We intend to work with existing projects and networks and also to tap into university projects so that we can incentivise knowledge acquisition and project ideas utilising Cardano. There is currently a project that is due to be piloted in Ghana and Nigeria which aims to train and support creatives to utliise technology to develop intellectual property. This is supported by one of the Governors in Nigeria as well as numerous projects. We also have a network of students in South Africa interested in supporting the development of solutions for impact by utlising technology.
The Ghana and Nigeria project will have cohorts of 20 students each and the same for South Africa. We intend to add on a creatathon to these existing networks, which comprises of information on Cardano and the development of solutions utilising Cardano. These will have a small reward attached to the winning idea with the intention of all ideas being signposted to Catalyst.
We will be increasing knowledge about and access to Cardano in Africa
The main risk is lack of interest in the technology, but through incentivising, we are able to increase uptake and involvement in community.