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SlapVentures: Developing Interactive Educational Experiences for Young Learners
Current Project Status
vote pending

We’ll develop proprietary, blockchain-enhanced and real-world educational tools to improve financial literacy in children through engaging books and interactive games.


Addressing the shortage of engaging, blockchain-based educational materials to boost children’s financial literacy through interactive books and games.


2 members

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SlapVentures: Developing Interactive Educational Experiences for Young Learners

Please describe your proposed solution

Slap! aims to bridge the gap in family and child-oriented content on the blockchain. Our vision extends beyond digital offerings, as we aim to make our products accessible in both the digital and real world. We aspire for our brand and logo to become symbols of positive engagement and educational value. Our approach includes educating the general public about blockchain technology through engaging and intuitive products.

Image file

Building a Resilient Business Model:

SlapVentures is committed to establishing a sustainable business independent of fluctuating market cycles and temporary sentiment shifts in the cryptocurrency landscape. By focusing on long-term goals and robust business practices, the project aims to maintain stability and consistent growth, thereby reinforcing the broader Cardano ecosystem.

Scarce Entertaining Content:

1. There is a significant shortage of entertaining and educational content on the blockchain that appeals to families and children.

2. We propose to fill this void by creating versatile products that are not only fun but also serve educational purposes. These include digital and board games, activity books, and educational materials that engage children in learning through play and more…


1. Our products will be available for sale through various channels such as, Amazon, and directly from our SlapVentures online store, ensuring easy accessibility for consumers both familiar and new to blockchain technology.

Multi-Platform Availability:

1. We are committed to launching our games simultaneously across multiple platforms. This includes integration on the blockchain, ensuring secure and transparent interactions.

2. Additionally, our games and educational content will be accessible on mainstream digital platforms such as Amazon Kindle and the Google Play Store, catering to a wide audience of mobile users.

3. We also plan to make our games available on popular gaming platforms, enhancing their visibility and accessibility to gamers across various devices.

Beyond Conventional Crypto Narratives:

By moving away from typical crypto narratives and focusing on creating a unique and engaging brand story with Slappie, SlapVentures sets itself apart in the crowded crypto market. This not only helps in attracting a wider audience but also in sustaining interest over long periods.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Community Growth and Engagement: By offering family and child-oriented content on the Cardano blockchain, our project Slap! will attract a new demographic of users—families and young learners—thereby expanding the Cardano community. This diversification not only broadens the user base but also enhances the perception of blockchain as accessible and educational.

Increased Blockchain Adoption: Our dual-platform approach (blockchain and popular digital platforms) serves as an educational gateway, introducing blockchain technology to a wider audience. This helps demystify blockchain and increases its adoption, particularly among those who might not otherwise engage with it.

Enhancement of Cardano’s Ecosystem: By developing interactive and educational games that use Cardano’s blockchain, we contribute to the utility and robustness of the network. Our games will showcase the capabilities of Cardano, such as microtransactions and smart contracts, demonstrating the platform’s versatility beyond traditional finance.

Measuring Impact:

Quantitative Measures: We will track user adoption rates, the number of transactions made within our games on the Cardano blockchain, and engagement metrics such as daily active users and session lengths. Surveys and feedback forms will also be used to gauge user satisfaction and educational impact. Assessing the Cardano community's and ecosystem's growth as a result of increased adoption and engagement with SlapVentures. Monitoring the volume of rewards distributed through play-to-earn mechanics and the economic value generated within the SlapVentures ecosystem.

Qualitative Measures: We will collect testimonials and case studies from users and families who have benefited from our educational tools. This feedback will help assess how well our content meets educational goals and fosters community engagement.

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:

Community Updates: Regular updates and insights will be shared with the Cardano community through forums, social media, and Cardano-specific events, ensuring transparency and ongoing engagement with our token/NFT holders as well as Cardano and social media followers.

Collaborations and Partnerships: We aim to collaborate with educational and technological partners within the Cardano ecosystem to enhance our offerings. Results from these partnerships, including co-developed products or new educational content, will be shared across community channels.

Open Source Contributions: While the core of our products will be proprietary, certain aspects of our blockchain integrations will be made open source to contribute to the Cardano developer community. This will allow other developers to build on our work, fostering innovation and growth within the Cardano ecosystem.

Trust and Accountability in Execution:

Quality Assurance: As an entrepreneur and parents, we understand that all materials should be rigorously tested and reviewed to meet educational standards before release. Our team’s expertise in content creation ensures that these educational tools are not only informative but also safe and appropriate for children.

Transparent Development Process: We maintain an open dialogue with our community about the development process, including the challenges and milestones, to ensure that our backers and potential users are fully informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle.

By addressing these key aspects, SlapVentures will significantly contribute to the growth and diversification of the Cardano community and propel the integration of blockchain technology into educational frameworks. This initiative will not only promote learning and technological innovation but also seamlessly blend digital and real-world interactions. Such integration is poised to foster widespread adoption of cryptocurrency in everyday life, enhancing its practical relevance and utility.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

At SlapVentures, we must ensure high trust and accountability when delivering our project.

Here's how we demonstrate our capability and validate the feasibility of our approach:

Experienced Team Members: Our team is composed of prominent figures in the crypto and CNFT space, including talented artists like Jay Webski, and seasoned entrepreneurs and investors such as CryptoSurveyor and MrHaysberg or $nikodem, a former Cardano Ambassador and the host of the popular Polish podcast "Wieczorowa Pora." His leadership and entrepreneurial spirit are foundational to our project's vision and implementation. Each team member brings years of experience and a proven track record in their respective fields, instilling confidence in our ability to deliver.

Deep Industry Roots: With team members like $kornel, a Cardano Stake Pool Operator and Ambassador from CCPL, our project is deeply integrated within the Cardano community. This connection enhances our understanding of blockchain nuances and community expectations.

Proven Track Record in Crypto: Having been active in the cryptocurrency market since 2017, and as early adopters and stakers of $ADA since 2018, our team has a long-standing commitment and in-depth experience in the blockchain space. We also boast ownership of thousands of CNFTs, including some from the inception of the market like SpaceBudz, underscoring our pioneering presence in this sector.

Transparent Governance: We prioritize transparency and accountability in our project management processes. This includes openly sharing our roadmap, progress updates, and financial reports with the community.

Our governance structure, including decentralized decision-making mechanisms like DAOs, ensures community members have a voice in project oversight and direction

Previous Deliverables: We have already launched SLAP-themed mini-games and established a live website with gaming platform, demonstrating our commitment to progress and tangible results.

These early deliverables serve as proof of concept and showcase our ability to execute and deliver on our promises. In our effort to make financial education engaging for children, we are preparing the launch of our first series of books where "Slappie," our mascot, will serve as the central figure. Slappie will introduce children to financial concepts in an interesting and humorous way, explaining topics such as the origins of money and its value. Alongside our storybooks, we have developed a series of exercise books and coloring books. These materials are designed to reinforce the financial lessons introduced by Slappie, allowing children to apply what they have learned through interactive, hands-on activities.

Realistic Roadmap: Our roadmap outlines milestones, deliverables, timelines, and risk mitigation strategies. This roadmap is based on thorough research, analysis, and feasibility assessments.

Regular updates and progress reports ensure stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle.

Financial Management: We have established robust financial management processes to ensure the responsible allocation and utilization of funds.

This includes budgeting, expense tracking, and financial reporting mechanisms to maintain transparency and accountability.

Additionally, we adhere to industry best practices and compliance standards to mitigate risks and safeguard funds.

Validation of Feasibility: We validate the feasibility of our approach through rigorous research, market analysis, and pilot testing.

Market research helps us understand user needs, preferences, and dynamics, ensuring our solution meets market demands.

Pilot testing allows us to validate key assumptions, test functionality, and gather user feedback before scaling up.

In summary, SlapVentures is well-equipped to deliver our project with high trust and accountability. Our experienced team, transparent governance, track record of previous deliverables, realistic roadmap, and robust financial management processes demonstrate our capability and readiness to execute our vision effectively.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: To ensure the successful completion of your project, here is a detailed breakdown of the key milestones, including outputs and acceptance criteria for each:

Milestone 1: Research and Analysis:


Comprehensive market research report.

Analysis of current trends in blockchain and educational content.

Team and potential user needs assessment.

Acceptance Criteria:

Completion of a detailed market analysis document that identifies target demographics, competitor analysis, and potential market gaps.

Reports must be validated by industry experts and revised based on feedback.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Ideation of Items and Products, Community Consultations, and Initial Designs


Concept document outlining potential products and features.

Initial product designs and prototypes.

Summary of community feedback and consultation outcomes.

Acceptance Criteria:

Approval of the concept document and initial designs by the project team.

Positive feedback from community consultations, indicating strong interest and support for the product ideas.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Developing Digital and Real Products MVP

1. Development and Testing of Technical Feasibility

This project aims to integrate both digital and physical educational tools with the Cardano blockchain, utilizing Cardano-based digital assets and the SlapVentures token.

1. This integration tests the technical feasibility of using blockchain technology in educational contexts, particularly:

2. How blockchain can be used to track ownership and usage of digital educational resources.

3. The integration of smart contracts to manage interactions within the educational tools, such as game mechanics and reward systems.

4. The security and scalability of using Cardano blockchain for real-time transactions and interactions within educational games and e-commerce.

2. Preparation to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Stage

Milestone 3 specifically focuses on developing an MVP that encompasses both digital and real-world educational products. This step is critical as it:

1. Provides a tangible demonstration of how blockchain technology can enhance educational tools.

2. Allows for preliminary testing with actual users to gather early feedback on the product's functionality and educational impact.

3. Serves as a proof of concept to showcase the potential of blockchain in revolutionizing educational content delivery and engagement.

Milestone 4: MVP Stage:

Validation Through Community Engagement and Feedback

The incorporation of community consultations and feedback mechanisms throughout the development process (Milestone 2) ensures that the project is aligned with user needs and Cardano community expectations. This approach not only validates the product concept before and after the MVP development but also:

1. Enhances the product design based on direct input from potential end-users and stakeholders.

2. Increases the likelihood of successful adoption and utilization once fully launched.

Testing and Refinement

Milestone 4 focuses on rigorous testing, promotion, and distribution, which are critical for refining the MVP based on real-world usage and feedback. This includes:

1. Functional and security testing to ensure that the MVP meets the necessary standards for public release.

2. Marketing and promotional activities to raise awareness within the Cardano community and beyond, driving initial user adoption.

Preparation for Scaling

The MVP stage prepares the project for future scaling by establishing a solid foundation of tested, user-validated products that can be expanded with additional features and broader distribution channels.

Milestone 5: Create E-Shop on Already Existing SlapVentures Website


1. Fully functional e-commerce platform integrated into the existing SlapVentures website with user-friendly design and mobile optimization.

2. Product Management: Product listings and inventory management

3. E-commerce Platform and Backend Setup: Platform Selection with a robust e-commerce platform that suits SlapVentures business needs (e.g. Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Amazon).

4. Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate secure payment gateways that facilitate a range of payment methods (credit cards, PayPal, cryptocurrency, etc.)

5. Testing: Functionality Testing, checkout process, load testing.

6. Legal Compliance: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

7. Shipping and Fulfilment: Shipping options, fulfilment process

8. Customer Service: Support channels, FAQs and help sections

9. Marketing and SEO: SEO optimization, Launch Marketing Plan

10. Analytics and Monitoring: Analytics tools, performance monitoring

Final Milestone: Testing, Promotion, and Distribution


1. Comprehensive testing across all developed products.

2. Marketing campaign, including social media, influencer partnerships, and educational seminars.

3. Distribution channels established and initial batch of products launched.

Acceptance Criteria:

1. Products must meet all specified quality and safety standards upon final testing.

2. Achievement of set promotional reach and engagement metrics.

3. Successful launch with initial sales and user adoption metrics met. Final close-out report and video

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

  1. Nikodem Zegzda

• Role: Co-founder, Project Ideator

• Responsibilities: Deep involvement in the CNFT scene, overall project

direction, branding, budgeting and entrepreneurship.

• Links: LinkedIn <>, Twitter <>

2. Tomasz Kaczorowski (CryptoSurveyor)

• Role: Co-founder, Project Manager

• Responsibilities: Shaping project trajectory, responsible for implementing e-shop, products creation and merchandising, community management,

strategy, and marketing initiatives.

• Links: Twitter <>

3. Kornel Gajewski

• Role: Co-founder, Advisor

• Responsibilities: Providing guidance based on blockchain expertise,

documentation, and involvement in the Cardano ecosystem.

• Links: LinkedIn <>, Twitter <>

4. Mr. Haysberg

• Role: Co-founder, Games Developer

• Responsibilities: Development of SLAP mini-games, collaborations, CNFT


• Links: Twitter

5. Jay Webski

• Role: Designer, Storyteller

• Responsibilities: Art direction, 3D animation creation, storytelling.

• Links: Twitter <>

This comprehensive team blends expertise in CNFTs, game development, digital and real products, marketing, community management, and storytelling, ensuring the success and innovation of SlapVentures.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Cost breakdown for creating a 10 children's illustrated books (based on the costs of creating the first title)

Amount: 57,000ADA


Creative Costs

· Authoring: Crafting a 1500-word script by writer with experience in children's literature. Estimated Cost: $450

· Illustrations: Handmade illustrations for a book with around 15-20 illustrations including different cover designs for NFT collectors.

Estimated Cost: $1,500

Editing and proofreading

Proofreading: A final check to eliminate any typographical errors or minor mistakes**.**

Estimated Cost: $50

Design and Layout

· Book Design: Includes typesetting, Amazon KDP, layout design, and incorporating illustrations into the book format.

Estimated Cost: $100

Printing and Production

Printing Costs: These can vary widely based on the print run size, paper quality, and binding type. For a moderate initial run using high-quality paper and hardcover binding, the costs can be significant. Each platform or method comes with its own set of costs, benefits, and logistics. Here’s a look at some common distribution channels and an estimation of the cost for printing a 27-page children's book in hardcover. That's why we want to cooperate with platforms that cover the costs of printing and distribution in exchange for royalties.

Shopify: charges a monthly fee starting at $29, print-on-demand service, royalties taken by Shopify.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Wide reach, ease of use, no upfront costs for eBook version, print-on-demand service, royalties taken by Amazon so we don’t have to worries about printing cost and shipping. Distributing digital versions, royalties taken by

SlapVentures e-shop: we have two printing companies that can print any quantity for us, from one item to thousands, one in the USA and the other in Spain, the prices of both are very similar.

The price of printing and shipping for 100 hardcover books is: $600

So far, we have successfully created one book, and two additional titles are currently in development. Our ultimate goal is to complete a series of 10 children’s books, each focused on introducing financial concepts in an engaging and age-appropriate manner. This series aims to equip young readers with foundational financial knowledge, setting the stage for informed decision-making as they grow.

Total cost: $2,600 per book x 10 books = $26,350 = 57,000ADA

Slappies Adventures

Cost breakdown for creating and manufacturing SlapVentures board games:

Amount: 60,000ADA

1. Design and Prototyping

Game Design: Costs for graphic and game designers' time to create game rules, artwork, and layout.

Prototyping: Expenses involved in creating a few samples to test and refine the game.

Estimated Cost: $2,000

2. Manufacturing Costs

Materials and Production: These costs vary depending on the complexity of the designs and the molds if required.

Estimated Cost per Game: $4 - $8


Materials: Costs vary based on whether they are made from cardboard or plastic.

Estimated Cost per Game: $0.80 - $2.50


Printing: Costs for printing decks of cards; includes setup fees and per-unit production costs.

Estimated Cost per Game: $1.50 - $3.50

Game Board

Materials and Printing: Costs for cardboard material and printing.

Estimated Cost per Game: $2.50 - $5.00


Box Design and Production: Costs for high-quality, printed boxes to house all game components.

Estimated Cost per Game: $1.50 - $4.00

3. Assembly

Component Assembly: Manual assembly of all components into the final packaging.

Estimated Cost per Game: $0.50 - $1.50

4. Additional Costs

Quality Control: Inspection for defects and completeness.

Shipping from Manufacturer to Warehouse: Depends on manufacturer location.

Estimated Cost: $1,000 - $2,000 (spread over the entire run)

5. Total Estimated Cost Per Game

Summing the costs for figures, tokens, cards, board, packaging, and assembly:

Total Per Game: $11 - $24

For 500 items: $5,500 - $12,000 (excluding one-time design and prototyping costs)

2 games x $14,000 = $28,000 = 60,000ADA

Cost breakdown for creating SlapVentures 56 cards game:

Amount: 8,600ADA

1. Design and Development

Graphic Design: Creating custom artwork for each of the 54 cards, plus additional design for the card backs, box, and any instructional materials.

Estimated Cost: $600 (one-time cost)

2. Printing and packaging

We will be working with a U.S.-based printing and crafting company that offers Custom Printed Component Pricing. Same factory can also do sales using their e-shop as well as distribution and marketing.

Total Estimated Cost for 54 card game with images size 2625x3300 px and size 2.25 x 3.5 x 0.81 in

57 x 89 x 21mm

Total Cost per Game: $2.75 for orders above 100 items

Total Cost for 500 Games: $1,375 (excluding one-time costs)

2 card games including one time cost = $3950 = 8,600ADA

SlapVentures activity books for kids, creating and printing cost breakdown:

Amount: 11,500ADA

Illustration and Graphic Design: Hiring an illustrator to create engaging and child-friendly images, along with a graphic designer to lay out the pages. This includes the cover design (54 pages)

Estimated Cost: $800 (this project can be completed by our 3D artist)

We will use the same distribution channels as we did for the book, namely Amazon, Shopify,, and our website. This will help in promoting the project, significantly reduce our costs, and streamline distribution.

However, printing 500 items for e-shop, marketing and self-distribution in A4 format, portait, 56 pages, White Offset 100gsm, Saddle Stitched Binding, including deliver = $1850

$800 (one time cost) + $1850 for 500 items = $2,650 x 2 books = $5,300 = 11,500ADA

Implementing e-shop and E-commerce Plugin Installation cost breakdown estimated by our IT Team.

Amount: 5,400 ADA

1. WooCommerce: This is a popular, free e-commerce plugin for WordPress that supports selling physical and digital products.

Cost: Free

Additional Plugins for Features: Prices vary; typically, $0 - $299 each for advanced functionality (like subscriptions, bookings, etc.)

2. Payment Gateway Integration: Credit Cards and PayPal: WooCommerce supports PayPal by default, and additional plugins are available to support more extensive credit card processing options, such as Stripe or Square. Cryptocurrency Payments: Adding a plugin or gateway that accepts cryptocurrencies, such as Coinbase Commerce or BitPay.

3. SSL Certificate: Essential for securely handling payments and user data.

4. Design and Customization: Tailoring the look and feel of the WooCommerce shop to match our existing website: <>, cost $800

5. Implementing DexHunter aggregator to allowing community and users to swap their tokens. $200

6. Testing and updates: updates to WordPress, WooCommerce, and other plugins, plus security monitoring.

Total Estimated Cost

Initial Setup and Customization, implementation + and plugins 1 year subscription: $2,500 = 5,400ADA

Project Management and Development (for the period of 12 months of work):

Amount: 40,000 ADA

Description: These funds will be allocated to compensate Cryptosurveyor for his project management, development work, and community engagement role. Cryptosurveyor will oversee most aspects of the products creation, including coordinating development tasks, managing project timelines, marketing and to engage the Cardano community and beyond.

Rewards and bonuses for a project team members.

Amount 30,000 ADA

Description: These funds will be allocated for salaries and bonuses for team members for their time and effort spent on the project, which may include activities related to promotion, involvement in product creation, social media activities, and contributed ideas. The management and distribution of these funds will be handled by Nikodem, also known as @Apetoshi, who is responsible for budgeting and entrepreneurship.

Total Budget in ADA: 212,500 ADA

This detailed breakdown ensures that each aspect of the project receives adequate funding,

from core development tasks to community engagement efforts and quality assurance


How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

  1. Educational Outreach

Raising Awareness: By focusing on educational materials that include both physical and digital components, the project educates a younger audience and their families about the fundamentals of blockchain and digital assets. This early education seeds future adoption and deeper understanding of platforms like Cardano.

Long-term Impact: Investing in education has a compounding effect. Today's educated kids grow up to be tomorrow's tech-savvy adults, likely to engage with and expand the Cardano ecosystem further.

2. Bridging Digital and Physical Worlds

Hybrid Products: Products that merge digital assets with physical ones (like books that come with NFTs or games that teach blockchain concepts) serve as an excellent entry point for new users into the Cardano ecosystem. This approach makes the technology accessible and understandable to non-tech audiences, expanding the user base.

Interactive Learning: Interactive games and activities that utilize Cardano’s technology for practical demonstrations (e.g., using ADA for transactions within a game) highlight the real-world applications of blockchain, enhancing user engagement and retention.

3. Community and Network Growth

Incentives and Rewards: Using ADA for purchases or as part of educational games incentivizes participation by offering real value, which can be an attractive proposition for families looking to introduce practical finance to children.

Engagement with Platforms: Promoting platforms like not only drives traffic and potential revenue to these platforms but also encourages the wider adoption of ADA as a preferred transaction medium, reinforcing its utility and acceptance.

4. Marketing and Advocacy

Brand Association: Associating educational content with Cardano and integrating it into learning materials serves as grassroots marketing, building brand loyalty from a young age. This can be particularly effective in creating long-term brand advocates.

Visibility Increase: Educational projects linked to widely recognized educational content can significantly raise the profile of Cardano, attracting attention from outside the traditional crypto communities and into mainstream audiences, particularly among educators and parents.


Investing in educational content that effectively combines learning with practical application of blockchain technology represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem. It not only serves the immediate needs of educating and expanding the community but also sets the foundation for a broader and sustained engagement, reinforcing Cardano’s position as a forward-thinking, community-centric platform. Although this is just the beginning, the revenue generated from product sales will be reinvested into the creation of new offerings. Over time, we plan to develop and introduce additional products, aiming for further market expansion. This reinvestment strategy not only sustains our business growth but also enhances our ability to innovate and adapt to market needs.



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