cBilling - Cardano Billing DApp
Current Project Status

Build an invoice management application for crypto transactions on the Cardano blockchain platform. Invoice, send bill, export, QR code, PoS


Too few tools and dApp from Cardano support retailers & eCommerce. ADA holders need an app for easily retrieving their transaction invoices.

Addresses Challenge
cBilling - Cardano Billing DApp

Our story begins with cPay which is a project that we have funded and are completing.

The project is in the challenge Fund7 of COTI, we have the support and cooperation with the leading technology engineers of COTI (Mr @NaorSella and @yairtesta).

It was a great partnership and we learned a lot from each other to develop more dApps and APIs or Opensource for Developer Ecosystem on Cardano Blockchain.

====== Proposed Solution =====

With cBilling we want to develop a total solution for the retail, e-commerce, and online shopping industry based on transactions via cryptocurrencies, here are currencies built on Cardano Blockchain.

Cryptocurrency payments will be analyzed in depth by us and stored in a database of the cBilling software system.

From these data analysis algorithms, the data will be refined and queried to serve the functions of the retail and e-commerce industries. Such as accounting, sales invoices, taxes, exchange rates…

cBilling will go through the following development stages:

- Build open libraries as well as APIs tools available for developers to access and integrate with e-commerce platforms.

- Build its own database based on specific integration into e-commerce

- Build and develop applications for users with the features of the designed cBill software.

- Improving and developing the customer base using cBill, deploying applications on retail platforms, selling PoS directly, and e-commerce.

The implications of the proposal are:

This cBilling DApp will impact and attract a large number of users with the audience being individual customers and retailers, e-commerce.

Especially the first Cardano blockchain project to build applications on it.

It will have a direct effect on ADA holders who want to report their transactions as well as manage purchases and view the input and output of their coins on the Cardano network.

The management of cryptocurrency transactions is often difficult for those with little knowledge or are afraid to access, now through the cBilling application you can manage and view all your transactions via your phone.

With cBilling will manage and create invoices for you anytime you want.

Modules, software functions as well as the overall solution of the project that we will implement:

1/ Build cPay module.

cPay: Accept payments with cryptocurrencies on the Cardano Blockchain system.

<u>With cPay we are building features around it such as:</u>

  • Development of cPay wallet.
  • Avoid volatility by automatically converting coins.
  • Safeguard your coins in our vault and lock them for as long as you want.
  • Automatically send payments to any crypto wallet you want.
  • Grow your business globally with borderless, instant and low-cost crypto transactions.
  • In the future, we will allow the integration of other cryptocurrencies outside the Cardano blockchain.

2/ Build the cBill module.

Make bill pay easy for yourself or your assistant manager by having more visibility into all expenses and bills - in one powerful platform.

With cBilling, we build a bill management system for corporate and individual customers to use. Our platform is focused on retail, e-commerce and online shops.

<u>The features and modules that we will develop for cBilling are:</u>

  • Build Plugins:

Build plugins for major commerce platforms and online shops like Alibaba, Woocommerce, Shopify, Magento, Opencart, Wix…

This will help customers who need their stores to set up our system very simply and quickly.

  • Create ADAPay buttons:

Build easy checkout buttons for integration into your e-commerce website or online shopping. You can use our crypto payment button anywhere on the internet platform you want to integrate.

It is optimally designed for simplicity and ease of use for users who do not need to know much about blockchain technology or information technology.

Technical solutions and integrated processes:

UI Button maker => Input POST Fields on HTML form => View and Check

Short code in programing:

&lt;form action="" method="post" target="_top">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="cmd" value=“c_pay">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="reset" value="1">

&lt;input type="hidden" name=“to_shipping" value="0">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="merchant" value=“349c67da438552cfeb906e6d7f31c96a”>

&lt;input type="hidden" name="crypto" value=“ADA”>

&lt;input type="hidden" name="amount" value=“5.00”>

&lt;input type="hidden" name="items" value="Buy A">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="allow_extra" value="1">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="success_url" value="">

&lt;input type="hidden" name="cancel_url" value="">

&lt;input type="image" src="" alt="ADAPay">


  • Build APIs tools

Build APIs for integrating ADA crypto payments and transaction bills.

Technical solutions and integrated processes:

Authentication => API Response => API POST Fields


The HMAC signature is created from your request’s full raw, POST data. Every API call has an SHA-512 HMAC signature generated with your private key.

<u>API Response: </u>

The API will return an array with elements to process the next step action

<u>API POST Fields: </u>

API calls are made as basic HTTP POST requests

  • Voice Builder:

Build your customer’s invoices based on the transactions that come from their crypto wallets during the commercial transaction.

Analyze data and query according to customer requirements, build a web admin for customers to be proactive with their crypto trading-related work.

- Create payment bills for customers.

- List payments.

- View statements of payments.

- Query and store the completed transaction.

- Payment tracking.

- Create a link for customer payment completion.

Stay compliant with real-time syncing to your accounting system

Automate everything from payment preferences to approvals - so your vendors get paid the way they want.

  • Build Mobile App

Building cBilling app on Android and iOS to make payment via Mobile more convenient and easier.

- Generate QR codes for code scanning and payment.

- Manage your account anywhere.

- Pay in many places that you can use when our app is present.

  • POS - Tools development

Build payment gateways for retail locations or pay directly in the form of PoS.

We will integrate crypto payments with PoS machines for restaurants and retailers.

This will be convenient when you have both payments via our mobile App QR code and can be combined with PoS at the place you pay.

At the PoS site, you simply open your wallet integrated with cBilling and scan the QR code to accept your bill payment.

You can view the transaction history on the account you have registered with our website.

The KPIs for the project to go straight to solving the problem are:

  • The number of transactions extracted and statistics from ADA holders.
  • The number of plugins built on commercial platforms.
  • The number of ADApayment buttons implemented on payment gateways and webshop.
  • The number of wallets that integrate and connect to the cBilling app.
  • The number of downloads of cBilling application.
  • The number of people who use cBilling application regularly.
  • The number of invoices generated.
  • The number of PoS integrated cBilling applications.
  • Cryptocurrencies are integrated into the application.

Communication strategy:

  • We will build communication channels on

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter to promote your application. In addition, building information exchange channels about cBilling applications for ADA users.

  • Create user manual content of the App, the benefits of using this application.
  • Promote directly on e-commerce platforms about cBilling app.
  • We open online AMA sessions with the community to share information about our products.
  • Train or hire regular media KOLs for this dApp.

We believe that with every methodically deployed and communicated content, the cBilling application will be known and downloaded by many people on their smartphones.

===== Risks and Solutions =====


  • Limited acceptance of crypto payments in retail and e-commerce.
  • Exchange rate fluctuations in the crypto market are always a concern when paying with cryptocurrencies.
  • Personnel working for crypto-payment operations are hard to find.
  • Different decentralized blockchain platforms cost a lot of resources for research and testnet deployment.


  • We believe that today's media about cryptocurrencies is more open, especially in the very active crypto investment world. It is shaping up to be an attractive and sustainable financial market over time, so retailers and e-commerce don't want to miss out on their customers in dealing with cryptocurrencies. Surely in the future, it will be widely paid, the rest of us is to persevere in making our products well.
  • It is true that the exchange rate in the crypto market is always volatile and makes orders difficult. We will develop reasonable exchange rate conversion mechanisms between cryptocurrencies according to the algorithm of stablecoin Djed that Cardano has successfully researched, in addition, a strong real-time system is also an advantage to prevent rate slip. transaction price.
  • We will conduct staff training and will have training courses for customers to use cBilling products easily and have a good understanding of transactions in e-commerce with cryptocurrencies.
  • It is really difficult to differentiate between blockchain platforms nowadays, making it difficult to build a DApp that integrates seamlessly into payments on the internet.

But obviously, it helps for diversity and general decentralization in the financial sector, especially bill payment. That problem is both a hindrance and an opportunity for us to develop the most useful decentralized applications for businesses and individuals to use. That is also an issue we need to invest in human resources to develop in the long term.

===== The Project Roadmap =====


  • Analyze transactions on the Cardano blockchain platform.
  • Shaping and formatting the database for the dApp system to use.
  • Design the database architecture of the cBilling application.
  • Detailed definition of the enhancements of the dApp.
  • Build APIs for cBilling and open APIs for partners to do the same.
  • Built plugins for all the major ecommerce platforms.
  • Maker ADApayment button for intergration on shoping online.
  • Building a common web portal for cBilling dApp.


  • Design the operating system for cBilling.
  • Design management interface for dApp.
  • Design graphics user interface.
  • Build invoice templates.
  • Programming for the user interface.
  • Programming DApp functions (automatic invoicing, sending invoices, order management.)
  • Deploy the cBilling version on PC.
  • Released the MVP version of cBilling.


  • Programming DApp functions (Export to accounting, QR code generator, invoice links generator.)
  • Developing mobile applications for cBilling on Android.
  • Developing cBilling App on iOS.
  • Build plugins and integrate them on e-commerce platforms.
  • Released the cBilling dApp version 1.0.
  • Build channel for customers support.


  • Improve the interface and functionality of the DApp.
  • Practical integration for retail and individual customers, e-commerce.
  • Expanding markets, promoting marketing to potential customers.
  • Build POS - Point of Sale Tools.
  • Integrate POS at the point of sale directly.

===== Term Success =====

Short-Term Success After 3-6 Months:

  • Finished designing software and hardware systems for cBilling application development.
  • Finished building APIs for integration with end-users and developers.
  • Completed cBilling's website homepage.
  • Finished graphic design for cBilling application.
  • Completed invoice forms.
  • Complete plugins for integration into e-commerce platforms.
  • Finish programming the basic functions of the application.
  • Release of trial version and PC version of cBilling application.

Short-Term Success After 6-12 Months:

  • Complete programming of cBilling features.
  • Release version with full functions of cBilling on PC.
  • Release version 1.0 on the Android operating system platform.
  • Release version 1.0 officially on iPhone, iPad.
  • Integration into e-commerce platforms: (Alibaba, Woocommerce, Shopify, Magento, Opencart, Wix…)
  • Develop separate community channels for customers using cBilling.
  • Reach thousands of customers using the App.

Short-Term Success After 12-24 Months:

  • Build customer support service channels for the application.
  • Improved functionality of cBilling application.
  • Build and integrate PoS with cBilling.
  • Upgrade to version 2.0 for cBilling application.
  • Implement communication and advertising campaigns to potential customers.
  • Reach tens of thousands of customers using the App.

========== FUND 8 Detail Fund Allocation ==========

  • <u>Blockchain developer:</u> (Smart-contact coding, Analysis transaction logs, Intergrate Cardano blockchain to the dApp..)

~180 x ($65/h) = 11,700

  • <u>System Design</u>: (Sever system, network, security, cloud services ..)

~ 60h x ($50/h) = 3,000

  • <u>Graphics Design</u>: (Design UX/UI of App & Web)

~ 60h x ($45/h) = 2,700

  • <u>Web Frontend Dev:</u> (App Functions, Admin page, Plugin coding, Templates build, UI coding)

~ 150h x ($45/h) = 6750

  • <u>Web System Backend Dev:</u> (Coding API, Database query, monitoring, backup system ..)

~ 160h x ($50/h) = 8,000

  • <u>Mobile App Dev:</u> (Programming app to build on Android and iOS)

~ 150h x ($50/h) = 7,500

  • <u>QA & Testing dApp:</u> (Testnet dApp, App functions testing, unit test, security testing ..)

~ 80 x ($40/h) = 3,200

  • <u>Hardware:</u> (WebServer, storage, cloud services ..)

~ 3servers x 350$x6months = 6,300

  • <u>Tax(10%)</u> now 0% by support from our government for entertainment content & IT StartUp.

Total budget: $49,150

Specifically, see this link of ours:

===== Co-Team Membes & Experiences =====

Trong Nguyen

Software, cloud engineer, Cardano fan, ADA stake pool owner, technology startups.


A software engineer and IT specialist who worked for many big IT tech firms in Japan such as GNT, ISFNet, and IBM.

Experienced in software product management, digital content with 10 years of mobile app development for Android and IOS. Experienced with Cardano technologies. CA and well understand Catalyst project.

Co-Founder ADAboys LAB.

Founder of Technotes.Asia | Specializing in digital transformation for advanced technology and tech startups.

Founder of Peafone Studio game ( | Develop game content on mobile and applications on smartphones.

Founder of [ATA] Pool (

Proposer funded in F7 (IronSky game proposal, cPay proposal, 2MinApp proposal)


Product management.

Digital content.

Project Management.

Software engineer.


Thang Tran

Software expert, blockchain enthusiasm, a fan of Cardano technologies.


Design and implement products at all levels. Long track experiences with high volume, high availability critical mission system.

More than 15 years in software development and more than 4 years as a blockchain engineer.

Experienced with Cardano general technologies, Plutus, Marlowe, smart contract, tokens and more.

Lead technology engineer team ADAboys LAB.

Co-Proposer funded in F7 (cPay proposal, and leader technical in IronSky game proposal, 2MinApp proposal)

Co-Founder ADAboys LAB.

Project responsibilities:

Product design and development.

Engineering management.

Main full-stack engineer.


Telegram: <>

Github: <>

Duc Tiger

ADA lover, running one of the largest Cardano community groups in Vietnam, CA leader.


Business owner, digital marketing, community management, data analysis.

Experienced with Cardano economic model. Full-time working and well understand Catalyst.

Founder: Tiger stake pool as SPO role (

Proposer funded in F6, F7 (2MinReview proposal, cPay proposal, 2MinApp proposal)

Project responsibilities:

Marketing management.

Finance management.

Community influencer.


  • Telegram: <>
  • Linkedin: <>

ADAboys LAB:

This is a team of about 9 members who are technology engineers and computer scientists with many years of experience. They are people who are always passionate about new technology and start-ups in the fields of software, games, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain.

The team is currently working on a number of projects that have been funded in Fund7 and are focused on Cardano's blockchain technology.

Besides TrongNguyen and ThangTran, the group has 7 other members:


Le Thang: Software engineer, programmer

Experience: Coding, App, APIs, BackEnd


Bao Hoa

Software & System engineer, programmer

Experience: Coding, BigData, Backend, System architecture


System engineer, network security specialist

Experience: Coding, Security, Network


Software & System engineer, programmer

Experience: Coding, Build System, SPO, FrontEnd


Software & System Engineer

Experience: Master AWS, Build System on Cloud, Infra architecture

Toan Nguyen

Senior full stack & blockchain engineer

Experience: 8 years of experience with software and blockchain development, capable to implement software at at all level, run high volume products.



Thanh Nguyen

Senior full stack engineer

Experience: more than 8 years of experience with software development backend, frontend and mobile apps.




  • Consulting technology and researching solutions to solve problems appearing in the project.
  • Executing the assigned tasks in the project.
  • Develop detailed functionality of the designed application.

===== Manage project development progress and indicators =====

For this project, we use the scrum model. In order to manage and track the progress of cBilling dApp development, we have divided specific and clear roles within the project participants.

Simply put, the process we apply to cBilling development is explained as follows:

Organization: Organize project team and Roles

▪ Proposal Owner

▪ Project management (Coordinator )

▪ Development Team

Document (Atifacts): Outputs

▪ cBilling products (List of product development functions)

▪ cBilling tasks (List of functions to be developed for each stage)

▪ Estimation (The team's estimated result)

Process: Specifies how the project will operate

▪ cBilling Planning meeting (Meeting to plan for each phase)

▪ cBilling Review (Meeting to summarize for each phase)

▪ Daily cBilling Meeting (Daily review meeting)

The Proposal Owner is the person who owns the product, who decides what functions the product has and who decides on the cBilling Backlog, and will be a part of the software development process.

The project manager is the person who ensures that the project's processes are implemented correctly and smoothly, helping the Team to do the best product development work.

Development Team

A team of 4-7 software engineers (ADAboys LAB) is responsible for product development. The project team works with the Proposal Owner to decide what to do in this cBilling (phase) and what the results will be. At the same time, the group also discussed coming up with solutions, estimated the time to perform the work, and met to evaluate the work results. If the project is large, we will divide it into small projects.

Besides, we monitor the development of the project through indicators such as:

  • The number of tasks completed in the project.
  • The number of functions of programmed cBilling dApp.
  • The number of plugins built and deployed on E-commerce platforms.
  • The number of invoice forms created.
  • The number of users, number of people downloading the app.
  • Version numbers are released.

With such a tight and dynamic software development process, we always ensure the progress of the project as well as anticipate problems. Together with the above recognizable metrics by numbers, we believe the project will be successful.

See more details of the proposal by following the link:

===== We success in this funding =====

The first phase is very important for our project.

We identified certain success steps to be achieved during this phase as:

  • Built a database system for cBilling dApp development.
  • Complete the invoice forms.
  • Build complete APIs for integration for online and retail sales platforms.
  • Build plugins for webshop platforms.
  • Building cBilling software management website.

When this phase is completed, it will basically allow individual users as well as customers to integrate on their sales platforms. From here cBilling users on the PC version can search for their transactions, retrieve and invoice their customers.

It is an extremely useful utility that cBilling helps ADA users to solve their billing and transaction problems.

cBilling will open up a world of transaction management, retail invoice management, and e-commerce, which is more decentralized than ever.

In the future, when the cBilling application is widely deployed, its outstanding advantages will surpass the current traditional invoice managers.

  • Save time

With the apps and e-shop integration, you save a lot of time.

  • nX faster payments 100% comfort.
  • Easy management:

The cBilling mobile apps and online dashboards offer the greatest comfort for management and tracking your bills.

  • Safe & Sercurity

Data safety and accuracy are based on the absolute security of Cardano’s blockchain technology.

This proposal is a part of our focused efforts to adopt Cardano technologies in to true life.

The first proposal that we have been funded in the Fund7 is cPAY - TrustOrder Anti SpamOrder.

In this fund-8, we are submitting some more proposals that utilize the power of blockchain and smart contract to solve some existing toughest problems & create new values across some domains:

Your vote for us is a hand to help solving problems for human life, creating more value for the better world.

Let's "VOTE" for us.

Thank you and kind regards.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa