cReport - Catalyst analyzer & KPIs
Current Project Status

Create a realtime, public report application to analyze catalyst data & generate reports to show and assess funded proposals KPIs & funds.


Cardano, external users need quality reports, KPIs to have insightful, actionable data of funded proposals and general funds data.

Addresses Challenge


3 members

cReport - Catalyst analyzer & KPIs


Catalyst project has been home for Cardano's applications, developers and community people. Its fund is very important to help proposers turn out their ideas to real life applications.

Having a common place to provide Cardano users valuable reports, KPIs, trends and other data they need for their action is critical for project. This is cReport's mission.

cReport include a set of tool and application aim to collect data then transform to useable information, KPIs which users can use for their action.

This can be done by use the stated information in a funded proposal like: its requested fund, expect KPIs, wallet address, smart contract address to build a dataset which use for generating reports and audit proposal.

We aim to audit all funded proposals to provide user the overview of catalyst fund*,* products from funded proposals with various of matrix like: ROI, product performance, to result out the human understandable data like: excellent, out standing, or stopped.

The main parts of this project are:

  • Create a realtime report application to analyze catalyst data & generate reports at some levels
  • Extract data from Catalyst to init data for application
  • Application then works and provide reports, KPIs, assestment with realtime data.

A good example of the application use: someone needs to find the best potential tokens to invest early they then visit cReport view the best ranked products from funded proposals then view details like revenue, ROI, transactions and volume that data give them good insights to make right decisions.


The Architecture contains backend API, frontend, database and scripts run on AWS and interact with Cardano network, IdeaScale, Github to form cReport, it includes:

  • Tool to query raw data from various sources: IdeaScale, Github, Cardano network.
  • Backend API, server logics and background jobs.
  • Database server to store raw and analyzed data.
  • Web Frontend and mobile application for Cardano users and CMS.

See our attached architecture and workflow images to have detail.


  • Realtime valuable, specific and actionable report which help users to act at some level.
  • Maximum realtime feature in collect raw data this to provide user up to date information.
  • Simple, fast and stable application.


  • Generate reports for summarized proposal and fund insights: Top level report on funded proposal, allocation breakdown and assess its return into products and its impacts with some metric like network transactions, product revenue.
  • Assess fund and KPIs for a single proposal: released product performance: how it matched with stated KPIs, ROI can be counted by network transaction through product, revenue, smart contract calls, number of users.
  • Assess proposer and group proposers KPIs: which one is best in term of having success products.
  • Rank released products resulted from funded proposals count by some metrics like: smart contract calls, network transaction, number of users, generating revenue.
  • Function to input data and some tools for admin to query data from external sources.

See our attached demo screenshoots to have detail.

<u>Users and impact</u>

  • Catalyst management people who need insight data, project performance, KPIs.
  • Proposers they need to know the trend of Cardano applications.
  • Cardano developers they need to know which skills, knowledges are best to learn.
  • ADA holders, community people they need information about the potential of adopting Cardano applications to invest and support.

<u>Our present with latest update:</u>

Whether you are Catalyst management, CAs, Proposers, community people or ADA holder cReport project is always a valuable product to you.

<u>cReport is formed by collaborating of seasoned software engineers and Catalyst CAs experts.</u>

We aim to audit all funded proposals around all funds F1 to F7, across all challenges and go on to next funds.

cReport main function is to provide KPIs of funded proposal, summarized fund allocation and proposal’s project statistic. Maximum automatic data collecting from available sources like Cardano Network, ideaScale, github… as much as possible. This help Cardano and outside users, groups to have insights about Catalyst project performance, trend:

  • The rate of full fund transferred, pending fund for each proposal and total.
  • The rate of proposals have released products and how good product is.
  • The number of transaction through dAPp and smart contract address.
  • The number of git commits and number of attended developers.

By offering users from various domains actionable, valuable reports and KPIs that cover most mattered aspects of Catalyst project cReport highly align with given challenge KPIs and beyond shown at our attached demo screenshots.

<u>Below challenges, risks that may block to deliver this project successfully:</u>

  • The availabilities of data from catalyst that support auto fetching scripts.
  • Unstructured and hard copy data are difficult to parse before to standard schemas.
  • The limit of fund to extend product beyond the basic outlines.
  • The difficulties of adopting a new applications to different user groups.

Solution to solve these risks: we need combine both manual input and script base auto fetching to get raw init data and communicate out the values of projects ask help from other resources.


<u>Project planning and POC</u>

  • Project outline, task breakdown and member assignment.
  • Setup development environment: gitHub, staging server.
  • Define detail system architecture and select technologies.
  • Develop POC to verify main logics and concepts.
  • Expect project to be funded and start development.


<u>Develop main project components:</u>

  • Raw data collector and data parser
  • Database schema and data aggregation scripts.
  • Backend REST API and server logics.
  • UI/UX, frontend application for cReport admin, external users.

Functional and integration test for each of component and rebuild if need.

<u>Integrate full application with sample data and verify the working of application to meet designs and product KPIs:</u>

  • Raw data collector and data parser - parsed data must meet given expectations.
  • Database schema and data aggregation scripts: inserted data and the output of aggregation scripts must match design.
  • Backend REST API and server logics: API return exact data and perform expected logics.
  • UI/UX, frontend application: perform right user functions, generate reports, KPIs as designed.

Fix found bugs and refactor code to make sure everything is good to go:

  • Application architecture has clearly design and working well
  • Code is easy to maintain and extend
  • All functions are working properly as expectation KPIs

Deploy first version on AWS and make sure it ready to go.


<u>Pilot and delivery application</u>

  • Select 10 experienced CAs who well understand Catalyst project as pilot user to have feedback, the feedback should contain:
  • CA is able to init data for a fund include: proposers, approved fund, wallet address … etc
  • The reports and KPIs meet their expectations and beyond: how many funded proposals got product went live, how many proposals are stopped, which is best potential products that resulted from Catalyst.
  • Once we have good feedbacks from pilot users that is time to go live that public product to massive user, everyone can have insight, value reports from cReport, they can also use tool for example view good proposal, meet good team and beyond.

We expect cReport become a central place to store processed Catalyst data provide valuable, actionable reports, KPIs, assessments that direct user to right action. This is cReport team only mission.

The requested cost is used to pay some type of work: the development cost use to pay for 04 engineers work in around 6 months. The infrastructure cost use to pay to Amazon AWS for server we use in development period & beta release the cost of extracting data from funded proposals for initiation is counted per extracted proposal.

<u>The project includes following works & costs:</u>

<u>Raw data collector sripts</u>

  • GitHub & youtube: 800$
  • Cardano smart contract & address: 1.500$
  • IdeaScale: 700$

<u>Summarized</u>: 3.000$

equivalent to 100 hours * 30$/hour for 02 engineers work in 01 month

<u>Database implementations</u>

  • Schema modeling: 1.500$
  • Aggregation scripts: 1.500$

<u>Summarized</u>: 3.000$

equivalent to 100 hours at 30$/hour for 02 engineers work in 03 months

<u>Backend REST API and server logics</u>

  • Common API & libraries: 3.000$
  • cReport APIs: 3.500$
  • Backend logics: 2.500$

*<u>Summarized</u> :*9.000$

equivalent to 300 hours at 30$/hour for 02 engineers work in 06 months

<u>UI/UX, frontend application for cReport admin, external user</u>

  • Dashboard: 1000$
  • Fund & challenges reports: 2.000$
  • Individual funded proposal KPIs: 1.500$
  • Admin input & tools: 2.000$

<u>Summarized</u>: 6.500$

equivalent to 300 hours at 30$/hour for 02 engineers work in 06 months

<u>AWS infrastructure:</u> 1.920$

(02 T2 small server at 80$/month * 12 months)

This cost will use to pay Amazon AWS for server using for development

<u>Proposal hard copy extraction to have initial data:</u> 5.000$

(expect to extract 500 proposals at 10$ / 01 proposal at funding time)

Total cost of project to request: 28.420$ - twenty eight thousand four hundred twenty dollars.

Thang Tran

<u>Software expert, practical blockchain engineer, blockchain enthusiasm, fan of Cardano technologies.</u>

Experiences: Capable to design & develop software at all level. 10 years of experience with high volume, high availability critical mission system. More than 4 years as a blockchain engineer. Experienced with Cardano general technologies, Plutus, Marlowe, smart contract, tokens.

Project responsibilities: Product design and development. Engineering management. Main full stack & blockchain engineer.


Telegram: <>

Github: <>

Duc Tiger

<u>ADA lover, running one of largest Cardano community group in Vietnam, CA leader.</u>

Experiences: Business owner, digital marketing, community management, data analysis. Experienced with Cardano economic model. Full time working and well understand Catalyst.

Project responsibilities: Marketing management, finance management, community influencer.


  • Telegram: <>
  • Linkedin: <>

Trong Nguyen

<u>Software, cloud & mobile development engineer, Cardano fan, stake pool owner. </u>

Experience: a software engineer and IT specialist who worked for many big IT tech firms in Japan such as GNT, ISFNet, and IBM. Experienced in software product management, digital content with 10 years of mobile app development for Android and IOS. Experienced with Cardano technologies. CA and well understand Catalyst project.

Responsibilities: Product management, Digital content, Project Management, Software engineer.


Toan Nguyen

<u>Senior full stack & blockchain engineer</u>

Experience: 8 years of experience with software and blockchain development, capable to build and run high volume products.

Responsibilities: Backend & APIs leader - APIs, blockchain, frontend, mobile development


  • Linked: <>
  • GitHub: <>

Thanh Nguyen

<u>Senior full stack engineer</u>

Experience: more than 8 years of experience with software development backend, frontend and mobile apps.

Responsibilities: Frontend and mobile apps leader - Frontend, mobile development


  • Linked: <>
  • GitHub: <>

Oanh Ngo

Experience: more than 8 years experience of QA/QC leader.

Responsibilities: QA/QC leader.


  • Linked: <>

And other resources from AdaBoys Lab:

<u>Clear and trackable development progress</u>

  • Task breakdown and manage by Redmine which integrated with project github repo.
  • Daily and weekly report from QA/QC team to let every member aware with process.
  • Staging server are always with latest product development and available to everyone to check.

<u>The quantitive indicators to track progress</u>

  • Github commits, merges.
  • Unit, benchmark test "passed".
  • Done task.

<u>The development success consideration </u>

  • 100% main tasks are "done"
  • 100% unit test for main task is "passed"

Please see detail at breakdown tasks success KPIs or our present at attacked link.

<u>The project is success when it meets:</u>

  • Main software components are developed and tested: 100%
  • Extra software components are developed and tested: 70%-100%
  • System operations KPIs: 70%-100%
  • Product is published and available to users: 100%
  • Extra factors of product delivery: 70%-100%
  • Audited funded proposals: **70%-100% (**estimated audit 500 funded proposals in first 06 months)
  • Users access to use reports, data: 20k visits/day (this is free web application, no submission)
  • Rate of users satisfied with reports, KPIs, assessments from cReport: 70%
  • Rate of users prefer cReport to make investment decisions versus other data sources: 70%

List of success KPIs that have to achieve in order to make project success:

<u>Main components development success KPIs</u>

  • The accomplishment of function and component development: functions, components, scripts are developed and tested in term of quantity and functionality: <u>100%</u> they are developed and tested.
  • The accomplishment of full product development: all components are integrated and full application is developed and tested met designs: <u>100%</u>.
  • Code quality and visibility: source code is clear, easy to re-use and maintain: 1***<u>00%</u>*.** full source code is public at registered Github link that available for other people to view, improve or re-use: <u>100%</u>

<u>Extra components development success KPIs</u>

The accomplishment of extra function and components development: functions, components, scripts are developed and tested in term of quantity and functionality: 8<u>0%</u> they are developed and tested.

<u>Product delivery success KPIs</u>

  • Product is published and available to everyone through the internet: <u>100%</u>
  • Product is free and everyone is able to use its full functions for their works: <u>100%</u>

<u>Extra factors of product delivery success KPIs</u>

  • We expect to have around 60% of catalyst users, 40% of other Cardano users and around 100k external users will be cReport users: <u>80%-100%</u>
  • Rate of user satisfied with reports, information from products: <u>70%</u>

<u>System operation KPIs</u>

  • System uptime: 99.9%
  • Latency to basic access: 20-100ms depend on your internet connection: 100%
  • Latency to generate computed reports: 40-300 ms for generating a basic report. 01-05 minutes for generating long report for example print all funded proposal at fund7: 100%


Success criteria: success KPI >=70%.

KPI >=70% means a task is done (function is developed & tested or works meet expectations), the rest 30% used for outstanding assessments for factors that surpass success criteria.

e.g a develop an API task has KPI 80% means it is DONE and code runs faster than expected.

The meaning of numbers in % indicate the percentage of completion of task use in success KPIs:

  • 0%-70%: the task is not completed, it is 'on-working'.
  • 70%-80%: task is completed & tested or work is done, good to go.
  • 80%-100%: task is completed and has excellent output e.g response time faster than expected.

This proposal is a part of our focused efforts to adopt Cardano technologies into true life.

The first proposal that we have been funded in the Fund-7 is cPAY - TrustOrder Anti SpamOrder.

In this fund-8, we are submitting some more proposals that utilize the power of blockchain and smart contract to solve some existing toughest problems & create new values across some domains:

Your vote for us is a hand to help solving problems for human life, creating more value for the better world.

Let's "VOTE" for us.

Thank you!



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa