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How is this data calculated?

Two Simple Steps:
  1. A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
  2. For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.

Despite our best efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented here, inconsistencies may exist.

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AIM gravatar AIM Claim Account How is this data calculated?


AIM is the Assembly Inspiring Masses. It is a group of Cardano Catalyst community members who follow the philospohy of "build tools, not rules".

Independent teams form around projects and collect under the umbrella of the AIM.

It is a new type of organisation, one for a blockchain era. One where each project is made up of its suppoorting particpants.

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
4.41 Star
4.41 Star
4.31 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.52 Star
Value for money
3.88 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Top of mind of AIM in Catalyst

most frequent words in proposal details


The Team (3)

Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with AIM. Individuals may not be employed at AIM. This is is is not representative of AIM's full team.

AIM Challenges (6)

Challenge: Mini/Low-Budget Dapps &Integrations

$200,000 Budget

<p>What Low Budget / Mini Decentralized Applications will provide the most value for end users in the next 3 months?</p>

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Approved Approved 3.704% of the fund.
4.5 (12)

Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge

$250,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Budget 1.953% of the fund.
3.17 (12)

Challenge: Education| Sustainability |Cardano Quick Pitch

₳350,000 Budget

How do we accelerate progress on transformative education + education for sustainable development, and equitably enable and empower individuals globally to access opportunities to thrive and flourish?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 9
Budget 2.734% of the fund.
4.44 (18)

Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge

$250,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Budget 4.63% of the fund.
4.44 (9)

Challenge: Research Challenge

$75,000 Budget

<p>What research can the community fund that will assist in the direction of the catalyst project?</p>

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Budget 1.389% of the fund.
3.67 (3)

Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!

$150,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Approved Approved 1.172% of the fund.
4.67 (15)

AIM Proposals (54)

Infographics - Series 1

$800 Received
$800 Requested

Solution: Create a series of info graphics that visually describe Project Catalyst.

Fund: Fund 4 Challenge: F4: Distributed Decision Making
funded Awarded 1.6% of the fund.
0 (1)

ADA Holder Engagement Survey - AIM

$50,000 Requested

Solution: 创建激励性的调查,从统计学意义上的大量选民那里获得信息,并分发这些数据以指导改进。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Miscellaneous Challenge
over budget Requested 25% of the fund.
4.17 (12)

Spanish/Portuguese Voter Survey-AIM

$10,500 Received
$10,500 Requested

Solution: 用西班牙语和葡萄牙语创建一个激励性的调查,以获得信息,并让这些信息支持未来的催化剂改进。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano
completed Awarded 2.1% of the fund.
4.73 (15)

Japanese Voter Survey - AIM

$9,000 Received
$9,000 Requested

Solution: 在日语中创建一个激励性的调查,以获得关于选民的信息,并允许这些信息支持未来的催化剂改进。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Connecting Japan/日本 Community
completed Awarded 18% of the fund.
4.6 (15)

Catalyst QA Automation scripts

$3,650 Received
$3,650 Requested

<p>The Catalyst QA stage changes every Fund according to the will of the community. Time and energy is needed to keep it up-to-date.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Distributed decision making
funded Awarded 4.867% of the fund.
4.92 (12)

Voter Tool - AIM

$9,790 Received
$9,790 Requested

<p>Voter's access to information about proposals and assessments is limited and not presented in a user-friendly way.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Distributed decision making
completed Awarded 13.053% of the fund.
4.7 (27)

Community Tools On Chain! - AIM

$9,900 Received
$9,900 Requested

Solution: 进行研究以确定直接在链上提交评估和审查的协议,并建立一个与CA/vCA工具相结合的POC。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: DApps & Integrations
completed Awarded 3.96% of the fund.
4.92 (12)

Codesign blockchain4good Principles

$2,500 Requested

Solution: Cardano的利益相关者作为核心共同设计者参与了一个前所未有的开放性的、与区块链无关的、区块链为善的原则。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Open Standards & Interoperability
not approved Requested 0.5% of the fund.
3.92 (12)

Youth Block Open Source Education

$60,000 Requested

Solution: 使青年能够直接公开参与Cardano生态系统,讨论社区治理的新兴技术/模式。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
over budget Requested 5% of the fund.
4.33 (12)

Proposal Framework Tool - AIM

$8,500 Received
$8,500 Requested

Solution: 增加一个额外的第三框架,即联合国行星压力调整的人类发展指数,在AIM提案人工具中为提案人准备好了。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
completed Awarded 0.708% of the fund.
4.53 (15)

Fund8Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM

$9,000 Received
$9,000 Requested

Solution: 分析8号基金关于联合国可持续发展目标、人权和地球压力人类发展指数联系的建议,并发表公开访问。

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem
completed Awarded 0.75% of the fund.
4.6 (15)


$29,600 Requested

Solution: 通过在线培训和能力建设讲习班赋予不同地区的青年和妇女权力,解决数字鸿沟问题

Fund: Fund 8 Challenge: Lobbying for favorable legislation
over budget Requested 9.867% of the fund.
4.33 (12)

Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM

$8,400 Received
$8,400 Requested

<p>How exactly Cardano can enter into global partnerships must be better understood. Without data decision making is difficult/near impossible.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
completed Awarded 28% of the fund.
4.78 (18)

Proposal Framework Tool - AIM

$14,000 Received
$14,000 Requested

Solution: 提供一个工具,引导提案人通过这个过程,获得许多协助结构的框架。

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox
completed Awarded 9.333% of the fund.
4.33 (9)

Stake Pool Operators Video Series

$9,000 Requested

<p>Stake pool operators (SPOs) should be household names but 2500+ SPOs wrestle to retain+grow pools+connect meaningfully with global audiences</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Distributed decision making
over budget Requested 12% of the fund.
3.5 (6) Part3:BLOG

$8,900 Requested

Solution: SN LangBassadors有一个总体目标,即创建语言社区中心。在YouTube、TikTok和SoundCloud上发布+教育和新闻BLOG

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Multilingual resources
over budget Requested 8.9% of the fund.
4.07 (15)