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How is this data calculated?

Two Simple Steps:
  1. A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
  2. For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.

Despite our best efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented here, inconsistencies may exist.

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AIM gravatar AIM Claim Account How is this data calculated?


AIM is the Assembly Inspiring Masses. It is a group of Cardano Catalyst community members who follow the philospohy of "build tools, not rules".

Independent teams form around projects and collect under the umbrella of the AIM.

It is a new type of organisation, one for a blockchain era. One where each project is made up of its suppoorting particpants.

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Addresses Challenge
4.41 Star
4.41 Star
4.31 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.52 Star
Value for money
3.88 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Top of mind of AIM in Catalyst

most frequent words in proposal details


The Team (3)

Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with AIM. Individuals may not be employed at AIM. This is is is not representative of AIM's full team.

AIM Challenges (6)

Challenge: Mini/Low-Budget Dapps &Integrations

$200,000 Budget

<p>What Low Budget / Mini Decentralized Applications will provide the most value for end users in the next 3 months?</p>

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Approved Approved 3.704% of the fund.
4.5 (12)

Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge

$250,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Budget 1.953% of the fund.
3.17 (12)

Challenge: Education| Sustainability |Cardano Quick Pitch

₳350,000 Budget

How do we accelerate progress on transformative education + education for sustainable development, and equitably enable and empower individuals globally to access opportunities to thrive and flourish?

Proposed in Fund: Fund 9
Budget 2.734% of the fund.
4.44 (18)

Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge

$250,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Budget 4.63% of the fund.
4.44 (9)

Challenge: Research Challenge

$75,000 Budget

<p>What research can the community fund that will assist in the direction of the catalyst project?</p>

Proposed in Fund: Fund 6
Budget 1.389% of the fund.
3.67 (3)

Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!

$150,000 Budget


Proposed in Fund: Fund 7
Approved Approved 1.172% of the fund.
4.67 (15)

AIM Proposals (54)

Fund7Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM

$5,500 Received
$5,500 Requested

Solution: 分析7号基金资助的与可持续发展目标有关的提案。在一个开放的数据库中展示数据和信息。与媒体和潜在的合作伙伴分享。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem
completed Awarded 2.75% of the fund.
4.89 (9)

Marketing Training for African SPOs

$8,000 Requested

Solution: 能力建设使刚果民主共和国和象牙海岸的先锋SPO能够利用社会媒体、营销和管理技能进行可持续的运作

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's
over budget Requested 8% of the fund.
4.44 (9)

Your DID for climate impact

$40,500 Requested

<p>Everyone should play a role in addressing the climate emergency? But what is my impact and how can I mitigate it?</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Atala PRISM DID Mass-Scale Adoption
not approved Requested 16.2% of the fund.
3.87 (15)

Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM

$7,500 Received
$7,500 Requested

<p>Partnering with UN Orgs means Cardano should adopt a common international framework & language of goal setting. This is currently absent.</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption
completed Awarded 25% of the fund.
3.73 (15)

Match members profiles with tasks

$13,500 Requested

<p>New members wish to support catalysts but it is time-consuming and complex to learn how one can engage</p>

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Catalyst value onboarding
over budget Requested 18% of the fund.
4.78 (9)

Traveler Identity

$38,000 Requested

Solution: 基于区块链的旅行者ID将让旅行者控制分享什么和给谁分享

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Accelerate Decentralized Identity
over budget Requested 8.941% of the fund.
3.33 (9)

Strategy Framework - AIM

$10,000 Received
$10,000 Requested

Solution: 研究、分析和评估催化剂的生态系统,制定定制的专用战略,准备实施

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors
completed Awarded 2% of the fund.
5 (15)

Easy Engagement - New Members - AIM

$34,250 Received
$34,250 Requested

Solution: 一个在资助的提案需求和成员的专业知识之间进行匹配的平台。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors
completed Awarded 6.85% of the fund.
4.83 (24)

Proposals Mentors Marketplace

$39,000 Received
$39,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a platform where proposers can find skilled mentors from the Cardano's community that help to deliver solid proposals.

Fund: Fund 6 Challenge: F6: Proposer outreach
completed Awarded 39% of the fund.
4.5 (24)

Impact Measurements Tool - research

$6,000 Received
$6,000 Requested

Solution: 研究影响测量工具的基础,以帮助定义关键绩效指标,测量和报告它们,重点是可持续发展目标的影响。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Improve and Grow Auditability
completed Awarded 6% of the fund.
4.6 (15)

SustainableADA Goals Token Research

$6,000 Received
$6,000 Requested

Solution: 研究创建一个平台+代币的影响力投资的基础,直接将你与你所热衷的SDG项目联系起来。

Fund: Fund 7 Challenge: F7: Miscellaneous Challenge
completed Awarded 3% of the fund.
4.67 (9)

The ArtSuite Multi-Chain NFT Events Quick Pitch

$90,000 Requested

Solution: The Art Suite events hosted globally, presenting Cardano NFTs to all artists, both from other blockchain platforms as well as those new to NFTs, for multi chain empowerment + sustainable impact.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Cross-Chain Collaboration
over budget Requested 10% of the fund.
4.6 (15)

Scaling ArtSuite NFT4Good Platform Quick Pitch

$258,900 Requested

Solution: Develop the already operational NFT4GOOD platform to grow highly competitive and consequently scale the positive social, environmental and economic impact.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Dapps, Products & Integrations
not approved impact proposal Requested 3.298% of the fund.
4.39 (18)

HIre ArtSuite Coordinator in Africa

$15,000 Requested

Solution: The Art Suite has a proven concept of Artist Agents who onboard artists onto our platform.

We wish to employ an "Artist Agent Coordinator" in Africa to create a network in min. 10 African countries.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano
not approved Requested 3% of the fund.
3.67 (21)

ArtSuite Cardano Course Bangladesh

$18,750 Requested

Solution: Educational workshops teaching practical skills, enabling and empowering people to join the Cardano community and digital economy, and access internships at The Art Suite NFT Platform.

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano
over budget Requested 7.5% of the fund.
4.57 (30)

ETH NFT Artists->Cardano workshops

$7,500 Received
$15,000 Requested

Solution: 组织当地的研讨会,向在以太坊上造币的艺术家们介绍在Cardano上造币的所有好理由,并陪同和指导他们如何这样做。

Fund: Fund 9 Challenge: F9: The Great Migration (from Ethereum)
funded Awarded 3% of the fund.
4.36 (59)