Lib will bring their collective experience to the project and ensure a successful launch.

Website: <>

Core Team

Haskell and PureScript Developer

Vladimir Kalnitsky:

Vladimir is a software developer with a few contributions to the PureScript ecosystem and solid experience with Haskell. During his undergraduate years, Vladimir focused on functional programming and type theory. He is now studying for a Master's in BigData and Machine Learning. Vladimir is more of a 'hacker' than a scientist, but he still values formal reasoning about code and well-founded software development practices.

GitHub: <>

Haskell, Plutus, and PureScript Developer

Viet Tran:

Viet has an undergraduate and master's degree in Mathematics alongside a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. He previously worked as a quant, writing Python/Cython code to model the outcome of sporting events through optimizers, Markov Chains, and various probability distributions. He acquired an interest in category theory, functional programming, and blockchain technology in recent years. He has 12 months of experience in Haskell, Plutus, and Purescript combined.

GitHub: <>

Delivery Manager

Rory Tyler Hayford:

Rory is a linguist-turned-developer and programming polyglot. His development career began with the web, and he has experience with both backend and frontend development. His initial forays into functional programming several years ago soon turned into a profound and lasting passion. He has a strong background in functional programming and reproducible build systems with a focus on Haskell, Nix, and Purescript. He is also the author of a handful of open-source Haskell libraries.

GitHub: <>


Intended Fund – Fund8: Developer Ecosystem

Challenge Statement: “How can we create a positive developer experience that helps the developer focus on building successful apps?”

Project Impact: High

  1. Usability: our libraries will help developers create the browser-based applications and UX that blockchain users expect of web

  2. Open Source Tooling: Cardano-Tx-Lib will be open source and freely available for developers to use

  3. Cost-Effective Development: dApps running on Cardano require substantial off-chain infrastructure in order to function efficiently and reliably. The CTL will substantially reduce this burden

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

-Peer-to-peer transactions successfully executed

-Tx automatically balanced from wallet UTXOs

-Reduced off-chain development time

-Full EUTXO support

-Number of wallets supported


-General GitHub activity (

-Pull requests and resolved issues

-Streamlined transaction building for smart contract interactions

-Number of browser wallets supported

-External projects incorporating our library

-JavaScript API and accompanying usage examples

-Perform fee and execution unit estimates

-Plutus contract parameter application on the frontend (this removes a piece of centralization)

3 Months: Establish a baseline of functionality using Nami. This includes parsing Ogmios JSON objects, p2p transactions, and so on.

6 Months: Serializing / deserializing datums, script lookups and incorporating script interactions, submitting transactions against basic smart contracts (e.g. escrows, vesting contracts, etc.)

12 Months: Integrations with other browser-based wallets (Gero, Yoroi, etc.), documentation and educational tutorials, implementing other nice-to-haves.

This is a new proposal

Avis des conseillers communautaires (1)


Monthly Reports

This is our first report - We are currently putting together our team of developers and dealing with any legal issues that need to be taken care of.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
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not at this time

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no thank you

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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We are working on V2

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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The CTL team focused largely on optimizations and ergonomics over the last month as well as integrating support for Babbage. Several issues were managed and merged, including:

  • Updates to Flakes package manager for Nix
  • Fixing Babbage bugs
  • Tx pretty printers
  • Parsing inline datums
  • Optimization of local testing environments (Plutip support, suppressing logging, preprod testnet deployment, etc)
  • Initial Hydra integration
  • Additional wallet support (Lode, mock wallets)
  • Released demo video ( of CTL as experienced using Seabug, an NFT marketplace

That said, the CTL team is thrilled to announce the release of CTL v2.0.0 among ongoing development. The main update support for Babbage-era features, not least of which includes reference script support. Among other upgrades, the team: *Improved constraints interface *Improved constraints API while mostly maintaining backward compatibility *Included example contracts highlighting new features

Details, build instructions, further documentation, etc. is available via the CTL Git repo.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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E2E testing began in earnest over the last month on the CTL project. Several issues arose throughout this work, and a number of updates to the build configs of associated projects (DApps/wallets) were necessary to get things working properly.

Naturally, we continued work integrating partner wallets with respect to Vasil upgrades, particularly the mechanics of UTxO creation and submission. As mentioned in previous updates, this area of work has posed some challenges during the Vasil transition period. Most notably, this includes work integrated Nami, Lode, Gero, and Eternl wallets

Fortunately, progress has been significant here, and E2E testing for several wallets has begun on the preview and preprod test networks. Edge case issues are still being sorted. However, functionality is steadily improving.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Adding to progress last month, work in November on the CTL project further improved E2E testing and integration testing using our internal testing tool, Plutip, for conditionally spinning up disposable private testnets and testing Plutus contracts against it. In particular: *Options for configuring a Plutip node configuration were added *Reworked the Plutip process managament resulting in notable speed increase on spin-up *added CIP-30 mock testing to CI

Also, coinciding with needs from our successful Fund9 proposal CTL Blockfrost Backend (ID: 900154), we made progress in generalizing the library's architecture. Most of the work here centered on improving the contstraints interface with respect to staking (summarized in the monthly updated for 900154) and handling time constraints during transaction construction. For example:

  • Fixing a bug wherein the constraint solver ignore multiple constraints
  • Fixed time bound inclusivenesss
  • Redesigned the Interval type along these lines and updated testing

Finally, we improved supported wallet functionality by implementing and improving upon a mutli-asset coin selection algorithm for more complex transaction support. Work will continue here over the coming period.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Work on CTL this month involved tackling several integration issues, clerical issues, and general feature overhauls and improvements. More specifically, team members:

  • helped with partner project integrations
  • reorganized the repo (removing unneeded assets, deleting stale issues/branches, etc) to improve cloning performance
  • made future design considerations for Ouroboros Leios
  • progressed with the coin selection algorithm
  • added additional wallet support
  • made considerable strides in adding Yoroi support, but still straightening out several nuances.
  • improved wasm support including fixing a wasm bindgen

We also accomplished some exploratory work. Mainly, this revolved around supporting Kupo on the backend. Backend diversification has been a long-standing ambition of the project, and Kupo is a leading chain indexer and likely candidate. Most likely, more efforts will be placed in this direction moving forward.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
Comments 0

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  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 24 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4 min 3 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 48 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2 min 16 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 14 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3 min 19 s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4 min 59 s
    Darlington Kofa