500+ ₳Community Sent to Conferences
Current Project Status
In Progress

Exhibit at major industry conferences with free tickets for the Cardano community to share the Cardano gospel, meet each other in person, and sell to decision-makers to 100x user adoption and revenue.


As a new Cardano dApp with a lot of hustle & desire to grow quickly, we lack go-to-market resources to send this community to conferences and 100x user adoption & revenue in the next couple of months.

Impact / Alignment


2 members

500+ ₳Community Sent to Conferences

Please describe your proposed solution.

The Cardano community and culture are one of the if not the most valuable resources and products that the ecosystem has. Let's empower them to accelerate the growth of the Cardano for all including IOHK, dApps, NFT projects, and the whole crypto ecosystem.

Funding will go towards Cardano dApps and projects like Snapbrillia and others who are 100% committed to representing Cardano and tracking conference ROI to exhibit at every major industry and Web3 conference, buying discounted group tickets, and otherwise securing free passes and promo codes for the community. We aim for a life-changing experience, a huge return on investment, and a real impact for our community members because of experiencing Cardano events and after-parties in person hosted by IOHK, the Hidden Order, Rare Bloom, Buffy Bot Publishing, and others. That in itself can be a life-changing experience. We need to break out of the "Cardano echo chamber" and stop only talking to and seeing the same people on Twitter Spaces. It's time for Cardano to grow into the bigger player that we all know it is and gain traction in the whole crypto industry. Let the amazing Cardano community represent and share the Cardano gospel with others to bring more like-minded people, projects, and dApps into the ecosystem. There is power in the community. Let's give the mic to the thousand voices with a single mission to grow Cardano and solve real-world problems to achieve real impact. The Cardano community has already proven to show up in force at Consensus. Let's all represent and support the Cardano ecosystem, dApps, and projects together.

"Consensus was an incredibly successful event for our ecosystem, and for us, it really showed the world that Cardano exists and there's a lot of unwritten stories of that footprint that we left. In fact, some people jokingly said that Consensus was a Cardano event and I am pretty happy about that. I also heard that the Metamask booth which was right next to the Cardano booth complained about the noise because there were simply too many people there [at the Cardano booth]… Let's get this done. Thank you for being part of this community and for the rest of the space we are all open for business. Let's get it done." - Charles Hoskinson

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9.3k+ Web3 and builder community impressed by Cardano

"Consensus, 17,000 people showed up. We had a community event with over 1,200 people there. A lot of VIP stuff. We had a lovely party and Elijah Wood [think Frodo] showed up and DJ-ed. Ice Cube showed up [video]. I never in my life thought I would be doing these kinds of things but it was fun! Gave away a bunch of Stetson hats… The event was pretty special because we [Cardano] had an outsized impact as an ecosystem… Right now there is a hunger for stability, quality, and consistency… The power of Consensus was that we had a chance to engage with a lot of builders in the Cardano ecosystem and we asked them what are you doing. Are you here for the long haul or are you here for the short term and every one of them - passion, problem-solving, pushing hard, and just getting it done. It was pretty remarkable…" - Charles Hoskinson

We were extremely blessed to be able to pass the blessings forward and send 150+ people from our Cardano community members to Consensus 2022 in-person giving people an $1800 Consensus general pass for free while countless others who couldn't make it in person were given a $108 virtual pass for free!

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But let's not just send people there, but also let's "hold presentations at these events to communicate what Cardano is about to the general and Web3 community. At Consensus, I have been getting a lot of questions from the general community about what utility Cardano actually have, as many people didn't know that Cardano actually has any functionality built on it. I had to explain what has already been built and what is being built. So this would be very beneficial to the exposure of Cardano and needs to contain lots of detailed information about the great projects built on Cardano." - Curtis, PPP and Cardano Developer

The application process is simple and clear:

Community members interested in attending conferences, events, or hackathons in-person or virtually will be able to apply and express their interest through an exclusive bounty "Grow Cardano at Conferences" on, launching in late July. Anyone can apply to attend as a team or as an individual and make it known through discussion which conferences they want to go to and we'll coordinate from there on any further steps such as securing tickets.

The selection process is simple and clear:

It's on a first come first serve basis with a quick screening process for community involvement. Priority will be given to members who contribute to Catalyst a lot and the Cardano community and ecosystem as a whole. This can range from being official Cardano Ambassadors, having a lot of GIMBL tokens, attending and making themselves known in Catalyst town halls, hosting and speaking in Cardano-related Twitter Spaces, helping onboard new Catalyst and Cardano members, being part of the Catalyst Challenge Teams, and otherwise leaving Cardano ambassadorship footprint behind on a daily and weekly basis. Of course, everyone has to vouch to attend in-person on an honor system staking their reputation or better yet with proof of booked hotels or lodging and secured travel, etc.

Community as a Service especially in-person at conferences will bring people to form deep partnerships and friendships. This is accelerated for those who only have seen each other and collaborated with each other online. Since the Cardano community is a decentralized global community, having the ability to meet different members in person at conferences, Cardano events, meetups with sponsorships, and exhibits will be an extremely impactful Proof of Community for people inside and out of Cardano. It can naturally resolve many "online-only" conflicts and tensions within the community and brings not only people together but the whole community together and galvanize us even more toward our single common mission - to grow Cardano.

Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.

"It's a collective effort of the masses that matters. That's who we are. Cardano did not get, nor did Ethereum or Bitcoin, to where it's at by the tireless work of an individual. It got there because of a large group of people [who] decided it's fundamentally a good idea to choose freedom and liberty. And thus we must remember that lesson on the down days, the bear days. We must consider that lesson and we must take it to heart. We have to find a way to make what we do as accessible and inviting as any other endeavor, [and] moreso if possible. Again, I'll ask and I'll probably ask every day. We have to set aside the toxicity in this industry, the backbiting in this industry, and we have to be intellectually honest…" - Charles Hoskinson

Why is this product or integration suitable for execution right now?

We are in a bear market where we need to focus on building. Building dApps and projects require more builders, developers, and higher quality projects and companies to enter our ecosystem.

We are clearly and directly addressing the dApps & Products & Integrations challenge:

"Cardano needs a thriving ecosystem of different Dapps, products, and integrations for the community to use that increasingly become the better alternatives over current centralized providers.

The more interesting and useful the products and integrations are that can be built in the ecosystem the more reasons people have to interact with the Cardano blockchain that can help further drive more adoption, feedback, growth, and even more innovations."

We clearly qualify into the types of proposals that fit this broad challenge as written by the Challenge Team of Dapps, Products & Integrations:

"Many others - Any other idea, product, or integration that someone thinks should be built in the Cardano ecosystem!"

We clearly qualify with the potential success metrics that fit this broad challenge as written by the Challenge Team of Dapps, Products & Integrations:

"Social media - Total number of users, number of meaningful interactions"

"Many others - Proposers can add in whatever metrics or success criteria make sense for their own project!"

Are there enough pieces of infrastructure, applications, or other integrations available that would be needed for this suggested proposal to have a strong chance of gaining adoption? What needs to be introduced or improved for the proposal to fully reach its potential?

Snapbrillia’s Mentor-Mentee Bounties & eLearning platform will beta launch in late July. By the end of Fund 9 in September, we would have already launched out of beta, fixed almost all bugs, integrated Metamask, and 100+ other cryptocurrency wallets, launched with ATALA Prism on Mainnet, strengthened and readied our infrastructure for early mass adoption of dev bounties, hackathons, and early mass adoption. Let's #BUIDL

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We will ensure that all community members who benefit from the fund actually attend the conference and represented Cardano by maintaining their DID Proof of Reputation with Snapbrillia, an in-person selfie with the exhibitors, a QR code that will then issue a DID Verified Credential and a Verified cNFT that proves their conference attendance and Cardano ambassadorship. In case of cancellation, we can always transfer tickets out to another community member on the waitlist or raffle them out in person or on Twitter to the Cardano community. Alternatively, we can refund Cardano members’ tickets post-conference given they apply for conference scholarships, follow the same process, and demonstrate significant proof of traction via Cardano community exclusive Grow Cardano at Conferences bounty on Snapbrillia. This is a community effort.


James Willingham: "Conferences are perfect for expanding your network, gaining knowledge, and seeing what others are doing in and out of your space. Without conferences, there is less collaboration and opportunities to forge strong partnerships to help drive the whole ecosystem further. At Consensus, I made lifelong friendships with like-minded people and that's only the icing on the cake. I got to meet my co-founders in person for the first time and many others that I only get to see online. My dev team learned so much from all the hands-on dev workshops and talks. We also joined an ATX DAO-Encoode Hackathon which we won! Hope to see you all at the next one!"

Frank Albanese: “#AppreciationPost So grateful to have had an opportunity to briefly chat with @IOHK_Charles about Quadratic Voting / Funding and SSI research at Consensus 2022. Proof of Reputation and fairer voting systems have the potential to improve governance systems for all.🙏 @snapbrillia” <>

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Lucy Clifton aka. ADAGurl: "That's what's up!!!!!❤️💯❤️💯🥰" … "Ladies n gentlemen, @IOGJohnny" <>

André Diamond: "Got a free ticket to Consensus 2022 from Ninh Tran. Listening to the speakers from other blockchains at Consensus, I realized Cardano is already solving some of the problems other blockchains are still thinking about solving."

James Meidinger @Freeloaderz: "There are those who work selflessly towards helping others as they find the greatest reward, comes from empowering others to reach their fullest potential and that is the epitome of Ninh Tran. He is one of those beautiful souls who are here to give a hand up not a handout, when we received tickets to Consensus, none of us were really planning on going due to the costs involved. From his gift, we were able to 1. Galvanize our Freeloaderz members by getting to meet each other 2. Create lifelong friendships with fellow Cardanians 3. Experience a broad and diverse group of blockchain enthusiasts from a variety of ecosystems and literally have cross-chain interoperability discussions in person. Thank you, Ninh, and the entire Snapbrillia team for this opportunity." <>

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Nori Nishigaya: "Getting a free virtual pass was great! It allowed me to see the sessions, pick the ones I wanted to attend virtually, and learn about new ideas and topics. I really appreciated Ninh's generosity in helping the community, especially those that we're able to go in person and meet each other face to face for the first time. Amazing to hear about those gatherings and the energy they created. Great stuff!" <>

**Tom Frey: "**Meeting and talking with the Founder of Cardano - Mr. Charles Hoskinson was a nice experience. We mostly spoke about farming since we both farm. The IO staff at Hackathon were inspiring. The many talks and insights at all the stages and the booths were uplifting. But, the priceless moment was when Kevin, my son who also made the conference got to meet one of his icons in DeFi-CH! People need to get to meet the insiders and discover for themselves what Cardano is really about." <>

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Kevin Frey: "When I started my journey into crypto it seemed to me to be more of a course of study to be done in isolation. Talking about the subject in the general public was something that typically fell on deaf ears. Building towards something was lonelier than I would have liked and building a team seemed painstaking. When Cardano4Seniors was funded it still seemed like an endeavor to be done by a small team painstakingly recruited over years. When Snabrillia invited me to Consensus 2022 that whole thought process changed near instantly. In fact, it changed the way I thought about building our whole platform.

Consensus 2022 was so inclusive and such a community-oriented event that it inspired me. It inspired me to think bigger. It was an event that showed me I wasn’t nearly close to alone. I met a community that inspired me. I got to watch Charles Hoskinson speak at length about the strength of the community, where the Cardano was heading, and the actors creating a strong community. Snapbrillia was one of these groups of actors that were introduced at Consensus. I got to see how community top-down and also bottom-up endeavors. This won’t succeed with one man or one company and Snapbrillia sees that. Snapbrillia helped me see that. Seeing so closely that excitement for the Cardano ecosystem wasn’t at all something to keep isolated has helped me retool what we at Cardano4Seniors need to express in order to properly educate and onboard our future members.

Thanks, Ninh. Thank you, Mr. Hoskinson. You don’t know what you helped me see. It’s going to be an incredible world that is built on the Cardano ecosystem and with the right events like Consensus, we will build the Metaverse starting with a real-world community as I met at Consensus 2022." <>

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TCT @ADAO: "The experience was more than I could have imagined. The relationships formed and knowledge gained thanks to in-person experiences with other Cardano builders are immeasurable. I believe we are already starting to see the rewards from this experiment play out and have effects on individual communities within Cardano and Cardano as a whole. Thank you, Ninh for the opportunity!"

Davide Lucchesi: "As a new member of this amazing community, I really understand the importance of your proposal because I would love to get more involved and meet in real life all the wonderful people I had the chance to speak to during town halls and on Discord."

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Curtis Myers: "I was only able to go to this event because Ninh provided me with tickets. While I was there I spoke with dozens of individuals that shared the same fortunate ability to be able to attend because Ninh provided them with tickets. After speaking with them post the event, I can see the impact it has had. There were individuals unaware of Cardano, but after attending the event and meeting people in the Cardano corner, I am now seeing many of those individuals lurking through the online communities. That is wonderful to see! Not only did this provide individuals with a newfound awareness of Cardano but it provided interns with many social networking opportunities for breaking into the industry. I can't thank Ninh enough for offering this opportunity to so many community members." <>

Evans Kisanga: "Wow, a very great proposal. I hope it gets funded. I am from Tanzania and I believe these live meetings are very healthy for our ecosystem. Am preparing my passport😁✌"

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Denis Ghitas: "As a first-time Consensus attendee I would highly recommend for anyone even remotely interested in WEB3/Blockchain to go to these types of conferences. The people you meet and the connections you make can be worth far more than the ticket price." <>

Richard Chang: "I went to the event with a free ticket from Ninh Tran, and it was just the best event I have ever attended. It was fascinating that so many people were interested in our project. Also, it was so nice to meet with the team that I worked with and chill with them. This is the first conference that makes me feel the vibe that everyone is important in the community, and I will absolutely recommend all my friends to an event like this." <>

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Cole Bartlett: "This is a great initiative! 'It was an honor to join consensus virtually and made a big impact on me because I was able to be part of the largest crypto event in the world, connect with others through networking, and learn about all the different web 3 projects and organizations helping shape the blockchain space. I think more people should get the opportunity to be part of these community events. It will allow our greater blockchain communities to come together and work with one another rather than against each other.'" <>

Clint Alexander: "This blew me away 🚀, what a super cool and smart proposal. I can see how this will directly benefit the community and have a real-world impact by connecting teams and facilitating networking at conferences. Cardano needs this! Bookmarking this proposal and your mega-conference list. 💖 BTW I will be at the DIFC Fintech conference this week in Dubai if anyone is around, let's hook up." <>

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Sebastian Pabon: "I am a teacher and received one of the tickets to attend Consensus live in person. This ticket I was able to give to a student. In addition, I also received a ticket to attend the same event online. Naturally, for both tickets I am grateful: one allowed a student to attend the event while the other allowed me as a teacher to catch up on what is happening in the industry. As a beneficiary of the initiative described in this proposal, I could not agree with it more.

However, it is the reflection on the fundamentals on which the proposal is based that the voter must consider when deciding the convenience of the proposal for a Cardano ecosystem in fierce competition with other ecosystems as capable and skilled as ours and industry, in general, walking the path of its own legitimacy.

A mix of face-to-face and non-face interactions must be supplied to the creativity machine to generate the product ideas that put us at the forefront of industry activity. The sparks of the face-to-face experience translate into a more productive and fluid offline creative process that stays in constant contact with reality, with the problems that occur in the world in which we live. The face-to-face experience shakes the calm offline waters, injecting them with a healthy dose of concern, a healthy dose of anxiety, of competitive instinct. The face-to-face experience keeps its finger on the pulse of reality, therefore, I find the essence of this approach necessary to create the creative resources that provide us as an ecosystem with an edge in the marketplace and keep the productive air flowing." <>

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CosmicCutiesNFT: "The whole Cosmic Cuties NFT team thanks you for sending our team representative to consensus! The fact that even small humble projects such as ourselves could also be included in this big event truly shows that Cardano is the peoples' platform. We are so happy to be building on this chain, and it was memorable to meet & network with so many names in the industry, big and small. This event has inspired us to continue to build and grow, slow and steady, just like Cardano. We hope to go again next year, and to other conventions like this! Thanks for making this possible, especially with our non-existent budget! 😅" <>

Lance Byrd & RootsID: "Thank you to our friends at Snapbrillia for helping RootsID get a free ticket to Consensus 2022. Meeting all of the Cardano Fam and community was amazing and Cardano had the best booth in the house! It was also great to spend time with Emurgo, World Mobile, and so many Cardano projects/enthusiasts/etc. RootsID is looking forward to meeting up again!" <>

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Ryan: "Would love to see this funded. Definitely agree that getting the word out there is incredibly important. Having a consistent presence at conventions & speaking events would do a lot to engage new users too. Ninh Tran has been very active as well (Gave me a free ticket to consensus!), happy to see them on this proposal 🙂Would love to see this funded. Definitely agree that getting the word out there is incredibly important. Having a consistent presence at conventions & speaking events would do a lot to engage new users too." <>

JO8N: "Ninh Tran, you got my vote, Cardano/Catalyst needs marketing and nothing beats in person. The only thing I’d say is why not return to Catalyst in the future? Maybe your team has some more outside-of-the-box ideas they’d like to try down the line? 🙃💗✌️" <>

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Andrés: "This is a great idea. I myself have been willing to travel and attend academic conferences for supporting the Cardano ecosystem, but funding is always a big issue. I hope this passes! The proposal looks very solid." <>

Jonah: "Attending Consensus 2022 provided me with amazing opportunities to further my connections in the blockchain… At Consensus, you can connect more deeply… or meet thought leaders and engage in meaningful conversations. For me, it was about making virtual partnerships and friendships real. None of this would have been possible without Ninh Tran and his generous gift of admission." <>

Please check more testimonials from the community are in the comment section.

What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?

All main risks that would cause a catastrophic failure and prevent us from delivering the project successfully are clearly accounted for. We are extremely open to suggestions from the community on any additional risks and any mitigation strategies we should consider to increase the success of this project.


  • Not having enough funding to meet the demand.


  • Waitlist for the following funded proposal or next year.
  • Seek partnerships and sponsorships for this Community as a Service and Decentralized Cardano Ambassadorship from established dApps in the ecosystem.
  • Seek community collaborators that want to contribute to and lead this endeavor.


  • ADA and funding price volatility.


  • Conversion of all funding into a DJED or similar stablecoin.


  • Bad actors.


  • We resolve this using DID Verified Credentials and Verified cNFT on Snapbrillia's Proof of Reputation system built on Hyperledger Aries and ATALA Prism. All Verified cNFTs will be available for public audit. This is a community effort with Snapbrillia keeping a close eye on ROI.
  • Proof of Community on Cardano membership per request in cases where Cardano membership is not obvious.
  • Buy tickets that the end-user cannot transfer or resell or that we can always re-assign.
  • Confirmed ticket recipients to meet us in person before or at the conference to receive their tickets.


  • Some conferences won't produce a high ROI.


  • Focus more funding on conferences that have historically produced high ROI for dApps that have exhibited there.
  • In my experience of exhibiting and sponsoring hundreds of conferences, ROI will likely be linked to the size of the Cardano community or the size of the dApp's and projects' existing network and the community at that conference.


  • International members won't be able to attend many of these conferences in the US and vice versa due to Visas restricted, cost of travel, etc.


  • Focus on US conferences and those who can travel there for now until we secure a list of amazing non-US conferences that which community wants to attend and where Cardano dApps and projects or IOHK have a significant presence who would like to partner with this Community as a Service effort.
  • If we secure international partnerships for international conferences during the proposal writing period then we will add them to this proposal and ask for a higher budget for this proposal to include support for non-US conferences. Securing international partners for this after funding will result in driving a portion of the funding towards those international conference exhibits and tickets for the community.
  • Sponsor virtual tickets for our international community members or those who cannot attend in person whenever available.


  • Travel hiccups, visa restrictions, sickness like Covid, and other complications.


  • Encourage ticket recipients to buy travel insurance add-ons.
  • Encourage ticket recipients to adhere to all health travel guidelines related to COVID.
  • Snapbrillia's exhibitors and speakers are ready and willing to take and mitigate Covid risks and/or brace or have braced Covid already to grow the community and our startup. We have done so many times in the past couple of months. In-person ticket recipients should understand the same. Virtual tickets are alternatives for those who cannot attend in-person for any reason wherever available.
  • We don't pay for travel, lodging, etc.


  • Not enough merchandise aka. SWAG to give away.


  • Snapbrillia budgeted and will provide for in-person attendees up to 1,000 high-quality super soft 100% cotton shirts with Cardano Community logos & QR codes designed by the extraordinarily talented Snapbrillia design team. Whether in person or virtual, everyone also gets a unique Snapbrillia Verified cNFT and DID Verified Credential.
  • Other exhibitors and Cardano community members can pitch in whether it's a digital asset (cNFTs) or other material merch.
  • We will reach out to IOHK and other successful Cardano projects to hook this project up with more merch.


  • This proposal doesn't get funded.


  • Snapbrillia will still likely attend many of the conferences but would likely not exhibit at all according to what we can afford to sponsor, however, the tickets for the community may not be as high to be able to send 500+ members to conferences. If we are able to secure any free tickets for the community we will still give them away so the community can join us. Funding this proposal will allow us to accelerate the timeline to become one of the major dApp champions of Cardano in Web2 and across Web3. Let's grow Cardano together.

Dedicated Fully Staffed Full-Time Teams:

We have dedicated program management, design, support, and growth teams that can manage this project end-to-end. We have a committed team of full-timers who work six days a week, 12 hours a day, the support of other projects and community members that could help us in case of any unforeseen event, and partnerships such as with the Hidden Order, Rare Bloom, Buffy Bot Publishing, different members of the IOHK marketing, community, IOG ATALA Prism, Clear Contracts, ADAO, Mlabs, Charli3, Emurgo, RootsID, GimbaLabs, Yoma Foundation, EBU, SANADA, Phoetrek World, Konma Labz, and HireEZ.

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Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.

Purchase group tickets and exhibits, apply for speaking engagement at these conferences, hackathons, and events:

  • August 27-29, 2022
  • Hackathon + Speaker at Hack Summit SF - <>
  • August 29-31, 2022
  • Exhibit at Stanford Science of Blockchain Conference 2022 - <>
  • September 2-28, 2022
  • Hackathon at ETHOnline - <>
  • September 6-9, 2022
  • Exhibit at MCon - <>
  • October 5-6, 2022
  • Exhibit at Blockchain Expo - <>
  • October 8-9, 2022
  • Exhibit at cNFTCon - <>
  • October 14-15, 2022
  • Exhibit at Rare Bloom Cardano - <>
  • October 21-23, 2022
  • Exhibit at CoinAGENDA Global - <>
  • November 4-6, 2022
  • Hackathon at ETH San Francisco - <>
  • November 10-11, 2022
  • Exhibit & Speaker at Blockchain for Governance - <>
  • November 18-20, 2022
  • Hackathon at Web3 Weekend - <>
  • December 2022
  • Exhibit at CatalystCon 2022 - <> & <>
  • January 2023
  • Exhibit at SRSC TA Week 2023 - <>
  • Spring 2023
  • Exhibit at Future of Money, Governance, & The Law - <>
  • Exhibit at SourceCon 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at ERE 2023 - <>
  • February - March 2023:
  • Exhibit at ETH Denver - <>
  • March 2023
  • Exhibit at Camp Ethereal 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth - <>
  • May 2023
  • Exhibit at VeeCon 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit + Speaker at DevCom 2023 - <>
  • April 6-9, 2023
  • Exhibit at Bitcoin 2023 - <>
  • April 26-27, 2023
  • Exhibit at Unleash 2023 - <>
  • June 2023
  • Exhibit + Speaker at DCentralCon 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at Consensus 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at NFT.NYC 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at Talent42 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at Holdercon 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at MetaFest 2023 - <>
  • Hackathon ETH New York 2023 - <>
  • July 2023
  • Hackathon at ETH Seattle - <>
  • Hackathon at Hack FS - <>
  • July 14, 2023
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Liberty For All - <>
  • August 2023
  • Exhibit at DeFi Security Summit - <>
  • Hackathon at Zorathon - <>
  • September 2023
  • Exhibit at HR Technology - <>
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Infrastructure - <>
  • TBA 2023
  • Exhibit + Speaker at CardanoSummit 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at Blockchain Summit 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit + Speaker at Elev8con 2023 - <>
  • Exhibit at GameOnSummit 2023 - <>
  • Hackathon at AtalaPRISM Hackathon with devillage - <>
  • Hackathon at DID Business Ideas Hackathon - <>
  • Hackathon at IRI: Cardano & Urbit Hackathon - <>
  • Hackathon at Defi Hackathon - <>
  • Hackathon at Milkomedia Hackathon - <>

Other execution details:

  • Create exclusive Grow Cardano at Conferences bounty on Snapbrillia for the Cardano community to apply for conference and event tickets and commit to representing Cardano.
  • Make four quarterly orders of 250 high-quality super soft 100% cotton shirts with Cardano Community logos & QR codes designed by the extraordinarily talented Snapbrillia design team.
  • Upgrade to access Premium Analytics.

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Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.

We are aiming for the budget that we need to make it happen. From our experience exhibiting, sponsoring, planning, and hosting hundreds of big events, conferences are unfortunately not planned a quarter or even six months in advance especially when involving 500+ people because the exhibits and speaking opportunities are gone by the time you get within 3 months before the events. It would be like organizing and promoting a full-fledged conference in 3 months which would be extremely taxing both on resources and execution. Flight tickets, hotels, lodging, and conference tickets are very pretty expensive 3 months in. I have a big dedicated team ready to execute this project and negotiate the best group or early-bird ticket prices so that we can send a lot of the community members to the conferences. We need the full budget to plan ahead.

Detailed Budget Breakdown for Conferences:

  • August 27-29, 2022
  • Hackathon + Speaker at Hack Summit SF - TBA
  • August 29-31, 2022
  • Exhibit at Stanford Science of Blockchain Conference 2022 - TBA
  • September 2-28, 2022
  • Hackathon at ETHOnline - TBA
  • September 6-9, 2022
  • Exhibit at MCon - TBA
  • October 5-6, 2022
  • Exhibit at Blockchain Expo North America - $20,000.00
  • October 8-9, 2022
  • Exhibit at cNFTCon - $10,000.00
  • October 14-15, 2022
  • Exhibit at Rare Bloom Cardano - $5,000.00
  • October 21-23, 2022
  • Exhibit at CoinAGENDA Global - $10,000.00
  • November 4-6, 2022
  • Hackathon at ETH San Francisco - TBA
  • November 10-11, 2022
  • Exhibit + Speaker at Blockchain for Governance - TBA
  • November 18-20, 2022
  • Hackathon at Web3 Weekend - TBA
  • December 2022
  • Exhibit at CatalystCon 2022 - TBA
  • January 2023
  • Exhibit at SRSC TA Week 2023 - $7,000.00
  • Spring 2023
  • Exhibit at Future of Money, Governance, & The Law - $5,000.00
  • Exhibit at SourceCon 2023 - $10,000.00
  • Exhibit at ERE 2023 - $15,000.00
  • February - March 2023:
  • Exhibit at ETH Denver - TBA
  • March 2023
  • Exhibit at Camp Ethereal 2023 - TBA
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth - $5,000.00
  • May 2023
  • Exhibit at VeeCon 2023 - TBA
  • Exhibit + Speaker at DevCom 2023 - TBA
  • April 6-9, 2023
  • Exhibit at Bitcoin 2023 - $20,000.00
  • April 26-27, 2023
  • Exhibit at Unleash 2023 - $15,000.00
  • June 2023
  • Exhibit + Speaker + Group Tickets at DCentralCon 2023 - $10,000.00
  • Exhibit at Consensus 2023 - $20,000.00
  • Exhibit at NFT.NYC 2023 - $20,000.00
  • Exhibit at Talent42 2023 - $10,000.00
  • Exhibit at Holdercon 2023 - TBA
  • Exhibit + Speaker + Workshop at MetaFest 2023 - TBA
  • Hackathon ETH New York 2023 - TBA
  • July 2023
  • Hackathon at ETH Seattle - $10,000.00
  • Hackathon at Hack FS - TBA
  • July 14, 2023
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Liberty For All - $5,000.00
  • August 2023
  • Exhibit + Speaker at DeFi Security Summit - TBA
  • Hackathon at Zorathon - TBA
  • September 2023
  • Exhibit at HR Technology - $20,000.00
  • Exhibit at Blockchain & Infrastructure - $12,000.00
  • TBA 2023
  • Exhibit + Speaker at Blockchain Summit 2023 - TBA
  • Exhibit + Speaker + Group Tickets at Elev8con 2023 - $7,500.00
  • Exhibit at GameOnSummit 2023 - TBA
  • Hackathon at AtalaPRISM Hackathon with devillage - TBA
  • Hackathon at DID Business Ideas Hackathon - TBA
  • Hackathon at IRI: Cardano & Urbit Hackathon - TBA
  • Hackathon at Defi Hackathon - TBA
  • Hackathon at Milkomedia Hackathon - TBA

Other budget allocations:

  • Funding for community-requested group tickets, additional exhibits, and sponsorships - $174,000.00
  • Fees to mint Verified cNFTs - $600.00
  • Fees to issue DID Verified Credentials - $1,000.00
  • 1,000x high-quality super soft 100% cotton shirts with Cardano Community logos & QR codes - $7,500.00
  • 2x Premium Analytics - $400.00

Flight tickets, transportation, and lodging are not covered and everyone is covering their own travel expenses unless it's for a confirmed Conference speaker with no means to get to the conference.

With that said, money as a resource without proper execution only goes so far. We are absolutely open to collaboration with other existing projects, teams, and individuals who want to contribute to any aspect of this project. Together, we can create and share value with everyone.

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Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.

Timothy Vang aka. Vicc is the Founder of @TheHiddenOrder, CNFT-Festival Japan meets the West. He was an International relations ambassador at the US Embassy in Japan and coordinated many international events that involved the US government and other international partners in the Asia Pacific region. He was key to putting together the United States Hanoi Summit (2019) by coordinating the travel of the 45th President of the United States through Japan. Timothy is able to mobilize multi-level events and bring the Cardano Community together through music, community, and people. Timothy has worked as a project manager coordinating with the Red Cross, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and the US Embassy enabling 13 million people in Tokyo, JP to receive the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine. Please reach out to Timothy aka. Vicc on Twitter: <>

Frank Albanese is the Chief Scientist and Co-founder at Snapbrillia and Y Combinator alumni. He is a Solidity, Rust, and Haskell researcher, Henry Ford Health System alum, and Co-founder of the Ucratic DAO, an organization founded to accelerate the innovation of interoperable Open Metaverse tools, to allow anyone to design, mint, transport, and own virtual space and avatar across multiple Metaverse ecosystems like Cryptovoxels, The Sandbox, Dreams, and Decentraland. Ucratic DAO combined Three.js with web3.js and Hardhat to mint composable ERC-721 NFTs of 3D models in virtual spaces to Polygon and IPFS. With Ucratic, Frank also helped research ways to bring self-hosted virtual spaces to the Internet Computer and Dfinity canisters. Frank admires Gitcoin’s utility in the Web3 space and feels this architecture could thrive in Cardano’s ecosystem along with an eLearning and immutable, composable Practical Resume standard that serves as Proof of Reputation. Frank is also interested in the applicability of zero-knowledge proofs, and their potential role in Proof of Reputation and Proof of Identity solutions. Reach Frank on LinkedIn: <>

James Willingham is the CIO and Co-founder of Snapbrillia and TechStars alumni. James brings his vast expertise in UX/UI design and full-stack development to the team. He is a seasoned leader in the startup space working within multiple industries ranging from FinTech, where he designed and built the first true peer-to-peer lending platform on both iOS and Android in hopes to minimize the predatory pay-day loan cycle. In Healthcare, he designed and built a platform that allows doctors, patients, caregivers, and researchers to easily collaborate and work toward better health outcomes for everyone. James thrives on the mission of helping others get the help they need when they need it, life can be hard and challenging so he works to make them easier and more positive for everyone. Reach James on LinkedIn: <>

Beatrice Thelisma is the CTO and Co-founder at Snapbrillia and TechFuturesGroup alumni. Beatrice has an amazing knack for leading engineering teams to execute web applications whether back-end, front-end, or DevOps. She has vast experience with nonprofits empowering women and children with critical survival funds and education for financial literacy. She is passionate about accelerating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and empowering and promoting the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic, or another status. Reach Beatrice on LinkedIn: <>

Ninh Tran is the CEO and Co-founder of Snapbrillia and Google alumni. Ninh brings his expertise in product management, business development, and startup execution. As UC Berkeley alumni, Ninh founded Trucksome to empower emerging local food economies to thrive and create jobs for the previously incarcerated. After joining Google, Ninh co-founded an executive search firm HireTeamMate placing hundreds in a year while building HireEZ (formerly Hiretual), an AI recruiting platform used by Google, Facebook, Amazon, and thousands of others, to hire millions of people every year. Reach Ninh anywhere: <>

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Other members of our Dev team:

  • Cuong Tran - 10+ years Back-End Developer: <>
  • Four Tran - 10+ years Full-Stack Developer: <>
  • Tasos Valtinos - PPP Grad, 10+ Years Full-Stack Developer: <>
  • Curtis Myers - PPP Grad, 10+ years DevOps & IT: <>
  • Andy Sizer - 40+ years Functional Programming & DevOps: <>
  • Kevin Onalo - 10+ years Full-Stack Developer: <>
  • Thanh Hoang - 5+ years Full-Stack Developer: <>
  • 80+ more: <>

We are fellow humans. :) Check our team pictures: <>

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If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.

Unlikely. After this go-to-market and community conference funding, Snapbrillia will be completely profitable and self-sustaining.

However, this should not prevent the community who may find that based on preliminary results and the massive appetite to apply for even more funding for even more community members to attend more conferences and share about Cardano, perhaps internationally. Snapbrillia and the Hidden Order would be very glad to help organize the effort. Every exhibiting dApp and project who got funding to exhibit will also chip into the payback funding to allow more community members and other funded Catalyst dApps and projects to benefit and launch their projects in the same way as through the revenue generated by conferences.

Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?

The audibility of project development and impact is clear:

Transparency and public handling of funding:

  • All funds will be held in DJED or a similar stablecoin wallet which will be publically available for the community to audit anytime according to the budget set forth above.

Tracking 100x Revenue from Conference Exhibit:

  • Any exhibitor will take a public snapshot of revenue at the time this proposal gets funded.
  • At the close-out, we will publically share the revenue growth of exhibitors who received funding who exhibit at the conferences. This enables public transparency of projects who received funding to build from Catalyst and then received exhibit spot to launch their projects at conferences.
  • Number of Sales Qualified or Marketing Qualified Leads from each conference. This will help other Cardano dApps and projects to see which conferences to go to, sponsor, and exhibit at in the future. It will likely have a positive correlation with Cardano community size at those conferences. It also will help Cardano conferences and event hosts prove their ROI to attract more sponsors and grow their Cardano events.

Tracking conference attendance and ambassadorship:

  • 500 to 1,000 community members sent to conferences, hackathons, events, and Cardano after-parties
  • 500 to 1,000 minted Verified cNFTs for community members who received tickets, attended conferences, and represented Cardano.
  • 500 to 1,000 issued ATALA Prism or Hyperledger Aries Verified Credentials for community members who received tickets, attended conferences, and represented Cardano.

Tracking impact of conference attendance and Cardano ambassadorship:

  • Video/picture testimonial and short post-conference write-up from every ticket recipient, exhibitor, and speaker. This will help solidify the memories.
  • "Pictures and videos or it didn't happen" from ticket recipients attending events and wearing Cardano and Cardano's dApps shirts, hats, and other SWAG to represent tagging #CardanoConference or #ProofOfCommunity or #CardanoCommunity with senators, heads of state, senior executives, conference speakers, Charles Hoskinson, and other members of the community. This will encourage the community to go for the whales and decision-makers!
  • analytics with total & unique views, total & unique clicks, click-through-rate, and any conversion tracking and specific unique links and UTMs to track each ticket recipient's, exhibitor's, and speaker's impact at Conferences through QR codes and links
  • Total number of users, number of meaningful interactions with such as likes, engagement, re-sharers, and other growth for #CardanoCon or #CardanoCommunity #ProofOfCommunity hashtags.
  • The total number of PAs, proposers, and others that were referred by the Cardano community members at conferences.

Transparency and community involvement:

  • We host a Snapbrillia Demo & Progress After Town Halls at least once to twice a month to let the community get involved and provide feedback on our progress until the proposal closes out.
  • We join almost every Catalyst Town Hall where the community can get involved and provide feedback on our progress until the proposal closes out.
  • We work closely with other Cardano partner teams to provide updates to the community.
  • You may also see us working and huddling in voice channels on our Discord server: <>

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What does success for this project look like?

The success of this project is very clear:

  • to empower the Cardano community to become active Cardano ambassadors and help launch more dApps, projects, and strengthen the future of the whole Cardano ecosystem

  • to help current Cardano Ambassadors foster the next generations of superstar community-grown Cardano ambassadors

Snapbrillia's Mission:

Snapbrillia was born over one year ago with the mission to accelerate the world's transition to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce and guarantee fair opportunities for all through the adoption of AI and blockchain technologies globally. Earlier in February after deep research and much deliberation, we decided to work with Cardano then 2,282 Catalyst voters decided to fund Snapbrillia in Fund 8. Ever since we have been hacking away to launch Mentor-Mentee Bounties and OpenSource Quadratic Voting & Funding in beta in July 2022. Funding this proposal will help us launch the Cardano community into the world and strap Snapbrilllia along for the wild ride to the moon and back.

Snapbrillia's long-term goal is to build a platform that gets one million people who are underrepresented and self-taught into tech that otherwise wouldn’t break into tech at all.

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Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.

This is an entirely new proposal after we have proven and seen the success and impact of sending over 150+ Catalyst and Cardano community members to Consensus. This proposal is part of the go-to-market of our F8-funded and soon-to-be-delivered proposals for Mentor-mentee Bounties & eLearning (<>) and OpenSource Quadratic Voting Funding (<>).

Social Networks:

  • Join Snapbrillia Discord:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrilia on Github:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrillia on LinkedIn:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrillia on Twitter:
  • <>
  • Like Snapbrillia on Facebook:
  • <>
  • Join Snapbrillia on Reddit:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrillia on Medium:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrillia on AngelList:
  • <>
  • Follow Snapbrillia on Instagram:
  • <>
  • Others:
  • <>

PA Guideline Help:

We invite all PAs and vPAs to approach any of the social networks or contact us personally by Discord, to resolve any questions about this proposal, please remember that this is possible at the stage of assessments and review. However, we also pitch why we believe this proposal should receive a good rating.

<u>Vote YES</u> for Cardano

<u>Vote YES</u> for Proof of Community on Cardano

<u>Vote</u><u> </u><u>YES</u> for 500+ ₳Community Sent to Conferences



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 24
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 4 se. 3
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 48
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 2 se. 16
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 14
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 3 se. 19
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    d. 4 se. 59
    Darlington Kofa