Project Brief
While decentralized Finance (DeFi) apps are flourishing, the growth of DeHealth apps is relatively slow. This is due to the dependencies a developer has to learn and consider when building one. One has to know about health compliance, security, data privacy, and standards among other factors. This discourages and prevents them from building health dApps.
This is one of the reasons why we built a decentralized health infrastructure for web 3.0 called Hippocrades. It is a platform providing comprehensive Healthcare APIs with integrated security, interoperability, and compliance. Thus, it makes it easy and fast for a developer to build healthcare applications. This can encourage more devs to build health dApps.
Hippocrades has released the first stage of its platform and will soon be adding more modules. In line with this, we want to make Hippocrades more accessible to developers by <u>creating onboarding manuals and tutorials</u> that will help them accelerate their learning.
While Hippocrades makes it easy for devs to use the platform, it has a huge tech infrastructure that can be used for many use cases. Here are some major ones:
- Deploy your own health infrastructure ideal for health institutions, local or national governments
- Deploy a decentralized Health Information Exchange (HIE)
- Develop health apps or integrate existing ones
As such, onboarding can still be improved by providing organized, well-written materials and tutorials.
Africa Incubator
Since Hippocrades is now part of the ongoing Iceaddis Incubator program in Africa, this will attract users to try the platform. Thus, having these materials as part of the onboarding process can encourage more developers to create health apps in Cardano.
The challenge is for Cardano to be the blockchain of choice in Africa by 2023. And that projects and developers in Africa will not be isolated, but networked and growing.
Army of Healthcare Devs
We envision an army of health developers that will address the different healthcare pain points in Africa across the varying needs of the countries in the region. One way to attract them is to provide great onboarding materials and tutorials.
Developers can focus more on the apps (frontend) as Hippcrodes mostly takes care of the rest - blockchain, zero-knowledge, and APIs.
To make this work, we would need a team of technical writers, content creators, and graphic artists. They would need to be immersed with the technology and the ins and outs of Hippocrades platform.
So the potential risk is if the team is not able to produce valuable materials that are user-friendly. This can be mitigated by proper selection of the team, planning, and proactive participation of the core team of Hippocrades.