not approved

RatsDAO I SmartCollections

₳140,000.00 Requested
Ideascale logo View on ideascale
Community Review Results (1 reviewers)
Impact / Alignment
Value for money

We will create a master smart contract, SmartCollections, to standardize minting policies and an accompanying Metadata Contract for on-chain metadata access and verification.


Image file

The problem is the lack of standardization in defining token minting policies and accessing on-chain metadata, making it difficult to determine token attributes and types, such as NFTs.

Yes Votes:
₳ 5,230,238
No Votes:
₳ 133,213,349
Votes Cast:

[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution, SmartCollections, is an innovative approach to address the issue of standardization and accessibility for token minting policies and on-chain metadata on the Cardano blockchain.

Perception of the Problem:

  1. Lack of Standardization: Inconsistencies in defining minting policies create barriers for non-developers and can lead to confusion.
  2. Determining Token Types: The absence of standardized minting policies makes it difficult to determine token attributes or identify NFTs.
  3. Access to Metadata: Current limitations in accessing on-chain metadata hinder the integration of token data within smart contracts and applications.

Our Approach:

  1. Master Smart Contract: We will create a master smart contract called "SmartCollections." For each collection, a datum will be stored, which establishes conditions for minting tokens.
  2. Verifying Maximum Supply: The datum is consumed and updated in each minting transaction, ensuring that the total supply of tokens does not exceed predefined limits.
  3. Metadata Contract: We will create a Metadata Contract that stores metadata for each token on-chain. This contract will ensure there is only one metadata datum per token.
  4. REST API: To facilitate interaction with SmartCollections, we will create a REST API that serves all information about a policy or token. It will have endpoints for creating collections and mint transactions. Users can also retrieve metadata through this API.

Implementation Details:

To create and mint a new SmartCollection, an entry must be added within the SmartCollections contract for the desired collection. This entry contains a datum with various settings:

  • Whether the datum can be updated to add more tokens and which wallets have this capability.
  • Maximum minting quantities for each token and whether this can be modified.
  • A flag for each token indicating if metadata has been published.
  • Additional minting restrictions, such as temporal constraints.

Tokens can also be entered with a generic base name, allowing one entry to reference potentially thousands of tokens by establishing the number of indices of that name and the maximum tokens per index. For example, with a base name "Members," 3 indices, and 1 token per index, the resulting tokens will be Members01, Members02, Members03.

Each datum is identified with a specially minted NFT, used to parameterize and create a new minting policy. Minting transactions are then carried out using this policy, consuming the SmartCollections datum and updating the number of minted tokens.

Both the minting policy and the SmartCollections contract will verify that the transaction is signed by the authorized wallet and that the number of tokens minted does not exceed the defined maximum supply.

Optionally, metadata can be created on-chain during minting or in a subsequent transaction. This is achieved by adding an output to the Metadata Contract with a datum containing the token’s metadata. This metadata datum is accompanied by a new token minted in the same transaction using the same policy, and its token name is linked to the token it references.


SmartCollections engages token creators, developers, and users. It is also beneficial for dApps requiring access to token metadata on-chain.

Demonstrating Impact:

  1. Monitoring Adoption: We will track the number of tokens minted using SmartCollections and the number of dApps integrating with the Metadata Contract.
  2. Community Feedback: We will collect feedback from the Cardano community on ease of use, flexibility, and performance improvements.

Uniqueness and Benefits:

SmartCollections is unique in its integration of standardized token minting policies with an on-chain metadata access system, enhanced by a REST API. This combination will streamline token creation and management, especially for NFTs, and improve accessibility and integration with applications.

Importance to Cardano:

It enhances the functionality and flexibility of tokens within the Cardano ecosystem, encourages more developers to build dApps on Cardano, and fosters the adoption of Cardano tokens by providing clarity and accessibility. Token creators, developers, collectors, and any participant in the Cardano ecosystem interacting with tokens will benefit from SmartCollections.

[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

The SmartCollection project will significantly enhance Cardano's ecosystem by introducing an innovative tool for creating and managing token collections in a easy and secure manner. This is how it adds value:

  1. Expand User Base: By making token collection creation and management easier, SmartCollection can attract various stakeholders including artists, creators, game developers, and collectors to the Cardano ecosystem. The user-friendly REST API ensures wider accessibility, and the project is expected to bring in thousands of new users within the first few months.
  2. Enhanced Security and Customization: The project’s SmartContracts allow for defining customizable parameters for minting, such as setting maximum token amounts, defining metadata, and specifying authorized wallets. This promotes security and flexibility, empowering creators to have more control over their collections.
  3. Integration and Interoperability: SmartCollection’s REST API can be easily integrated with various platforms, tools, and services. This fosters an interconnected ecosystem where data can be exchanged efficiently and seamlessly. Integration with other dApps and services can also contribute to the development of new functionalities and use cases.
  4. Boosting DeFi and NFT Markets: By providing a powerful solution for token collections, SmartCollection can bolster the DeFi space and NFT markets within Cardano. The ease of creating collections can encourage the development of diverse assets such as digital art, game items, tokenized physical assets, and more.
  5. Contributing to Cardano's Vision: SmartCollection aligns with Cardano's vision of democratizing finance and enabling a more secure, scalable, and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. It achieves this by providing an accessible and efficient solution for token collection management that is secure, customizable, and environmentally friendly.

[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The success of the SmartCollection project can be effectively measured through a multifaceted approach. Firstly, observing the user adoption and engagement by tracking the number of users who utilize SmartCollection to create and manage token collections is key. A consistent rise in user numbers indicates the platform’s growing appeal. Monitoring the number of token collections created through SmartCollection will serve as an indicator of the value the platform offers. Additionally, measuring the number of integrations with other platforms, services, or dApps is essential, as this signifies that SmartCollection is contributing to a connected ecosystem. The use of SmartCollection’s REST API is another aspect to keep an eye on, as the number of API calls provides insight into how developers and platforms are leveraging the API for diverse purposes.

Another integral aspect of measuring success is assessing the community's response. This can be achieved through collecting user feedback via surveys, and by analyzing community sentiment on forums and social media. Positive feedback and sentiment are good indicators of customer satisfaction and the perceived value of the platform. It's also crucial to track the volume of transactions associated with token collections created through SmartCollection. A high transaction volume suggests active trading and usage of the tokens. Equally important is to ensure the performance and security of the SmartCollection platform, which when upheld indicates reliability. Lastly, it's imperative to evaluate the diversity of token collections created such as art, gaming items, and tokenized assets, to measure how SmartCollection contributes to Cardano’s ecosystem diversity.

In the short term, these measures will offer insights into the immediate acceptance and usability of the SmartCollection platform, serving as a validation of the platform's value proposition. In the long term, a steady growth in user adoption, integration with other platforms, and positive community feedback would imply that SmartCollection is positively contributing to Cardano’s productivity and growth. This would demonstrate that the platform has become a vital component of the Cardano ecosystem, which is catalyzing innovation and expanding the utility of the Cardano blockchain. Through continuous monitoring of these metrics and by adapting to user feedback and market demands, SmartCollection can ensure sustainable growth and make a lasting positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem.

[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

SmartCollection can leverage the support and resources provided by Rats DAO to effectively share project outputs and results. Rats DAO's established reputation within the Cardano ecosystem offers an advantage in attracting initial attention and support for SmartCollection.

To communicate with the community, SmartCollection can make announcements and updates through Rats DAO's existing communication channels such as Discord, Twitter, and other social media platforms. These channels will provide an engaged audience interested in the Cardano ecosystem.

In order to expand its network, SmartCollection should reach out to potential stakeholders, partners, and collaborators through Rats DAO's connections. Leveraging the DAO's relationships with NFT artists, token creators, and other entities in the Cardano ecosystem can generate excitement and interest in SmartCollection. Joint webinars, AMA sessions, and participation in events organized by Rats DAO can facilitate community engagement and provide a platform for feedback.

For further research and development, SmartCollection can share data and insights collected with Rats DAO's community for collaborative analysis and brainstorming. This collaborative approach can help identify new opportunities, partnerships, and areas of improvement for SmartCollection.

Additionally, the governance structure of Rats DAO can allow community members to influence the future development and features of SmartCollection, ensuring alignment with user needs and preferences.

In summary, SmartCollection can maximize its outreach and impact by efficiently utilizing the resources, channels, and community of Rats DAO, while also developing its own distinct identity and community over time. The synergy between SmartCollection and Rats DAO can create a mutually beneficial relationship, where the success of SmartCollection adds value to Rats DAO and vice versa.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Our capability to deliver the SmartCollection project with high levels of trust and accountability is established through our previous experience and success in developing and launching products within the Cardano ecosystem. As part of RATS DAO, we have a proven track record, particularly with the recent development of a Staking Platform for NFTs that is already operating on the mainnet. This experience not only demonstrates our technical competency but also showcases our understanding of the ecosystem and our ability to execute a project successfully.

RATS DAO’s established presence in the Cardano community further enhances our credibility. As a DAO, transparency and community involvement are inherent to our operating principles. Our decision-making processes are decentralized and involve community input, which ensures accountability in the choices we make.

In terms of managing funds properly, we have in place a structured and transparent financial management process. The allocation of funds for different aspects of the SmartCollection project will be clearly laid out. Community members of the DAO will have insights into the funding allocation and can partake in decisions through a governance mechanism.

Additionally, for larger expenses or critical project decisions, a proposal will be created and shared with the community. Votes will be cast by the DAO members to either approve or disapprove the proposal. This governance structure ensures that funds are not misused or allocated without consensus, thus, enforcing accountability.

We also believe in consistent reporting. Regular updates and financial reports will be shared with the community. This would include details on the expenditure, the progress of the project against the milestones, and how the funds have contributed to achieving these milestones.

With the combination of our proven experience, the transparent and democratic nature of the DAO, structured financial management processes, and commitment to consistent reporting, we are well-positioned to deliver the SmartCollection project with high levels of trust and accountability.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

Improve Minting Policies with SmartCollection Contract

The first major goal of the SmartCollection project is to refine and enhance the capabilities of token minting policies while establishing clear standards for users to understand them. The project aims to develop a master smart contract, referred to as the "SmartCollection Contract". Within this contract, a datum will be stored for each collection that is intended to be created, outlining the necessary conditions to be applied to the tokens being minted. Clear and simple rules will be established, making them easily recognizable to all users.

On-chain Metadata Accessibility through Metadata Contract

The second goal focuses on resolving the challenge of accessing metadata on-chain. To address this issue, SmartCollection will implement a new smart contract called "Metadata Contract". This contract will store various datums, one for each token whose metadata needs to be preserved. The creation of these datums will be validated by the SmartCollection Contract, which ensures that duplicates are avoided and that only the rightful creators can add metadata to the tokens they created.

Maintaining Supply Integrity

The SmartCollection project also aims to ensure the integrity of the maximum supply of tokens. To achieve this, the datum within the SmartCollection Contract will be consumed and updated with each minting transaction. This process enables the verification that the total supply limits established for the token are not exceeded.

Foster a Standardized and User-Friendly Ecosystem

By introducing the SmartCollection Contract and the Metadata Contract, the project aims to establish an ecosystem where token creation and management are standardized, transparent, and user-friendly. This standardization will enable creators, artists, and small businesses to participate in the token economy on the Cardano blockchain without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

To validate if these goals are achieved, the SmartCollection team can conduct user testing and gather feedback from creators who are using the platform. Observing an increase in token collections created using the SmartCollection Contract, and monitoring the correct handling of metadata and supply limits, would be indicators of success. Additionally, community feedback regarding the ease of use and clarity of token minting policies would be an essential qualitative measure.

As the project is technical in nature, implementing our approach will involve developing a user-friendly interface for the platform, ensuring smart contract security, establishing API endpoints for integrations, and building governance features. We will employ agile development methodologies, allowing us to adapt and iterate based on user feedback and evolving requirements. This will be coupled with rigorous testing in testnet environments before any major release to ensure the security and reliability of the platform.

Using a mix of quantitative metrics, qualitative feedback, and agile development practices, we will validate the feasibility of our approach and measure the achievement of the SmartCollection project's goals.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Project Initialization and Planning

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Key Activities:
  • Refine project scope and finalize the roadmap.
  • Assemble the project team.
  • Initial setup for development environments.
  • Success Criteria:
  • Project documentation and roadmap finalized.
  • Established team roles and development environments.

Milestone 2: Smart Contracts Development - Phase I

  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Key Activities:
  • Develop initial versions of SmartCollection Contract and Metadata Contract.
  • Conduct unit tests.
  • Success Criteria:
  • Completion of the initial development of smart contracts.
  • Successful unit testing results.

Milestone 3: UI/UX Design

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Key Activities:
  • Conduct UI/UX research and design for the User Portal.
  • Implement UI/UX improvements to the User Portal.
  • Success Criteria:
  • User-friendly and visually appealing UI/UX design.

Milestone 4: Development of User Portal and REST API

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Key Activities:
  • Develop the official website front-end (User Portal) based on the UI/UX design.
  • Design and develop the REST API.
  • Integrate the API with User Portal.
  • Success Criteria:
  • Completion of API development and User Portal.
  • Successfully integrated API with Portal.

Milestone 5: Smart Contracts Development - Phase II

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Key Activities:
  • Deploy contracts to Cardano Testnet.
  • Conduct user testing on Testnet and gather feedback. - Implement feedback and optimizations.
  • Success Criteria:
  • Contracts successfully deployed on Testnet.
  • Positive feedback from Testnet users.
  1. Milestone 6: Pre-Launch Preparation & Official Launch
  • Duration: 4 weeks

  • Key Activities:

  • Finalize the launch plan.

  • Execute pre-launch marketing activities.

  • Deploy Smart Contracts to Cardano Mainnet.

  • Official launch of SmartCollections, the User Portal, and REST API.

  • Execute launch marketing campaigns.

  • Success Criteria:

  • Successful execution of marketing activities.

  • Successful launch of SmartCollections on Mainnet.

  • Functional User Portal and REST API.

    [CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Project Initialization and Planning

  • Deliverables: Refined project scope, finalized roadmap, project documentation.
  • Outputs: Project scope document, roadmap document, project plan, team roles defined.
  • Intended Outcomes: Clear project direction, established project team roles and responsibilities.
  • Measurement: Completion and approval of project scope document, roadmap document, and project plan.

Milestone 2: Smart Contracts Development - Phase I

  • Deliverables: Initial versions of SmartCollection Contract and Metadata Contract, unit testing results.
  • Outputs: Developed smart contracts, unit testing reports.
  • Intended Outcomes: Completed initial development of smart contracts, verified functionality through unit tests.
  • Measurement: Successful completion of the initial development of smart contracts and positive unit testing results.

Milestone 3: UI/UX Design

  • Deliverables: UI/UX research findings, UI/UX design specifications.
  • Outputs: UI/UX research report, wireframes, design mockups.
  • Intended Outcomes: Well-researched and visually appealing UI/UX design for the User Portal.
  • Measurement: Approval of UI/UX research report, wireframes, and design mockups

Milestone 4: Development of User Portal and REST API

  • Deliverables: Developed User Portal front-end, REST API, integration documentation.
  • Outputs: Functional User Portal, REST API endpoints, API documentation.
  • Intended Outcomes: Completed development of the User Portal and REST API, seamless integration between the User Portal and API.
  • Measurement: Successful completion of the User Portal front-end, REST API endpoints, and integration documentation.

Milestone 5: Smart Contracts Development - Phase II

  • Deliverables: Deployed smart contracts on Testnet, user testing feedback, optimization reports.
  • Outputs: Deployed contracts on Testnet, user feedback reports, optimization recommendations.
  • Intended Outcomes: Successful deployment of contracts on Testnet, gathered user feedback for improvements.
  • Measurement: Contracts deployed on Testnet, positive user feedback, and implementation of optimization recommendations.

Milestone 6: Pre-Launch Preparation & Official Launch

  • Deliverables: Launch plan, pre-launch marketing materials, deployed contracts on Mainnet, marketing campaign reports.

  • Outputs: Completed launch plan, pre-launch marketing materials, deployed contracts on Mainnet, marketing campaign reports.

  • Intended Outcomes: Successful official launch of SmartCollections, functional User Portal and REST API on Mainnet, effective marketing campaigns.

  • Measurement: Successful execution of the launch plan, positive user response to the official launch, marketing campaign metrics (e.g., reach, engagement, conversions).

    [RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Project Team:


  1. Project Manager: Responsible for overall project planning, coordination, and ensuring successful project execution. He manages resources, timelines, and oversees the project from initiation to completion.
  2. Technical Architect (TA): Designs the overall technical architecture of the project, including selecting the appropriate technologies and frameworks. He provides guidance to the development team and ensures technical feasibility.
  3. Quality Assurance (QA): Responsible for testing and ensuring the quality of the project deliverables. He creates test plans, performs various types of testing, and reports any issues or bugs to the development team.
  4. Full Stack Developer: Develops the smart contracts, REST APIs, and front-end components of the project. He is proficient in both front-end and back-end development.
  5. Cardano Blockchain Developer ($60/h): Develops the smart contracts. He has expertise in blockchain development, including programming languages such as Haskell and Plutus.
  6. DevOps: Handles the deployment, automation, and maintenance of the project infrastructure. He sets up and manages development environments, CI/CD pipelines, and ensures smooth deployment and integration of the project components.
  7. UI/UX Designer: Responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of the project. He conducts research, creates wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs, and collaborates with developers to implement the design into the User Portal.
  8. Community Manager: Engages with the project's community, manages communication channels (e.g., social media, forums), and fosters a positive and engaging community experience. He provides updates, addresses user inquiries, and gathers feedback from the community.

Price per Hour (ADA):


Project Manager: 100 ADA

Technical Architect: 133 ADA

Community Manager: 67 ADA

Cardano Blockchain Developer: 200 ADA

QA: 133 ADA

UI/UX Designer: 100 ADA

Full Stack Developer: 200 ADA

DevOps: 133 ADA

Roles needed for each milestone:


Milestone 1: Project Initialization and Planning

  • Project Manager: 20 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 2,000 ADA
  • Technical Architect: 80 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 10,667 ADA
  • Community Manager: 30 hours * 67 ADA per hour = 2,000 ADA
  • Subtotal: 14,667 ADA

Milestone 2: Smart Contracts Development - Phase I

  • Project Manager: 10 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 1,000 ADA
  • Cardano Blockchain Developer: 120 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 24,000 ADA
  • QA: 30 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 4,000 ADA
  • Subtotal: 29,000 ADA

Milestone 3: UI/UX Design

  • Project Manager: 20 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 2,000 ADA
  • UI/UX Designer: 80 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 8,000 ADA
  • Subtotal: 10,000 ADA

Milestone 4: Development of User Portal and REST API

  • Project Manager: 20 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 2,000 ADA
  • Full Stack Developer: 120 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 24,000 ADA
  • DevOps: 40 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 5,333 ADA
  • QA: 40 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 5,333 ADA
  • Subtotal: 36,667 ADA

Milestone 5: Smart Contracts Development - Phase II

  • Project Manager: 20 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 2,000 ADA
  • DevOps: 30 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 4,000 ADA
  • Cardano Blockchain Developer: 30 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 6,000 ADA
  • Full Stack Developer: 30 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 6,000 ADA
  • Community Manager: 40 hours * 67 ADA per hour = 2,667 ADA
  • QA: 30 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 4,000 ADA
  • Subtotal: 24,667 ADA

Milestone 6: Pre-Launch Preparation & Official Launch

  • Project Manager: 30 hours * 100 ADA per hour = 3,000 ADA
  • DevOps: 30 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 4,000 ADA
  • Cardano Blockchain Developer: 30 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 6,000 ADA
  • Full Stack Developer: 30 hours * 200 ADA per hour = 6,000 ADA
  • Community Manager: 40 hours * 67 ADA per hour = 2,667 ADA
  • QA: 25 hours * 133 ADA per hour = 3,333 ADA
  • Subtotal: 25,000 ADA

Total Projected Cost (ADA): 140,000 ADA

[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Project Manager

  • Federico Ledesma

Team Leader, Financial & Legal Advisor:

  • Diego Torres

Technical Architect:

  • Manuel Padilla

Marketing and Community Manager:

  • Agustin Franchella

Partnerships & community growth:

  • JRat

Technical communications:

  • NFTY

Full Stack Developers:

  • Manuel Padiilla
  • Luis Restrepo
  • Alfred Vilsmeier
  • Mariano Molina

Smart Contract Developers:

  • Manuel Padiilla
  • Alfred Vilsmeier
  • Luis Restrepo

DevOps Engineers:

  • Manuel Padiilla
  • Alfred Vilsmeier

Quality Assurance Specialist:

  • Mariano Molina

UI/UX Designer:

  • Elio Esis
  • Manuel Padiilla

Agustín Franchella, Project manager

Agustín has been involved in the Cardano community for several years and has contributed to various open-source projects. Deep understanding of blockchain technology and extensive experience in project management. Python enthusiast.

Experience in Cardano:

  • Cardano Ambassador.
  • RatsDAO Co-Founder.
  • SPO [1MATE].
  • MAYZ Co-Founder.
  • Cardano Related YouTube Channel in Spanish "Crypto Latinoamérica" <>.


  • LinkedIn: <>
  • Twitter: <>
  • GitHub <>

Diego Torres, Corporate Financial Expert

He is a corporate financial expert with years of experience in the private sector and the academic environment. He provides overall strategic direction and leadership for the project. He ensures the project aligns with the team's vision and goals and manages stakeholder relationships.

Experience in Cardano:

  • Cardano Ambassador.
  • RatsDAO Co-Founder.
  • SPO [1MATE].
  • MAYZ Co-Founder.
  • Podcast Bitcoin para Todos


Federico Ledesma, Business Developer

Stake Pool Operator [1MATE]. Business Manager with expertise in multiple environments and over ten years in the blockchain. Blockchain enthusiast since 2013 plan.

Experience in Cardano:


Luis Restrepo, Blockchain Developer & Techonology advisor and Educator

Luis Restrepo brings 20 years of experience working in multi-cultural environments and in several initiatives in techonlogy and in Cardano Blockchain. Started as a Stake Pool Operator (Ticker: Moxie), his journey in Cardano has been full of initiatives and projects from DeFi protocols to educational platforms focused on the Latin American community.

Experience in Cardano:

• Cardano Developer Professional instructor at Emurgo Academy. Instructor of the Cardano deep dive concepts and Plutus Smart Contracts developing.

• EdTech platform for Latam - Ayllu Academy developer. Integrating Cardano blockchain and Smart Contract developer with the platform.

• Python Library, React interface and AWS IOT Architecture to communicate and interact with the blockchain

• Member founder of startup company for tree tokenization project in Colombia, South America and CO2 retention incentives.

• SPO in Cardano Blockchain. Ticker: MOXIE.

• Known programming languages: SQL, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Haskell, Plutus.


Mariano Molina, Golang Developer, Quality Assurance & Testing

Experienced Senior Golang Developer with over 16 years of experience in software development. Strong background in Go programming language and a passion for staying current with the latest technology trends. Proven ability to lead and mentor development teams to deliver high-quality software on time and within budget.


  • Linkedin
  • Github: <>

Manuel Padilla, Lead Software Engineer & Blockchain Specialist

Versatile system engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Technology from the National Technological University. Having a plethora of programming languages under their belt, including but not limited to SQL, Basic, C, C++, VB, .NET, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Haskell, He brings over 13 years of experience in web development and software engineering.

Experience in Cardano:

  • Protofire (April 2023 - Present): Currently working as a Software Engineer, focusing on blockchain technologies, including Cardano, Plutus, DeFi, and DApps.
  • MAYZ Protocol *(*October 2022 - Present): Involved in full-stack blockchain development, specializing in Cardano, Plutus, and Haskell.
  • RATS DAO (January 2022 - Present): Serving as a Web Developer, DApp Developer, and Blockchain Developer, primarily focusing on Cardano, Plutus, and Haskell.
  • ALDEA DAO (January 2022 - Present): Fulfilling roles as a Web Developer, DApp Developer, and Blockchain Developer, with a primary emphasis on Cardano, Plutus, and Haskell technologies


  • <>
  • <>


  • LinkedIn: <>
  • GitHub: <>

Alfred Vilsmeier

He is a highly skilled tech enthusiast with over 22 years of experience in the IT field. Alfred is well-versed in various areas, including scripting, Database Administration, Networking, Security, and Cardano node management. With his extensive experience, proficiency in various domains, and a keen interest in blockchain development, Alfred is well-equipped to tackle complex challenges and contribute to the advancement of technology in the ever-evolving landscape of the IT industry.

Experience in Cardano:

  • SPO TOPO (July 2020 - Present): Contributes to securing the Cardano network.
  • MAYZ Protocol (2022 - Present): ISPO tracking system and other operational tasks.
  • RATS DAO (2022 - Present): Dev for multiple projects.
  • ALDEA DAO (2021 - Present): Founding member of the ALDEA SPO’s group, helped with some security, DevOps


Elio Esis, Web Developer

Web developer with experience in vanilla JS, REACT, Angular, NextJs, and TypeScript. Knowledge of Node ExpressJS and Java Spring backend. Development of static and dynamic responsive pages. Web developer experience in Cardano Blockchain using Lucid-Cardano, interaction with the wallet, and assembly of transactions.


  • Linkedin
  • <>
  • <>

JRat - Rats DAO Community Manager

jRat is a motivated RatsDAO Community Manager and a local business owner. Jay has a strong background in technical writing, content creation, . He knows how important it is for Cardano to gain more adoption across the crypto space and to non crypto users.

Role: Creating comprehensive documentation, user guides, and managing community engagement activities.

[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The proposed project represents value for money in the Cardano ecosystem due to its potential to contribute to the growth, adoption, and improvement of Cardano. The costs associated with the project have been carefully considered and justified based on several factors:

  1. Importance of the Project: The project aims to develop a SmartCollections platform, which aligns with the Cardano ecosystem's goals of providing decentralized solutions and expanding the utility of the blockchain. By enabling users to engage with smart contracts and facilitating the creation and management of collections, the project contributes to the overall ecosystem by fostering user engagement and promoting Cardano's adoption.
  2. Deliverables and Outcomes: Each milestone of the project has well-defined deliverables that provide tangible value.
  3. Cost Justification: The costs have been determined by considering factors such as the complexity of the tasks, the skills and expertise required, and the effort and time investment. The costs align with industry standards, taking into account typical freelance rates for blockchain development, UI/UX design, and web development in regions such as the US and Europe. Additionally, the costs are proportional to the project's objectives and the resources needed to accomplish them effectively.
  4. Comparative Analysis: Comparative analysis shows that the proposed project offers value for money compared to similar initiatives within the Cardano ecosystem and other blockchain ecosystems. By considering the scope, deliverables, and potential impact of the project, it becomes apparent that the costs are reasonable and in line with industry benchmarks.
  5. Resource Allocation: The allocated budget reflects the resources required to execute the project successfully. It considers the expertise of the team members, the complexity of the development tasks, and the time needed to achieve the desired outcomes. The budget allocation ensures that the project has sufficient resources to meet its objectives effectively.
  6. Long-Term Benefits: The project's long-term benefits include increased adoption and usage of Cardano, improved user experiences through a user-friendly interface, and the facilitation of collections management through smart contracts. These outcomes contribute to the growth and development of the Cardano ecosystem, making the project an investment that yields lasting benefits.

The allocated budget ensures the successful execution of the project while delivering tangible outcomes and contributing to the overall goals of the ecosystem.

コミュニティ・アドバイザー・レビュー (1)




  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3分 24秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4分 3秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3分 48秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2分 16秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3分 14秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3分 19秒
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4分 59秒
    Darlington Kofa