
Community CIP Editor: 1 year budget

$19,200.00 Received
$19,200.00 Requested
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Community Review Results (1 reviewers)
Impact / Alignment

Robert Phair has volunteered as a CIP editor for 1 year already. Paying editors for their time will retain an experienced CIP team so Cardano can satisfy users familiar with the EIP standards process.


Cardano's rapid growth relative to Ethereum has not yet evolved the same level of comprehensive support for our open (CIP) standards as Ethereum has maintained for its own open (EIP) standards.

Yes Votes:
₳ 521,080,211
No Votes:
₳ 14,042,293
Votes Cast:

This proposal was approved and funded by the Cardano Community via Project F9: The Great Migration (from Ethereum) Catalyst funding round.

[impact] 请描述你建议的解决方案。


Cardano改进提案(CIPs)遵循其他区块链的标准(例如EIPs或Ethereum Internet Proposals),允许开发者、工程师、科学家、企业家或任何用户提出标准、流程或信息文件,供社区其他成员遵循:避免重复生产相同的资源或方法,因此随着区块链规模的扩大&复杂性的增加,错误和误传将保持在最低限度。

CIP编辑组在Cardano基金会的监督下,随着CIP-0001的发布而诞生,在该文件中,最初的CIP编辑们概述了按照开源程序发布、编辑和批准这些建议标准的过程:有一个[GitHub仓库](https://github. com/cardano-foundation/CIPs),可以 "分叉 "创建新的CIP文件和修改现有文件。

当前的CIP编辑是那些有写权限到这个存储库的人。虽然这个小组的所有原始成员都是Cardano官方赞助公司(IOG、Emurgo和Cardano基金会)的雇员,但为了保持开源传统(并支持公正的治理),成员们都在这些公司之外寻找成员。我是这些 "社区 "编辑中第一个被加入的(2021年第三季度),也是迄今为止(2022年6月)唯一的一个。





上一轮融资中的一个成功的 "催化剂 "提案是解决这个问题的第一步。

F8:开放标准& 互操作性> CIP编辑时间Sebastien为1年






通过Project Catalyst支付这些编辑也将有助于确保治理过程的这一部分变得更加分散,并保持这种状态,避免Cardano基金会直接支付编辑管理自己的存储库可能导致的潜在利益冲突。


任何从Cardano保持开源区块链中获得价值的人,其标准可以以去中心化的方式发展,不依赖于任何公司。 互联网的发展和区块链的出现向我们表明,设计和治理方面的开源标准导致了。

  • 更高&更可持续的资产价值

  • 更多& 更好的相关商业建议

  • 去中心化的治理带来的弹性和持久性

  • 相对于其他区块链而言,采用率提高(这导致了我们的挑战问题)。



> Cardano中高效的开源标准流程将促进企业&以太坊主导的市场领域的开发者在Cardano上开发,以及或代替以太坊。


以太坊在标准流程的发展上比Cardano有很大的领先优势:大约4年半的时间,从第一个EIP在第一个CIP之前的GitHub提交日期来看。 这种额外的经验使得以太坊的标准流程发展完善,对社区治理有很高的期望。




  • 未合并的 "拉动请求"(请求合并已修改或新的标准文件)的数量
  • 未解决的 "问题"(查询或问题报告)的数量

. …的Cardano与Ethereum相比。项目评审员应该随时在评论中要求提供这些指标,尽管我认为这个细节的意义不如Cardano积压的标准工作正在增加这一主观结论。



作为一个考虑这个问题的案例,从上面的CIP列表中,我们可以看到支持Cardano NFT的标准开发得比较早([CIP-0025](,[CIP-0027](。今天,与包括以太坊在内的其他区块链相比,基于Cardano的NFT业务数量令人印象深刻。

这是一个由读者来决定这些CIP "标准"(自愿采用)是否创造了NFT市场的问题,而从字面上看,这也是反过来的事实:市场创造了这些标准。总的事实是,一个不断发展的开源的、不那么集中的行业需要标准应用来共同发展。



因此,Cardano的所有用户、开发人员和投资者必须高度重视我们的标准框架,每当我们衡量自己与Ethereum的 "竞争 "时。文档化的标准与节点、网络和交易一样,都是Cardano整体基础设施的一部分。 ……最终这些有助于确定成本、易用性、对开发者的友好程度以及在一个支持性社区工作的质量。

[IMPACT] 有哪些主要的风险可能会阻止你成功地交付项目,请解释你将如何减轻每个风险?

这个项目的 "风险 "会很低,因为,如果我没有履行我作为CIP编辑的职责,那么在一个月的时间里,所有其他的编辑都会很明显地看到。据我所知,"催化剂项目 "的审计周期也是每月一次,这将使审计人员有足够的时间注意到我的不履行职责并取消该项目;如果付款也是按月进行,这将使 "催化剂 "几乎没有为未交付的工作付款的风险。


  • 我的缺席会首先被CIP编辑团队的其他成员注意到,他们会在每两周一次的CIP会议上寻找所有其他成员,除非事先已经请假。

  • 长期无故缺席将被记入BiweeklyMeetings会议记录文件夹(很容易被Catalyst审计),然后,如果我仍然无法联系,将由我未能提供月度报告来证实。

  • 在这一点上,如果我不能在合理的时间内回应缺席或遗漏的原因,我希望与Catalyst的关系会被视为终止。




CIP过程根据我们的BiweeklyMeetings时间表以双周周期进行。所有悬而未决的任务都被添加到Discord > CIP编辑会议的议程上。 com/channels/971785110770831360)服务器(邀请),每个负责该任务的人都会带领大家进行简短的讨论。这次会议的对话决定了未来2周的目标:其中为每个CIP相关的拉动请求或问题所采取的行动都在GitHub上公开记录。

任务 - 定期

由于每个待定的新的或修改的CIP都有一个GitHub拉取请求,我和其他CIP编辑的活动安排是基于订阅Cardano基金会的Github repo的电子邮件驱动的(注意任何GitHub用户都可以订阅)。编辑、CIP作者,有时是社区成员,当需要回应或要求对CIP文件进行代码审查时,他们会互相标记。





  • 在Cardano论坛(一般是CIPs类别)上创建讨论,将CIP相关的问题& 信息带给更多的人。

  • 在Cardano论坛上维护CIP草案被发布但尚未正式发布为GitHub拉动请求的讨论,以支持对话和对草案的完善。

  • 在讨论CIPs细节的Discord上监控用户对用户的讨论,将最相关的反馈带回GitHub讨论线程。

  • 与 IOG 或 Cardano 基金会的技术团队就高度技术性或科学性的提案进行接触,将带外咨询的结果带入记录的 CIP 过程。

  • 与IOG营销部门合作,安排与桩池运营商和/或开发商社区的聊天活动,以通知这些利益相关者正在考虑的标准和amp;将他们的反馈带入文件化的CIP过程。



1.F8: Open Standards & Interoperability > CIP Editor time Sebastien for 1 year引用了& 获得了CIP编辑1年的年度预算20,000美元。这是基于目前每周2小时的最低要求,在这一年中逐渐接近每周8小时,在此期间,CIP的工作量将继续增加:由于Sebastien之前作为CIP编辑工作了2年而没有明确的报酬,因此任何明显的多付费用都是合理的。

2.另一位编辑在本周的CIP会议(2022-06-28)后表示,他花在CIP问题上的时间已经达到 "每周数小时"。 "


1.我花在CIP问题上的实际时间,作为我常规的电子邮件和amp; messaging的一部分,每天都会增加大约一个小时(包括周末),特别是在进一步发展CIP-0050草案时,它一直作为社区在各种媒体上达成共识的典范。除此之外,还有定期的CIP会议和偶尔安排的带外会议,每周总共需要1小时左右(出席会议+校对会议记录等),每个典型工作周总共需要8小时。

2.作为对 "定期 "和 "不定期 "任务的估计,我目前估计可观察到的与GitHub相关的问题监测、评论、标记和合并每周需要4小时,内部(定期)会议、外部(不定期)会议、论坛和 Discord交流和消化、平台迁移以及相关的软件和网站问题,也占每周约4小时。 ……按照不同的衡量标准,在一个典型的CIP编辑工作周中,也产生了总共8个小时。



每年48周 (* 每周8小时) (* 每小时50美元) = ** 1年19200美元**。

根据催化剂准则(我的理解)和我提议的每月审计时间表,这将按月支付19200美元/12 = 每月支付1600美元

正如上一季度Sebastien's proposal一样,我相信我也处于同样的情况,在任何付款之前,我作为CIP编辑所花费的时间(就我而言约为1年)至少可以平衡任何月份相对于这些估计的工作时间的不足。事实上,来年很可能会出现CIP活动的高峰期,可能需要每周8小时以上的时间。


这个项目将只依靠我自己的工作& 经验(姓名:Robert Phair)。

正在进行的CIP & Cardano标准中的相关证书。


  • Cardano峰会,2021年9月:标准 治理轨道的小组成员
  • [Cardano开发者门户网站贡献者](https://github. com/cardano-foundation/developer-portal/pull/665):气隙环境和安全交易工作流程的社区标准文件。
  • Frankenwallet - 发明和记录这个日益流行的基于USB的可启动安全环境,以消除对加密货币安全的专用 "空气间隙 "硬件的需求:实际上是一个开源的DIY硬件钱包。
  • 通过 "股权池链接 "建议,倡导Cardano股权分散化](

区块链之前的相关经验(2020年前;见C.V. / Resume)

  • 计算机行业顾问,在系统集成、网络、编程/设计、技术写作和项目管理方面有三十年的专业经验
  • 云计算、在线营销& 商务、数据安全、技术培训和新兴技术的商业顾问


  • GitHub。@rphair

  • Twitter上的加密处理。[@COSDpool](https://twitter. com/COSDpool)

  • Cardano论坛。@COSDpool

  • 网站。

    [FEASIBILITY] 如果你得到了资助,你会在以后的一轮中回到催化剂公司寻求进一步资助吗?请解释为什么/为什么不。


/[AUDITABILITY/] 请描述你将衡量什么来跟踪项目的进展,以及你将如何衡量这些?


在会议记录中,会议平台的名单总是很早就有了,而且发言者的名字就在每个转录的意见旁边:即使是不出席会议的人也可以很容易地评估任何人的参与情况。 任何与会的编辑在通过CIP会议时,很少会没有*想评论的东西,所以记录中出现的评论可以被认为是参与的最低标志。



特别是对于拉动请求,审计人员应该特别在评论中寻找代码审查(绿色检查代表通过审查,白色检查代表评论审查……我们一般不产生 "红旗",因为它们可能会阻止一个主观问题的公关合并)。

我们最简单的目标也是 "合并 "尽可能多的拉动请求:因此,虽然合并让编辑看起来&感觉很好,但请记住,这不是一场比赛,看我们中谁先按下 "合并 "按钮:我们都知道,在合并起草的CIP之前,最好等到线上&线下都达到法定人数(如果不是全体一致)。 如果我们作为一个团体*成功,这个未合并的CIPs清单将保持很小。





  • GitHub讨论的评论链接
  • Discord讨论的消息链接
  • Cardano论坛的线程/发帖链接
  • 我所参与的社区中的任何特殊事件

我还将[在我自己的GitHub账户中]创建一个可公开访问的资源库(https://github. com/rphair),我将在那里发布每个月的报告(减去任何机密细节)。

###[AUDITABILITY] 这个项目的成功是什么样子的?



标准和amp; 治理模式对Ethereum社区可见

一个积极发展的CIP过程–有一个坚实的& 不断增长的CIP库,被积极的经验& 整个Cardano社区的期望所包围–将在明年对以Ethereum为中心的开发者、公司、作家、投资者和分析师具有吸引力。

###[AUDITABILITY] 请提供信息,说明这个建议是以前在Catalyst资助的项目的延续,还是一个全新的项目。



可持续发展目标9 - 建设有弹性的基础设施,促进包容和可持续的工业化并促进创新

SDG次级目标9.5 - 加强科学研究,提升所有国家,特别是发展中国家工业部门的技术能力,包括到2030年,鼓励创新,大幅增加每百万人中的研发人员数量以及公共和私人研发支出

关键绩效指标(KPI)9.5.2 - 每百万居民中的研究人员(相当于全职)。

普遍人权指数(UHRI) - 没有选择UHRI指数

社区顾问评论 (1)


Monthly Reports

Period between 2022-09-24 and 2022-10-23 inclusive

These reports: GitHub activity overview: Cardano Forum overview: Discord invite to CIP Editors Meetings:

Quantitative contributions

CIP pull requests @rphair involved in, by last update time = 40 in this period

CIP issues @rphair involved in, by last update time = 2 in this period

Cardano Forum CIP topics @COSDpool posted in since beginning of period = 4 addressed in this period CIP team progress

Open pull requests ( = 43

Open issues ( = 18 Qualitative contributions

2022-09-21 CIP Editors' retrospective meeting - held recently before this reporting period - with seminal members Matthias and Sebastien, and Cardano Foundation management attending as observer, we discussed:

pending issues to make Discord meetings more efficient organising meeting agendas into CIP pull requests by theme (i.e. technology, such as NFTs or Plutus) pending changes to CIP process as documented in CIP-0001, forming the basis for further revisions by Matthias later this month: cardano-foundation/CIPs#331 making status changes to merged CIPs more readily visible to developers & the community a long term plan to recruit & retain more CIP editors, including a balance of unafilliated ("community") editors.

2022-09-27 CIP editor meeting #54 - attended

meeting agenda Google Doc no longer available (I'll make copies of agendas of meetings beginning next monthly report cycle) minutes no longer transcribed due to ongoing technical problems: cardano-foundation/CIPs#340 (review) in addition to usual discussion, resolved to summarise transcriptions & our own notes of meeting resolutions into GitHub threads themselves.

2022-10-11 CIP editor meeting #55 - attended

meeting agenda Google Doc no longer available (I'll make copies of agendas of meetings beginning next monthly report cycle). transcription not yet available from Cardano Foundation (may not be available in future either); in the meantime we are all expected to take our own notes of meetings & we are still getting used to the workflow for this.

Discord, GitHub & Forum

discussions: assisted old &amp; new proposers of CIPs for changing Cardano&#039;s CIP incentives (minimum fees, pledges and parameters, saturation levels) in submitting &amp; discussing their work. helped develop immature CIP submissions to progress PR&#039;s that have been stalled for months (e.g. CIP-0048?)</p>
Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
5. After 1 year
Comments 0

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Period between 2022-10-23 and 2022-11-23 inclusive

These reports: GitHub activity overview: Cardano Forum overview: Discord invite to CIP Editors Meetings:

Quantitative contributions

CIP pull requests @rphair involved in, by last update time = 43 in this period

CIP issues @rphair involved in, by last update time = 2 in this period

Cardano Forum CIP topics @COSDpool posted in since beginning of period = 3 addressed in this period CIP team progress

Open pull requests ( = 49

Open issues ( = 19 Qualitative contributions

Several CIPs were posted this month involving aspects of Cardano governance, with vigorous discussion on GitHub about how to maintain community consensus amid expansion of Cardano capabilities as well as decoupling authoritative power from Cardano entities; there was a lot of material this month to be read, indexed & shared in anticipation of our meetings & reviews of these proposals:

Tiered Pricing Protocol #381 A proposal for entering the Voltaire phase #380 (CIP-1694?) Implement Ouroboros Leios to increase Cardano throughput #379 Enforceable royalties #378 Extended Local Chain Sync Protocol #375 Pointer Address Removal #374 Smart tokens #382

A few of these represent work in progress by IOG for months which is now being posted as community audiable standards, which is a matter of progress & credibility for the CIP process itself. There are also some proposals which could be considered potentially detrimental to Cardano's design goals, so are being vigorously discussed by stakeholders. There was probably more GitHub activitiy in the last 3 months on the CIP GitHub than in the previous 3 months put together.

Work proceeds also on the CIP-0001 revision, pending some issues of original authorship which have created an ethical deadlock & about which I've recommended some compromises. It's expected that this discussion will resolve soon, which will bring the new CPS (Cardano Problem Statement) to the public eye… which will be suitable to redefine & keep the community working on problems that have no immediate, direct solution that can be documented as a CIP would.

Finally some issues outside the scope of the CIP process have also been presented as "governance" issues and it has fallen to me to keep discussion of these alive as well, rather than simply dismissing them. It is important that our community retain a proper notion of "governance" as it differs from "governance", while being assertive about the CIP process itself without giving any creditbility to critics who've suggested our process is overly bureaucratic because we are insisting upon some basic rules about what the CIP process is & isn't. 2022-11-08 CIP editor meeting #57 (17:00 UTC) = 21:30 my time Triage

CIP-???? | Parameterised Reference Scripts (cardano-foundation/CIPs#354)

very thin proposal: we can&#039;t understand it; no path for implementation or communication with Plutus / core team. Matthias commented after meeting: even for a draft we still would want a Path to Active for such a proposal.

CIP-???? | DApp Registration (cardano-foundation/CIPs#355)

No Rationale or Path to Active (&quot;how do you intend to implement it&quot;?) &quot;Work in Progress&quot; - wait for author to come back with update; then we can do a full review.

CIP-???? | Oracle Datum Standard (cardano-foundation/CIPs#357)

Good collaboration between independent developers working on oracle projects... first oracle CIP. Good balance of cooperation &amp; competition between different methods.

CIP-???? | Set minPoolCost to 0 (cardano-foundation/CIPs#358)

(my opinion) a not very good rephrase of a 2 year old idea. CIP is mostly rhetoric about decentralisation. Q: as M says, if we were to merge this, what Status would it be merged with? Kevin Hammond says: SPO survey says: preferred options for increasing K parameter &amp; changing minimum fee or pegging it to currency figure (dollar). Will be released 2 days from this time. Can be held up for a vote with tools like on Cardanoscan.

CIP-???? | Fair Stakepool Rewards (cardano-foundation/CIPs#360)

A more elaborate system which is getting support from community with some stages for adoption. Will need complete endorsement from IOG before it can be implemented... will have marketing &amp; tokenomic implications. Nobody will be able to make IOG do this, so no point discussing it without them.

These last 2 RSS proposals should be merged as Proposed while:

workshops between IOG &amp; SPOs &quot;vote&quot; around details indicate Path to Active saying that agency (generally IOG) is responsible for implementing them.

CIP ???? | No Datum Is Unit (cardano-foundation/CIPs#364)

Michael doesn&#039;t like it... discussion still pending. Some overlap (philosophically) with Sebastien&#039;s current proposal (Michael commented for same reason).

CIP-???? | Hash-Checked Data (cardano-foundation/CIPs#363)

Plutus needs to be extended to overcome some problems with how the ledger works in some circumstances. Commentary on GitHub currently explains technical differences: maybe for Stack Exchange to work out some details. TO GET Jared to comment on the suggestion that there were &quot;ledger holes&quot; ... since M says it&#039;s not really a limitation of Plutus but rather one of the Ledger.

CIP-???? | add Identity to Stake Pools

(missed due to 5 minutes my Discord server connection went down)

Last Check - nothing in this category. Review/Discussion

CIP-0069? | Plutus Script Type Uniformization (cardano-foundation/CIPs#321)

Ben from Mlabs says this is great for developers... including those coming from other blockchains. Matthias says it&#039;s fine with the people on the Plutus team. BUT haven&#039;t discussed implementation plan yet, or which of them would be responsible for it... i.e. that&#039;s the next step to agree upon this &amp; design, and then document it in the CIP. Requires new Plutus language version (next would be v3) Ben will engage relevant parties &amp; do this (per Frederic question, can&#039;t merge as Proposed until has complete Plan to Active... it will be thin until Ben etc. get the details)

CIP-???? | Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Proxy Voting Standard (cardano-foundation/CIPs#351)

Review taking place on GitHub; author responsive &amp; adding precision to the CIP, so well on its way. For Path to Active... there needs to be some adoption (or proposal to) some active NFT projects. According to Matthias, confirming all comments have been addressed, it can be merged now (pending last check for resolution of all conversations, except matters of opinion?) set to Active later &amp; merged as Proposed now.

CIP process itself (+ CPS) cardano-foundation/CIPs#366 - CIP1 and "minus one" (9999)

IOG really wants it to move forward [I observed they were very involved in the drafting process] We should merge it at the next meeting, especially since now the &quot;original authorship&quot; question has been answered (by keeping original CIP1 principal author in the new header).

2022-10-25 CIP editor meeting #56 (theme: Plutus changes) Triage

CIP-0057? | Plutus Smart-Contract Blueprints (cardano-foundation/CIPs#258)

coming up again from a while back... want other interesting parties (Mlabs) to join discussion. Would be good to come back to it when there are some tools consuming this format, to demonstrate usefulness. Also working on associated tooling.

Last Check

CIP-0049? | NFT metadata extension tag (cardano-foundation/CIPs#343)

will work better as an extension to CIP-0025 - to invite CIP25 author to do that (if not clear from what M said) - will add comment to clarify that&#039;s why we&#039;re leaving this open.

CIP-???? | Smart Contract Software Licenses (cardano-foundation/CIPs#185)

leaving open for author to take to final step (Matthias will know how to phrase it) TO NOTIFY AUTHOR this is scheduled for closure.


CIP-0041? | UPLC Serialization Optimizations (cardano-foundation/CIPs#314)

leaving this to the Plutus team, and plan to review in the future as soon as at least 1 person at the Plutus team has looked it over. They should also be asked to look at this if they&#039;re working on Plutus at a low level. Can&#039;t merge as Proposed unless this happens (M has asked them to review before &amp; will ask again; some progress has been made by Michael).

CIP-0069? | Plutus Script Type Uniformization (cardano-foundation/CIPs#321)

one of the authors (Zygomeb / Maximilien [in CIP but not widely known]) is present. DONE notifying users on Forum of the naming conflict, with attention of moderators. technical review on details with author... keeping for review in future meeting.

CIP-0058? | Bitwise primitives (cardano-foundation/CIPs#283) - Matthias thinks this is very complete, the second draft with a lot of work on it & looks complete, solid & well written with a clear motivation, use cases & applications.

Mlabs &amp; Plutus team would be interested... Maximilien confirms these are also included in Plutus (but weren&#039;t included in Vasil hard fork). Just need to fix typos and things like that.

(not on agenda) cardano-foundation/CIPs#250

author just walked in although this one not on agenda... merging as proposed because it&#039;s already being used in Plutus V2, and as soon as that becomes active on mainnet it can be updated to &quot;active&quot; (Inigo will submit a further PR with the stage change when it comes up).

discussion of next meeting agenda - M agrees we can have next agenda for PoS system updates.

Matthias would like to get that group on board for the next editor meeting. covering part of this agenda in this meeting: most of them are coming in to remove the min fee but some compromises to lower it progressively... with some also raising the K parameter. This problem is coming up because we can&#039;t talk with people who are controlling parameters... therefore some requests seem to be &quot;all or nothing&quot; (if they change K there&#039;s no guarantee they could change it again). I pointed out that some CIP authors (e.g. 50) wanted a &quot;catalyst vote&quot; but perhaps that could be resticted to SPOs... but then again they aren&#039;t the only stakeholders... M says we need MORE VISIBILITY above all. renaming on CIP Discord to get something easier to type &amp; share &amp; hopefully compete with dead end Twitter discussions. (now called &quot;rewards-sharing-scheme-discussions&quot;) NOTIFIED forum threads / github messages that the channel name has changed (can be found much more easily now)
Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
5. After 1 year
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